Thursday, October 17, 2024

           All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.

Flowers blooming after a Fire


   One day, he explored the forest after a conflagration. Poppies and lupine blanketed the hillsides, and he felt a peace beyond understanding, a sense of unity underlying all of creation.

Spirit of the Earth

   As he felt the tranquil spirit of the earth, a strange image arose in his imagination. Even though he felt deep peace, the Goddess, as she appeared in his mind's eye, seemed almost alien.

Rabbit near the Path

   As he continued hiking, he encountered a rabbit near the path. The bunny remained completely still as he passed. He was careful not to cause the rabbit to panic.

Earth Goddess

   A few moments later, in his mind's eye he had a vision of the spirit of the earth as a lovely Goddess. She no longer seemed alien to him.

Moon Goddess

   The next day, he traveled to the beach. As the moon rose, he had a vision of the Moon Goddess, who showed him the symbol of the fleur de lis. He didn't understand the symbol, so he did some research and discovered that the fleur de lis bloomed from the tears of Eve as she and Adam left Eden. The pure whiteness of the flower suggested the underlying unity of existence, which, he realized, symbolizes the eventual return to Eden.

Earth Goddess near the Ocean

   The next day, he explored the forest near the ocean, and again he had a vision of the Earth Goddess.

Mercury in the Library

   He decided to do more research at the library. Suddenly he had a vision of the God Mercury near the bookshelves. The God's eyes gleamed, and the God seemed to say, "You can see me, my friend, because you are also connected with the Earth Goddess and the Moon Goddess and can see them with your mind's eye."

Venus in a Field

   The next day he explored a field next to the ocean, and he had a vision of the Goddess Venus amongst the flowers. She seemed to say, "Because you love Gaia and feel a peace beyond understanding when you stand with the flowers or by a tree, you can also know the marriage of heaven and earth."

Sun God near a Lake

   The next day, traveled to a nearby lake. In his mind's eye, he envisioned a Sun God. He wasn't sure if the Sun God was Jesus or Apollo or Dionysus. The Sun God seemed to say, "Because you love the Earth Goddess and the Moon Goddess and Mercury and Venus, you can know the brilliant light and the harmonizing love and the mysteries of sacrifice associated with The Sun, and now you can experience the justice of Mars and the magnificence of Jupiter."

Earth Goddess near a Waterfall

   He continued hiking through the forest by the lake and encountered the Earth Goddess by a waterfall. As the water flowed by him, again he experienced a deep peace that transcends understanding.

Mars with a Flaming Sword

   Suddenly as he was strolling along the trail, he saw the God Mars with a flaming sword, who said, "Like the Sun God, I am part of the ethical triangle of the Tree of Life. I bring harmony and balance to the world through justice."

Jupiter near a Magnificent Cathedral

   He returned to the city by the sea, and as he strolled along the sidewalk, he had a vision of the God Jupiter near a magnificent cathedral. "If you know the ethical triangle, you can know the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit," a voice said.

Saturn on a Throne next to the Ocean

   The next evening by the ocean, he had a vision of the God Saturn, who seemed to say, "I am the God of primordial form. Through me you can know the meaning of the four subtle elements manifesting in harmony and balance within this world and throughout the cosmos."

Mary by the Ocean

   As he continued walking by the ocean, he encountered Mother Mary, arrayed as a great queen. "When you experience the heavenly energies, you know that suffering is inevitable within manifestation, but you can also know the glory and harmony brought about through love and sacrifice," she said.

Earth Goddess by a Stream

   Then he again encountered the Earth Goddess, this time by a stream. "All of the energies of the subtle dimensions manifest here in The Kingdom. Be grateful that you can experience them now in your life."

The Cosmos Shining like a Six-Rayed Star

   That evening as he was meditating, he had a vision of the cosmos in the blackness of space. "All the energies of the elements and the Gods and Goddesses of the Tree of Life manifest in the cosmos, which you can see as a tiny point of light from the blackness of space, for the mind can transcend space and time."

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