Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.



   Mr. Mellifluous asks, "What do you see?"

   Claire responds, "I see a tower hit by lightning and a man and a woman tumbling head first to the ground." 

   "A horrifying sight, I know!" Mr. M replies. "But remember, without truth there can be no progress on the spiritual path." 

   "Mr. M, do you think there might be some reason the tower was struck by lightning?" Claire asks.

   "I can speculate. Those two have lived in their high tower separate from the community of all life for so long, and now their insulated world is being blasted apart by a lightning bolt from the God Mars. 

     "People continue to be struck by lightning everyday. The ego is inevitably shaken up by higher consciousness. We think we might escape the lightning bolt by hiding in a tower, but we can’t escape forever. Mars will sooner or later hurl down the lightning bolt and blast the tower apart.

   “After the God strikes the tower without mercy, we tumble a long way. We’ve glimpsed the Fire, and now the Fire sees us. It comes relentlessly to burn us up until nothing remains but the soul. The false demands of other people burn up in the fire of the spirit. The Yods of will-power flame all around us. We live in the higher truth, and no one, no one can stop us.
   "The 27th path of Mars is both disruptive and illuminating. This path forces an examination of the way we normally process reality in the conscious mind and leads ultimately to a reintegration of the self. This stage is a process of self-examination and self-sacrifice, which leads to the realization of the existence of the higher self.”
   “Is it enough to know that the higher self exists, Mr. M?”
   “Living in the higher self is a little more challenging than simply being aware that it exists. The ego is concerned primarily with survival and gratification, not sympathy and union. The ego can dominate the soul and often drives it deep into the subconscious mind, so deep that many never even become aware that the soul exists. The ego is willing to compromise spiritual values such as truth for security and status--the higher self is not. Those who insist on truth, for instance, are often treated as troublemakers or traitors and are occasionally even martyred. Fortunately or unfortunately, once you live in the higher self, it is extremely difficult to turn back and remain dominated by the ego, even though it might be far more challenging to live in the higher self.
   "The higher self, often enough, shakes us up without any apologies whatsoever. At times Mars is like Shiva, burning away everything except the essence of the soul. When Mars burns the transitory away, the spirit remains.”

   "Are we going to see a lot of upsetting things on this path, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "Some, but not nearly as many as you might expect," Mr. M replies. "In fact, we are about to experience an aspect of Mars that might surprise you!"

Three of Pentacles: Mars in Capricorn,

Saturn in Binah (Understanding)

   "Mr. M, why are these people wearing funny clothes?" Claire asks.
   "One of them, a master mason, wears an apron as he labors on the religious edifice. The apron is yellow, associated with Air, symbolizing the use of mental energy. A monk is wearing a robe and the architect is wearing a style of clothes that you might consider a bit odd these days. If you can see beyond appearances, you might notice that the three are consulting with each other, which suggests that the best work combines mental and spiritual understanding with technical skill. 
   "Notice that the design contains pentagrams and equal-armed crosses, both of which evoke the harmony of the elements, but they also suggest the process of creation itself. In the design, the three pentagrams are within an upward pointing triangle, symbol of the element of Fire, and the flower is within a downward pointing triangle, symbol of the element of Water. The tiniest hint of a line across the upward triangle suggests the element of Air, and the edifice itself symbolizes the element of Earth. In other words, our friends are bringing energy down through the planes of manifestation. It begins with an inspiration from the invisible Aether. Then Fire establishes the spiritual will to start the creative process. The designs are then created in the imagination, associated with Water. They then use technical knowledge, associated with Air, and eventually realize the designs in form, associated with Earth. On this path, the master labors to realize his visions within the material plane, influenced by Mars in Capricorn as well as Saturn, meaning that the energy is earthed (Capricorn) and restricted in form (Saturn). Feeling the influence of Mars, he carves away whatever is not essential, which results in what we see before us, a magnificent cathedral. The same process applies to to the creative process in almost every effective endeavor. Perhaps most importantly, our friends reveal an understanding of the significance of the spiritual principles represented by the symbols. Because they have internalized the spiritual energies, our friends can give the energies definite and appropriate form, providing necessary links for maintaining community."
   "I had no idea that Mars was so important in the creation of stuff!" Claire exclaims.
   "Indeed, Mars is a powerful influence on many levels," Mr. M replies.

Nine of Swords: Mars in Gemini

   "Why is that person so sad, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
  "Hard to say exactly, but a few signs suggest the reason. She is sitting up in bed, hands covering her face.  Nine swords hang horizontally over the bed, three of which, as she bends forward, seem to pierce the four energy centers related to the spiritual dimension of the self:  the crown, the third eye, the throat, and the heart.  At first glance, your ally might appear to be suffering from the effects of cruelty, which is a vice stemming from the unbalanced energies of Mars, or she might be suffering from grief, which is a common result of the constant change associated with the Moon.  However, on the level associated with the element of Air in the ninth Emanation, the influences of Mars and Gemini can also be felt on a deeper level.  The scene suggests that a blockage of the life-force between the higher and lower energy centers in the aura causes the despair.  Stress and trauma from dysfunction and cruelty can close or block the energy centers, or chakras.  Gemini symbolizes the dual nature of the self, the physical and spiritual aspects of the human being, and it appears that our friend for some reason is no longer aware of the spiritual side of her nature.  
   "She is covering her eyes, blinding herself to the spiritual dimension and its relationship to the physical dimension of the self, hence the blackness in the background.  All levels of being are connected, and this is no different in the chakra system of the aura.  One of the great powers of Mars on the physical level is the balance of the higher chakras with the lower chakras, the life-force flowing harmoniously throughout the whole system, both upward and downward.  When a blockage exists between the spiritual and physical levels, the life-force on the lower levels, which includes romantic love (associated with the Moon), is adversely affected, and weakness and psychological suffering can result.  It’s no accident that for our friend the spiritual dimension is blacked out and the lower half of the body is covered.  
   "There is always hope, however.  On the blanket are red roses, red symbolically associated with both Mars and romantic love.  Also on the blanket are astrological signs, a reminder that the psyche always has the potential to balance the life-forces and regain the health of both mind and body."
   "I hope she feels better soon."
   "Me too," Mr. M replies.

Five of Cups: Mars in Scorpio

   "There's another sad person, Mr. M. Does the influence of Mars make people sad?" Claire asks.
   "He does appear quite distraught.  At the moment, he seems focused only on loss.  The influences of both Mars and Scorpio can be felt here.  Mars is known for conflict and the accompanying sense of loss, and Scorpio is associated with deep transformation related to death and rebirth, which can occur on any level--physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.  Your ally, though seemingly unaware of the two cups still standing behind him and the bridge over the nearby stream that leads to some building--possibly a stable new beginning--in the distance, is developing wisdom related to loss and transformation in a world where change is the only constant, and loss of all kinds--including a sense of identity--is inevitable.  Calcination, the heating of a substance in a crucible, is the first stage in the alchemical process of spiritual growth which leads to the gold of the Higher Self.  Our friend is faced with a choice:  wallow in sorrow, abet the forces and continue spiritual growth through the process of purification, or cross the bridge to search for something new."
   "He looks so deep in thought. I hope he makes the right choice!" Claire exclaims.
   "Our friend will find something new whatever decision he makes, for good or ill."

Seven of Wands: Mars in Leo

   "Our friend towers at the edge of a cliff above six adversaries. Our friend is experiencing the influence of Venus, which is unstable on the lower planes, so he might seem at first to be foolishly taking on a much greater force in an act of valor doomed to failure, but the key to his valor lies in understanding the influences of Mars in Leo.  Mars linked with the Fire sign Leo suggests that your ally has a courageous, indomitable spirit.  Moreover, the power associated with Mars in the sphere of Venus reveals the power of the life-force linked to the potency of the individual.  The influence of Venus on the lower planes might be unstable, but the association of Mars with Venus on the spiritual plane leads to a power sublimated into great courage and strength--as long as the life-force is not obstructed in any way.  Combined with the fiery courage of Leo, the energies of Venus and Mars on the spiritual plane might very well lead to a victory against much greater forces."
   "I think he is really brave. He has an indomitable spirit, Mr. M! He just might win!"
   "He just might."

Two of Wands: Mars in Ares

   "This man doesn't look sad at all. I think he looks happy with himself," Claire states.
   "He is, in his own way, a kind of hero. He is not intimidating, like some great warrior, but he has the air of a master.  Mars, like the ram (Ares), represents the sheer power and potency of the life-force, but Mars is not just power--Mars also burns away what does not serve you.  Mars restricts and channels and disciplines power so that it can be used effectively. Our friend, in other words, stands with the power of the life-force balanced within him. Within his sphere of sensation, he has complete dominion of his own world.  But our friend also looks upon and draws from the vast potential of creative energies within the world. Recognizing possibilities, our friend, in dominion of himself, maintains the unobstructed power of the life-force for his creative endeavors. Self-actualization is the basis for his heroism."
   "I like him, Mr. M!" 
   "I do too!" Mr. M smiles.   

Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces

   "Mr. M, there is that happy family again! I'm so glad to see them!" Claire cries. "Are they somehow being influenced by Mars?"
   "Remember that Mars burns away negativity, allowing the power of the life-force to manifest on all levels, bringing with it happiness and well-being.  The cleansing power of the life-force reaches even into the deepest depths of the heart and mind.  No hidden disorders distort the happiness of our friends.  They live joyfully and abundantly in a stable home environment."
   "I like Mars a lot better now! I would even consider him a friend, Mr. M."
   "He is a good ally to have," Mr. M replies.

The Burners

   "Who is that freaky person riding on that strange flying horse?" Claire asks.
   "He is one of the Burners, someone who manifests the unbalanced energies of Mars. Stay far away from the Burners. Those horrible devils sear and scorch you and glow as they blister and broil you. Their flames ignite hatred and anger. They want to light you on fire so that you burn everything around you down to the ground. They want to burn up your very soul so that nothing of you remains. More than anything, they love ashes."
   "I want to fly far away from them!" Claire exclaims.
   "Yeah, let's get a move on, right now!" Mr. M urges.

Temperance: Archangel Michael

   "Is that an angel, Mr. M?" 
   "That is the great Archangel Michael, ruler of the element of Fire. In the presence of the Archangel, you might feel a sense of the oneness with all creation, a sense of harmony and balance that transcends human understanding--a sense nearly impossible to explain because of all the conflict in our world.  As you experience that feeling, you might understand that sacrifice is involved, the sacrifice of attachments and desires that bind you to aspects of the lower personality that cause imbalance."
   Suddenly the Archangel speaks: “The higher self knows the harmony of all creation, and it struggles through sacrifice to balance all the forces within its nature.  The higher self balances all forces within the transitory and the eternal.  The higher self knows the divinity within the manifested world, the underlying unity of all creation.
   "You may call upon me to neutralize unbalanced forces with divine, holy Fire. Remember the other Archangels of the elements as well, Raphael, Gabriel, and Auriel. They heal and cleanse and bless with divine love both unbalanced forces and you as well. They help to bring unbalanced energies into harmony at the most basic levels of your life.”

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

THE STAR: The 28th Path

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   "What to you on this path is most significant?" Mr. Mellifluous asks Claire.

   Claire replies, “On this path, I see a woman kneeling down, pouring water from a pitcher in her right hand into a pond and water from a pitcher in her left hand onto the earth." 

   "Good," Mr. M replies. "Notice that one large, central star floats above her head and seven other large stars float nearby. The seven white stars correspond to the seven primary chakras of the aura. After purification, the seven stars shine brightly without any veils to dim them; the eighth star reveals a kind of consciousness that exists after purification of the energy centers: the consciousness of the higher self. With this higher awareness, the woman rejuvenates the inner and outer worlds.
   “The ibis, symbol of Thoth, perches in the tree behind the woman. Thoth is the great God of magic and communication who manifests thought. Sothis, the celestial Isis, associated with Sirius, the star that appears just before the Nile floods, pours the higher consciousness of the Goddess into the Kingdom. The Goddess works with Thoth, the great magician, who crafts the forms that ensoul the forces. She is Isis as Venus, the Goddess who creates beauty and harmony and manifests divine love in the Kingdom. Hathor marries Horus, Venus and Mars experience a passionate love affair, these Goddesses containing the power of the life-force, the power to create magnificent beauty and harmony through love.”
   “Associated with Aquarius, this path leads to the seventh Emanation on the Tree of Life. We are traveling today toward the realm of Venus, in other words, the Emanation of beauty and nature, of music and the arts and love. Love in the lower realms is often unstable, so you can expect to encounter some conflict as we seek out the allies of Aquarius, the Star."

Five of Swords: Venus in Aquarius,
Mars in Geburah (Strength)

   Soon enough, they encounter three men who had been fighting. The victor controls five swords as if he has won other battles as well.
   "Why are they fighting, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "People find all sorts of reasons to fight, some noble, some selfish, some stupid. Since we are in the realm of Venus in Aquarius, I suspect that this fight has something to do with love, an emotion that can be a destabilizing force in the lower realms. But it might be something even deeper than that: One person has what others want, power or money or land or even love.
   "Aquarians are visionary and far-seeing. This ability is beneficial if the Aquarian is fighting for the highest good. Otherwise it can turn into senseless conflict, with the winner sooner or later becoming a loser, and revenge becoming the main motivation in a vicious cycle.
   "In the realm of Aquarius, it is possible that the winner here is using his skills for the common good. Higher love might be motivating him, a love for his fellow human beings or his community. In this world, we must sometimes fight evil to maintain harmony, which is why the ability to manifest the energies of Mars is so important. 
   "Venus is a Goddess of love at all levels. Notice that there are losers here but no blood on the ground. The winner is not running after the losers to stab them or chop them up. He has simply relieved them of their swords. The winner has neutralized the others. In other words, the winner might be neutralizing evil to create balance, an act of sacrifice and harmonizing love."
   "I hope so, Mr. M!" Claire exclaims. 

Six of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius
Sun In Tiphareth (Beauty)

   Mr. M and Claire go on a boat ride and encounter a man, woman, and child heading for the nearby shore. 
   "Why are six swords standing in the bow of their boat?" Claire asks.
   "Swords sometimes symbolize danger or a threat of some kind, but they also suggest protection. The number six signifies an association with the Emanation of the Sun known as Beauty, the sphere of the higher self, the sphere of sacrifice and harmonizing love.
   "Is that a family, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "The boatman is using his skills to carefully and calmly steer his passengers toward the shore in the distance. He might be the father. We are in the realm of Mercury in Aquarius. The boatman has developed the ability to focus (a quality of Mercury), which can help to maintain and protect the most basic social connections, such as families and friendships, or it can lead to new shores for the individual and humanity in general (a quality of Aquarius). Intense focus is the key to getting from one point to another, literally and figuratively. The boat slides quietly and smoothly across the water, and the quietness hints at an aspect of Mercury’s role as the messenger of the Gods. The conscious mind sometimes receives unexpected knowledge or insights from deep in the subconscious, where the higher self resides, when the mind is still. The boatman’s pole goes deep into the water to push the boat forward.
   "I think he's receiving messages about how to protect his family," Claire states.
   "Maybe so," Mr. M murmurs. "Maybe so."

Seven of Swords: Moon in Aquarius
Venus in Netzach (Victory)

    Still in the realm of Aquarius, Claire and Mr. M approach an army encampment. 
   "Is that man stealing swords?" Claire asks.
   "He looks a bit silly, so maybe he is performing some kind of prank, which could have serious consequences for him if the soldiers catch him. Carrying those sharp swords can't be easy. 
   "The Moon and Venus are a major influences here, so he might be experiencing some form of lunacy, or perhaps he is attempting to impress some woman with his bravery, for after all, Venus is the Goddess of Love and the moon is one symbol of romantic love. 
   "You almost always see something deeper, Mr. M. Is there something more?"
   "Well, we are in the realm of Aquarius, and Aquarians often have complex reasons for their choices. We might laugh at his silly, unstable efforts, but perhaps that is the point. He's not wearing a uniform, so he doesn't appear to be a soldier. He seems more like a fool or a jester than a lunatic driven mad by love. What do you think, Claire? Is he trying to make a point?"
   "Maybe he's making a point about war," Claire replies.
   "You could be right. He seems to be prompting each of us to ask the question, 'Which crime is worse? Stealing a few swords in a effort to end the killing? Or killing an untold number of men, women and children so that a handful of people gain more power and wealth? Is stealing swords to stop the blood-shed worse than stealing land soaked with the blood of thousands or hundreds-of-thousands or even millions?' Considering the possible sacrifice this man might be making, this act seems based in higher love or the divine madness of the Fool, or perhaps both."
   "I hope he doesn't get caught," Claire whispers.
   "Me too, child. Me too."

Friday, November 18, 2022

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


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   "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Mr. Mellifluous asks Claire. "I only ask because some experience this place as a realm of illusion and mystery."
   "I see a crawdad crawling out of the water onto a path that leads between two towers in the distance, and a dog and a jackal near the path howling at the moon," Claire replies.

   “Yes, that is what I'm seeing as well. You might also be feeling a considerable pull from the moon, as if it were a magnet drawing your soul to it, especially because the sun is directly behind it. Even our most primal instincts are pulled toward higher frequencies as the powerful energies of the life-force call us to evolve. Our instincts attract us to Venus, the Goddess of love and arts and nature. At the beginning we howl, but then through love and the arts and nature we move into the sublime. The beauty that is latent within us, like the trumpet call of Gabriel in ‘Judgement,’ wakes us up from the sleep of the lower self. 

   “The towers are like the columns of the Tree of Life, and the path winds toward the hill of attainment, toward the sun behind the moon, toward Beauty, toward the center of the Tree, the center of harmony and equilibrium. Rays of energy in the shape of the Hebrew letter Yod fall all around, filling us with the powerful energies of the life force. Even the most primitive instincts are cleansed as we climb out of the dark waters of our evolution. Through purification we are free of the blackest energies of our history. We face our shadow and achieve the Victory of living in the higher self within the One manifesting as the Many.

   “This path, known as ‘The Moon’ but representing Pisces, connects the Kingdom, 'Malkuth' in Hebrew, the plane of physical manifestation, with Victory, 'Netzach' in Hebrew, and the forces of Venus. Anubis is also a strong presence here; he is particularly important in the lower paths because he is the shaman who guides us not only through the underworld but also through the subconscious, the lower astral plane, to higher consciousness. The lower levels of the subconscious are filled with negative emotions and foul thought-forms and the terrors embedded in our collective unconscious. Anubis can guide us beyond the horrors and miseries of our history to the higher realms. The fearful and foul aspects of the collective unconscious can be terrible impediments to the spiritual journey, so it's beneficial to invoke the higher vibrations of the God Anubis and the Goddess of the Moon as you mentally cleanse your energy field.
   “The jackal is associated with Anubis because it can easily sense its way through the darkness. Whatever the Source creates is divine, including our primal instincts, but since humanity, given free will, has chosen repeatedly to channel foul and fearful energies into both individual and collective consciousness, we have to cleanse and spiritualize the instincts in our energy fields to bring them back into harmony with creation.” Mr. M pauses for a moment, "Let us now visit the allies of Pisces...."

Eight of Cups: Saturn in Pisces

   Suddenly Mr. M speaks: "Memory and imagination sometimes can be as real as anything in the physical realm. For instance, close your eyes and try to remember the person we met on the seashore who is beginning an ascent to higher consciousness. Your ability to imagine is associated with the subconscious and the Moon. The more vivid your imagination, the more effectively you create your own reality. As the Sun shines fully on the Moon, your higher self feels the harmony of the fields upon fields of energy within creation, and through your imagination, you ascend toward greater harmony in your own life."

Nine of Cups: Jupiter in Pisces

   As Claire and Mr. M continue on their way, they encounter a stout fellow sitting in front of a table that is laden with nine golden cups. 
   "This fellow seems pretty satisfied with himself," Claire whispers.
   "He might seem like a smug pleasure seeker, perhaps a sensualist or a connoisseur, but he is influenced by the energies of Jupiter in Pisces," Mr. M replies. "He is experiencing the magnificence of the human spirit at a feast containing the highest and most profound thoughts and feelings and creative imaginings of humanity. He has opened up an awareness of his higher self through everything associated with the imagination, including music and art and literature. The golden cups might make him appear wealthy, but he is, more than anything, experiencing the wealth of the imagination. Because of his rich inner life, he appreciates the beauty that reflects the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the spirit, both in unique individual manifestations and in natural phenomena. Because of splendor created by others and manifested in the natural world, he also knows that 'Beauty' within himself."

Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces

    As Claire and Mr. M continue on their way, they encounter a family under a rainbow containing only three colors, which somehow holds ten golden cups.  
  "It looks like these people are using their imagination to create a happy home," Claire remarks. "Would you agree, Mr. M?"
  "Yes, and they manifest the energies of Mars to burn away whatever does not serve them," Mr. Mellifluous replies. "They dance with hearts free of negativity. They know the happiness that is experienced in a stable, loving family. They are open to the cosmic energies associated with the elements, and the elements nurture and support them. Notice the rainbow with only three colors. Yellow symbolizes the element of Air, blue Water, and red Fire. And the physical world is associated with Earth. Remember that the energies of the zodiac, ruled by the powerful energies of the planets, are associated with the elements. In other words, this family is open to the archetypal cosmic energies of the Tree of Life, and with their imagination and the great discipline and focus of Mars, they have achieved happiness, a kind of perfected success."

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

The Sun


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Path 30


   Suddenly Claire and Mr. Mellifluous encounter a boy who spreads his arms wide in joy as he rides his white horse.    

   "Why is the boy so happy?" Claire asks. 

   "The age of the person is not important," Mr. Mellifluous replies. "This Path reveals the conscious mind aware of the super-conscious higher self, symbolized by the Sun. On several key paths, as you move higher on the Tree of Life, you go deeper into the subconscious mind to experience higher awareness. You descend in order to ascend because the higher self is driven into the subconscious mind by social conditioning and the demands of the physical world. When the higher self surfaces from the subconscious mind, the conscious mind is illuminated. The emergence of the higher self might seem sudden but is more often the result of a long process of spiritual growth.
   "Mysticism begins in the humble manger, not on the mount. The higher self emerges as the light illuminates one spiritual symbol after another and wise voices clarify spiritual principles, usually in a few words. Understanding grows with each illumination until we become the light of the Sun, which is the key symbol on a higher path on the Tree of Life known as Beauty, the central path of sacrifice and harmonizing love associated with the Christ-force. The Christ, in other words, is not a person who existed long ago but a powerful cosmic force that each person in every age can manifest. This awareness of the higher self, in other words, begins on the 30th path and culminates in the powerful illumination of the path known as Tiphareth in Hebrew, which represents the 'beauty' and balance of harmonizing love.

   “On this, the 30th path, the child on horse back suggests a rebirth, an awakening into higher consciousness after the process of purification, which began on the previous path, the 31st path known as "Judgement." On this path, after the purification process, the sunflowers are turned away from the sun toward the child as if the life-force is magically responding to the emergence of higher awareness. The horse suggests the potent energy of the life-force, and its whiteness reveals not only purity but the unity of all the colors combined, symbolizing the underlying unity of all consciousness.
   “Purification leads to revelation. After you mentally cleanse your energy field, you can hear with the inner ear and see with the inner eye and know in your heart what is true, even if there is no physical evidence to support that knowledge. At times, you might feel yourself to be the archetypal light, transcending all the bounds of what you once believed you were. There is, however, a danger of exalting the self above everything else, instead of focusing on the underlying unity of all consciousness and compassion for all life. The negative pole of this energy is pride, a selfishness that interferes with knowing the oneness of all Creation--the fields upon fields of energy emanating from One Source. Be as quiet as a sunflower or an ibis and you can have the true vision and hear the true voice of exultation.”

Eight of Pentacles: 
Sun in Virgo

   Claire and Mr. Mellifluous soon encounter a craftsman on a city street. Claire quietly approaches him. "I love your golden pentacles! Why are you making them? I mean, if you don't mind me asking, are you making them for anyone in particular?" Claire asks. 
   "I am crafting pentacles that manifest powerful cosmic energies of harmony. People may not even realize that the pentacles are affecting them, but in their soul they feel the harmony of the elements, the planets, the zodiac, and the gold of the Sun, source of all life here on earth. Deep inside they sense that they are part of a vast, divine fabric of interconnected energies. The golden pentacles make the kingdom more harmonious, so I am making pentacles for the King."
   "Thank you, kind sir. Thank you for your lovely work."
   "You are welcome, child. Thank you for your appreciation!" The craftsman smiles.

Four of Pentacles:
Sun in Capricorn

    As they continue on their way, Claire and Mr. Mellifluous encounter the King.
   Claire approaches him and says politely, "Good day, your majesty."
   "Well, hello, child. What can I do for you?"
   "We just spoke with the craftsman who is making the golden pentacles. Can you tell us why there is a pentacle at your crown and one under each foot, and why you are grasping one tightly at your chest, your majesty?" 
   "To be a good ruler of my kingdom, I must bring the harmonious energies of the cosmos down through my divine core and into my heart and then manifest them in my domain. That way I maintain a harmonious kingdom. Each pentacle contains the incorruptible gold of the spirit within eternity. Therefore, as I touch them, I see from the perspective of eternity and can make choices wisely. That is why I have ordered the craftsman to make golden pentacles for every person in town so that they know their incorruptible spirit and feel their connection to each other and the community of all life."
   "That is very wise, your majesty," Claire replies. "Thank you for sharing your wisdom."
   The King nods. "You are welcome!" 

The Disputer

   "Be careful, a troll is nearby," Mr. Mellifluous whispers. "The troll, also known as a disputer, manifests the unbalanced energies of the Sun. He exalts the self above everything and everyone else. If you don't agree with him, he will curse you and might even try to club you. He manifests a kind of pride that has been a source of terrible misery the world over throughout the history of humanity. If you don't bow down to the troll and pretend that he is better than you and everyone else, he will attempt to hurt you in some way, and believe me, he will keep trying. You can tell him until you are blue in the face that he is one small part of a large community of all life, but he will not listen. He will not open his heart or examine his beliefs. We must hurry on our way now to find more allies of the Sun."

Six of Cups:
Sun in Scorpio

   As Claire and Mr. Mellifluous approach the gates of the castle, they watch as one person gives a flower to another. 
   Mr. Mellifluous smiles. "This is an act of kindness that the troll will probably never know," he claims, "since it reveals the openness of a heart connection."
   "And the flower is white, which means unity, right, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "Yes, indeed. They obviously have a sense that we are all connected, that we are part of all the beauty under the Sun and can share that beauty with each other. They give it away instead of trying to take it away, like a troll would do."
   "I'm so glad we aren't near that nasty troll anymore!" Claire exclaims.
   "Me too, dear child, me too."

Ten of Swords:
Sun in Gemini

   Claire and Mr. Mellifluous leave the city and end up on the shore, where they find a man killed by ten swords.
   "This is horrible!" Claire exclaims. "I hope trolls didn't get him."
   "I wouldn't doubt it, my dear child. Notice the fingers on his right hand even in death forming the sign of blessing. He was obviously targeted by a group, possibly even a mob. As the Sun, symbol of the higher self, peeks through the clouds, I can't help but get the sense that he has sacrificed his life for a higher cause, a higher good. Trolls often form a kind of herd mentality, and they often target people who protest against their tyranny, bigotry, cruelty, destructiveness, and their pride. Transmuting negative energy into harmony often requires great sacrifice. People must sometimes even sacrifice their life to create balance and harmony for the highest possible good, which calls for great compassion and love for the community of all life."
   "We must honor him!" Claire cries.
   "Yes," Mr. M replies.

Three of Wands:
Sun in Ares

   As Mr. Mellifluous and Claire continue along the shore, they find a man on a hill staring off into the distance. The man is so quiet that Claire hesitates to disturb him. 
   "Is this man on some kind of adventure?" Claire whispers.
   "I would venture to guess that he is experiencing a new beginning of some sort. The sun is shining brightly, and he is gazing off into the distance as though about to make a fresh start. All of nature feels pristine once again, as if we are at the beginning of spring or even the beginning of the world. It feels like a time of the awakening of the higher self, a time when we see the big picture clearly, and we don't need to go anywhere to know our connection with the community of all life."
   "Yes, that's the way I am feeling too. I won't bother him then," Claire whispers.
   "Don't worry, child, you don't ever bother anybody," Mr. M laughs.

The Lovers: Gemini

   As Claire and Mr. M continue on their journey, they both suddenly feel that they have entered paradise. An angel hovers above an Empress and an Emperor, and a profound peace prevails through the cycles of nature, for spring and summer and fall and winter all seem to be present at once.
   Mr. M's face brightens. "That is the great Archangel Raphael, Healer of God, welcoming us back into Eden. We know the light of the higher self, the light of the Source, the underlying unity of all consciousness. We remain open to cosmic energies and feel compassion for all life through all the cycles of life. Right here, right now, we are one with creation."
   "Yes, I feel that too!" Claire exclaims.
   Suddenly the Archangel speaks: "If you are ever threatened by negative energies, you can call on me to heal them, and you can call on the great Archangel Michael to cleanse them with divine, holy Fire. You can call on great Archangel Gabriel to cleanse them with divine, holy Water; you might have already experienced how she can burn away negativity with Fire so that you can peer into the deep waters of the soul. And you can call upon great Archangel Auriel to fill them with divine love and harmony and light and wholeness and forgiveness and peace and abundance and joy. We are always here for you, child, if you need us to heal you or cleanse you or fill you with divine love and harmony."
   Speechless for a moment, Claire finally exclaims, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"



Saturday, November 12, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


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Path 31

     "This path represents the element of Fire," Mr. Mellifluous states as they both gaze at the Archangel Gabriel. 
   "I have met Gabriel before, but I'm not sure what it all means," Claire responds.  

   “‘Change your mind and change your life’ is a popular saying these days. The enlightened of past ages knew that ‘changing the mind’ is no easy task and referred to the process of change and personal regeneration as the ‘Great Work.’ Keenly aware that family and social institutions instill beliefs that become nearly intractable, the ancients knew that individuals who struggle to move beyond the prevailing group consciousness always risk subtle or overt forms of disapproval. Nevertheless,  people continue to be struck by lightning every day. We cannot, in other words, totally ignore our spiritual nature. Some people, struck often enough, feel compelled to strive for greater spiritual clarity and awareness. Moving beyond limiting social belief systems, however, requires intelligence, courage, and will power, especially since the spiritual journey moves progressively into more formless, abstract realms. The individual, by himself, might know that a greater awareness is possible but might choose not to work for it, on the one hand because he cannot find anything concrete to grasp, but he can, on the other hand, easily grasp the social risks.”

   “So does this realm help us to understand?”
   “Yes, indeed. Because the human mind has difficulty comprehending the purely abstract, this realm reveals concrete archetypes and symbols that function as bridges to formless spiritual realms. Symbols and archetypes enable the traveler to voyage out into the unknown and come back with knowledge of spiritual principle. This realm also has the advantage of being more open to interpretation. What we encounter often appears harmlessly archaic or simply innocuous and tends to pose little or no threat to the group mind. The individual privately can personally discover meanings through meditation and ritual. If one studies the religious pantheons of all cultures and ages, one is struck by the similarity of the gods and goddesses and the symbols, which have universal meanings that the individual can grasp and apply to his own circumstances with a little effort. The figures of Osiris, Dionysus, and Jesus, symbols of the cosmic Christ force, can all have a profound impact on an individual whose mind is open to the forces behind the symbols.”
   “Do these spiritual energies continue to exist within us always because that is how we are made?”
   “Yes, indeed.” Mr. Mellifluous smiles. “Some modern traditions tend to treat the use of symbols and archetypes as superstition, or, at best, as unnecessary, preferring to rely on what is considered more direct approaches, such as prayer, affirmation or treatment. There, of course, is nothing wrong with these approaches. However, they do not suit everyone. Moreover, one very important element is often overlooked in modern traditions: archetypal energy is a basic and extremely powerful form of cosmic energy, and it is an important aspect of the "collective unconscious" that connects all of us together. The symbols and archetypes, which exist 'objectively' on the plane of the collective unconscious, can be accessed through the individual subconscious. We should learn from the East, which has created many types of yoga to enable the individual to choose what is suitable to his temperament. For some it is easier to approach the Universal Mind by contemplating and engaging the individual mind with symbols instead of remaining overawed by something that by its very nature often remains incomprehensible to the human brain."
   “You mean this path is just one of many paths?" Claire asks.
   “Yes, but it is a path uniquely suited to the minds of many people. The 'Yoga of the West' uses the composite symbol of the Tree of Life as an archetypal map of the inner planes, with twenty-two paths between ten objective dimensions of existence. When an individual hears the call to adventure, finding a channel from the individual subconscious to the collective subconscious, the magical journey of regeneration on the Tree of Life commences, and travelers like us encounter paths on the Tree, each with archetypes that open our understanding of the subtle realms. The same archetypes in different forms can also be found in many other religions, as I suggested earlier. Since the symbols are so rooted in the collective subconscious, meditation on the paths of the Tree can lead to an expansion of individual spiritual consciousness.”
   “The Pentacles, Swords, Cups, and Wands are associated with those levels. Is that right?”
   “That is correct. ‘As above, so below,’ the ancient axiom, suggests that the human, formed in God's image, contains the same energies that permeate the cosmos: the drop separated from the ocean still contains all of the properties of the ocean, in other words. The traveler on the inner pathways of the Tree of Life is functioning primarily in the archetypal realm, not in the realm of time. Remember that the archetypes include geometric symbols as well as figures that represent specialized forces both within the cosmos and the human being. In this realm we recognize them as the forces behind the diverse manifestations within nature. Since the same energies exist within human beings, correspondences exist. Humans can know the forces as separate from each other--extremely powerful but capable of connecting with the human mind since the same divine energy exists within us."
   “So old religions with gods and goddesses enabled people to know the same spiritual forces?"
   “Yes, in the sense that light from the sun is refracted through a prism, revealing rainbow colors that we perceive. I would argue, though, that our path is not a religion; it is a method of using the mind, the ultimate goal being union with the Source."
   Suddenly the Archangel Gabriel speaks even as she continues to make music with the trumpet: “As you gaze at me, you can hear the call to greater life. I announced the immaculate conception to the Virgin Mary and now blow the trumpet of the Last Judgement. Men, women, and children rise from their tombs in the moment of resurrection. They rise in their subtle bodies and hear the call with the soul senses.
   “The rebirth they experience is also an immaculate conception. They are reborn from the ‘lower’ self into the higher self in an ecstasy of truth. Hearing the call of the higher self, they examine their conscience and question what they have believed and valued. They are called to examine outside expectations and to question all conventional wisdom that has entombed their life. The higher self is a state of awareness that knows the truth and cannot lie. They conduct a thorough self-evaluation with the courage to bring about regeneration and growth. You must seriously examine yourself to determine if you are ready to do that.”
   “I am ready, great Archangel Gabriel,” Claire responds.
   "So then, imagine taking the hand of the great jackal-headed God Anubis and entering a cave, where there is barely enough light to see as you proceed deeper and deeper into the earth. The God guides you into a fire that does not burn your flesh. Instead, it consumes the negative energies of your subtle body, the black energy flowing down into the magma under the surface of the earth. Anubis pulls you from the fire and you are whole.
   “Peer into the waters of the subconscious mind. Hear the call to rise above whatever is limiting you or interfering with your spiritual growth. As you look into the waters, you see a subtle body, which holds the wheels of energy known as chakras. You are going to cleanse each wheel of energy, or chakra, mentally with an imaginary white cloth and pure water. Whatever is negative in each chakra, you will wipe away with the cloth. Sometimes you will need to continue wiping the chakra until it remains clear. Sometimes you will find something that mentally you will need to pull out of the chakra. You might discover a message of some kind. Whatever you find, ask yourself what it means. Usually your higher self, through your subconscious, will immediately communicate its significance to you.
   “Cleanse your primary chakra system; each chakra contains more than one color, but the subconscious mind identifies one basic color with each chakra. So begin by visualizing the root chakra as a turning, red wine glass or a red wheel. Imagine wiping it out with a damp, white cloth.
   “Make a mental note of whatever you encounter within each chakra because the higher self in your subconscious mind is communicating with you. The next chakra, in the general area of the navel, is orange. Again, envision the chakra as a turning glass or wheel. Wipe out any impurities. Repeat the same process for the solar plexis chakra (between the navel and the heart), which is yellow. Keep cleansing yourself mentally:

   The heart chakra is green.
   The throat chakra, blue.
   The third-eye chakra (middle of forehead): violet.
   The crown chakra (top of head): brilliant white.

   “This process will not always be easy. You might have to face thorny or repressed aspects of the self. You might ‘see’ that your energy system is out of balance or blocked in some way. You might remember unpleasant experiences from your past, but remember also that you are only judging yourself now to identify what interferes with greater spiritual awareness. The subconscious mind of the average person contains a fair share of junk, guilt, strange entities, and a few monsters. The element of Fire and the Hebrew letter "shin," which means tooth, or tooth of fire, are both associated with this path. Whatever you cannot wipe clean, you will mentally burn away or drain into the earth's core, to be purified by the fire below the earth's mantle.
   “You may find that forgiveness is an important aspect of the cleansing process. Forgive everyone who has harmed you. You can imagine a cup in front of you on a table and envision negative emotions leaving your body and going into the cup, where they drain into the earth. If you feel that you need to be forgiven, call the negative energy from the person that you harmed back to you, channeling it into the cup and draining it also into the earth. See it purified by the fire of the magma.
   “You will know when you are making progress if you begin to have visions of spiritual symbols because you have cleared the way for the higher self to communicate with your waking mind using the language of the subconscious mind. You might also hear a voice or music, just as you are hearing my voice and music now.”

   "Notice the white flag attached to the trumpet. On the flag is a red cross, which you may recognize as a symbol of compassion. Imagine the fire of compassion blowing into you until your subtle body is white and no impurities remain.
   “You are light, and you know that the light is in everything and everyone. If you feel negative emotions again because of some event in your life, which is bound to happen as you grow older, don't judge yourself critically. You can cleanse yourself again.”

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...