Tuesday, September 24, 2024

        All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

A Path through the Forest


   As Nathan was hiking through the forest, he envisioned a golden equal-armed cross on top of a golden pyramid. The vision remained in his mind's eye for at least an hour. He was a little confused at first, but then he remembered that the golden balanced cross symbolizes the subtle spiritual elements in harmony with each other as the elements manifest in matter. As he strolled through the forest, in other words, he was experiencing the harmony of spirit manifesting in nature.

Temple in Forest

   Suddenly Nathan came upon a golden temple in the forest. Steps led up to a glowing portal in the pyramid.

Guardian Angel

   After Nathan entered the portal, he immediately encountered his Holy Guardian Angel. Space and time seemed to expand all around him.
   "Do you know my name?" his Guardian Angel asked.
   "You are Atriel."
   "Do you know what my name means?" Atriel asked.
   "In Hebrew, the first letter 'Aleph' means 'ox,' which symbolizes the power and potency of the spiritual forces manifesting in nature. The second letter 'Tau' means 'cross' and it symbolizes not only the unfolded cube of space and time but the solidification of the four elements into Earth and the sacrifice necessary to maintain harmony in the physical plane. 'Resh' is the solar letter pertaining to the energies of The Sun and the Emanation of Beauty in the head, in other words in human consciousness. 'Yod' means 'hand' and symbolizes creative and directive energy as well as the means of action. The 'EL' at the end of your name of course means 'God."
   "Very well. Let us proceed," the Guardian Angel stated. "You are here today to review some of your most significant experiences of transformation."

Archangel Raphael

   Atriel continued, "Do you remember the first time you invoked the Archangel Raphael?"
   "Of course," Nathan replied. "I became immersed in a thought bubble of such astounding complexity, and I experienced such a profound sense of eternity, that I realized that some spiritual beings, like the Archangels and the Gods and Goddesses associated with the Tree of Life, make human beings seem like amoebas in comparison. Raphael, the 'Healer of God' associated with The Sun, has healed me and those close to me many times."

Archangel Michael

   "And Michael?" Atriel asked.
   "Michael is a great power of harmony who rules the Element of Fire," Nathan responded. "The Element of Fire burns away what no longer serves us and purifies the heart and mind so that we can experience the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Archangel Gabriel

   "And Gabriel?" Atriel asked.
   "Gabriel rules the Element of Water and blesses us by cleansing and purifying the dark recesses of the heart and mind. Gabriel eliminates the negativity in the subconscious mind so that the emotions remain pure and we can touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Archangel Auriel

   "Auriel?" Atriel asked.
   "Auriel rules the Element of Earth. Through Auriel, we purify the foundational energies of the body so that we eliminate the negative energies that cause disease and disruption. Without physical health, we cannot have emotional and mental health or touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Gaia: Mother Earth

   "Do you remember your transformative experiences with Mother Earth?" Atriel asked.
   "I have experienced absolute bliss many times in nature just by hiking through a forest or sitting on a rock next to a stream. But I also know that through sacrifice we can work with the spirit of the earth and the Archangels to heal ourselves and humanity and the planet," Nathan responded.


   "Do you remember your transformative experiences with Thoth?" Atriel asked.
   "I have envisioned many transformative spiritual symbols during meditation and ritual. Thoth is the Egyptian God of magic, writing, communication, arithmetic, medicine, and reckoning. As a Moon God, Thoth is associated with the Holy Ghost, and his transformative magic reveals spiritual principle through profound symbols that can be found in the Tarot and the glyph of the Tree of Life. Through these symbols, we rise to higher awareness and touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Moon Goddess

   "What about Moon Goddesses?" Atriel asked.
   "Like Thoth, Moon Goddesses should also be revered as manifestations of the Holy Ghost. Because the ninth Emanation, known as The Foundation, is a sphere of form, we can peer into that dimension and see the spiritual symbols and archetypes that guide us on the paths of the Tree of Life."

The Magician: Mercury

   "You have learned much. I will now stop bothering and let you talk about your transformative experiences," Atriel stated.
   "Thank you. When I first began meditating, I purified my chakras, and after I purified my third-eye chakra, I began having visions of spiritual symbols, one of which was a gray infinity symbol, which I had never seen before," Nathan replied. "A few days later in a bookstore, I was drawn to a deck of Tarot cards. I purchased the deck, and after I opened it, I immediately found the figure of a magician with a gray infinity symbol hovering above his head. The Magician in the Tarot is associated with Mercury and the Eighth Emanation on the Tree of Life known as Splendor. Through the Tarot, I began my journey on the paths of the Tree of Life, which has utterly transformed my life for the better."


   "Hathor is the Egyptian Goddess associated with the seventh Emanation of the Tree of Life. On a higher arc, Hathor is the celestial Goddess known as Isis. In the seventh Emanation of Victory, Hathor holds up a prism to the sun so that we experience the rainbow colors of spirit manifesting in nature," Nathan stated.


   "Venus is the Roman version of Hathor. Through Hathor and Venus, we experience the rainbow colors of love and beauty and harmony."


   Nathan continued, "All Gods of the Tree of Life bring transformative energies into our realm. Osiris is an Egyptian sacrificial God associated with the sixth Emanation of the Tree of Life known as Beauty. Through sacrifice, we can know beauty and harmonizing love."


   "Jesus is the savior who brought a new commandment to humanity: 'Love one another.' He also said 'Love your neighbor as yourself' and 'Love your enemy' and 'treat others the way you want to be treated.' He emphasized love and through his great compassion sacrificed his own life to neutralize dark forces and negativity in the world. Jesus, like Osiris, is also associated with the sphere of The Sun, the Emanation of Beauty," Nathan continued.


   "Osiris, before he became the God of the Spirit World, was an Egyptian Pharaoh married to Isis. To usurp the Egyptian throne, Seth murdered and mutilated Osiris, his brother. Isis collected the parts of the body of Osiris, and with the aid of Thoth, Nephthys, and Anubis, Isis resurrected him. After the resurrection, Isis and Osiris conceived their son Horus, who went on to fight for justice and harmony in the realm," Nathan said.


   Nathan continued, "Mars, the Roman version of Horus, is also associated with the fifth Emanation of the Tree of Life known as 'Power.' Mars is a God of War who establishes and maintains harmony through justice. Mars is always on the side of the underdog who is fighting for a righteous cause."


   "Each culture represents the same subtle transformative forces in different ways. The Greek God Zeus represents the fourth Emanation of the Tree of Life known as Mercy or 'Glory.' Zeus is the chief God in ancient Greek mythology and the ruler of the Olympian gods. He is the god of the sky, thunder, law, and order, and represents the great upbuilding forces of civilization that have transformed humanity," Nathan continued.


   "Like Zeus, the Roman God Jupiter could shape the course of events on earth and determine the destiny of humanity," Nathan said. "Both of them reveal the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit and the energies of the fourth Emanation of the Tree of Life."

Mother Mary

   Nathan continued, "Like Isis, Mother Mary experienced many sorrows. As a virgin, Mary conceived her son Jesus. Both Isis and Mother Mary are associated with the third Emanation of the Tree of Life known as 'Understanding, which is in the heavenly realm above the planes of manifestation.'


   "Saturn, a God of the Harvest, is also associated with the third Emanation. Saturn, the Father of the Gods, created primordial form. All form dissolves, so the plane of form contains much sorrow, yet Saturn, through the discipline of the plane of form, can bring great transformation and enlightenment. In our physical state, we can experience the dimensions of Universal Consciousness, especially now in the Age of Aquarius."
   "Very good," Atriel said. "Remember these experiences as you continue to build your inner temple."

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