All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Mr. Mellifluous asks Claire. "I only ask because some experience this place as a realm of illusion and mystery."
"I see a crawdad crawling out of the water onto a path that leads between two towers in the distance, and a dog and a jackal near the path howling at the moon," Claire replies.
“Yes, that is what I'm seeing as well. You might also be feeling a considerable pull from the moon, as if it were a magnet drawing your soul to it, especially because the sun is directly behind it. Even our most primal instincts are pulled toward higher frequencies as the powerful energies of the life-force call us to evolve. Our instincts attract us to Venus, the Goddess of love and arts and nature. At the beginning we howl, but then through love and the arts and nature we move into the sublime. The beauty that is latent within us, like the trumpet call of Gabriel in ‘Judgement,’ wakes us up from the sleep of the lower self.
“The towers are like the columns of the Tree of Life, and the path winds toward the hill of attainment, toward the sun behind the moon, toward Beauty, toward the center of the Tree, the center of harmony and equilibrium. Rays of energy in the shape of the Hebrew letter Yod fall all around, filling us with the powerful energies of the life force. Even the most primitive instincts are cleansed as we climb out of the dark waters of our evolution. Through purification we are free of the blackest energies of our history. We face our shadow and achieve the Victory of living in the higher self within the One manifesting as the Many.
“This path, known as ‘The Moon’ but representing Pisces, connects the Kingdom, 'Malkuth' in Hebrew, the plane of physical manifestation, with Victory, 'Netzach' in Hebrew, and the forces of Venus. Anubis is also a strong presence here; he is particularly important in the lower paths because he is the shaman who guides us not only through the underworld but also through the subconscious, the lower astral plane, to higher consciousness. The lower levels of the subconscious are filled with negative emotions and foul thought-forms and the terrors embedded in our collective unconscious. Anubis can guide us beyond the horrors and miseries of our history to the higher realms. The fearful and foul aspects of the collective unconscious can be terrible impediments to the spiritual journey, so it's beneficial to invoke the higher vibrations of the God Anubis and the Goddess of the Moon as you mentally cleanse your energy field.
“The jackal is associated with Anubis because it can easily sense its way through the darkness. Whatever the Source creates is divine, including our primal instincts, but since humanity, given free will, has chosen repeatedly to channel foul and fearful energies into both individual and collective consciousness, we have to cleanse and spiritualize the instincts in our energy fields to bring them back into harmony with creation.” Mr. M pauses for a moment, "Let us now visit the allies of Pisces...."
Eight of Cups: Saturn in Pisces
Suddenly Mr. M speaks: "Memory and imagination sometimes can be as real as anything in the physical realm. For instance, close your eyes and try to remember the person we met on the seashore who is beginning an ascent to higher consciousness. Your ability to imagine is associated with the subconscious and the Moon. The more vivid your imagination, the more effectively you create your own reality. As the Sun shines fully on the Moon, your higher self feels the harmony of the fields upon fields of energy within creation, and through your imagination, you ascend toward greater harmony in your own life."
Nine of Cups: Jupiter in Pisces
As Claire and Mr. M continue on their way, they encounter a stout fellow sitting in front of a table that is laden with nine golden cups.
"This fellow seems pretty satisfied with himself," Claire whispers.
"He might seem like a smug pleasure seeker, perhaps a sensualist or a connoisseur, but he is influenced by the energies of Jupiter in Pisces," Mr. M replies. "He is experiencing the magnificence of the human spirit at a feast containing the highest and most profound thoughts and feelings and creative imaginings of humanity. He has opened up an awareness of his higher self through everything associated with the imagination, including music and art and literature. The golden cups might make him appear wealthy, but he is, more than anything, experiencing the wealth of the imagination. Because of his rich inner life, he appreciates the beauty that reflects the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the spirit, both in unique individual manifestations and in natural phenomena. Because of splendor created by others and manifested in the natural world, he also knows that 'Beauty' within himself."
Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces
As Claire and Mr. M continue on their way, they encounter a family under a rainbow containing only three colors, which somehow holds ten golden cups.
"It looks like these people are using their imagination to create a happy home," Claire remarks. "Would you agree, Mr. M?"
"Yes, and they manifest the energies of Mars to burn away whatever does not serve them," Mr. Mellifluous replies. "They dance with hearts free of negativity. They know the happiness that is experienced in a stable, loving family. They are open to the cosmic energies associated with the elements, and the elements nurture and support them. Notice the rainbow with only three colors. Yellow symbolizes the element of Air, blue Water, and red Fire. And the physical world is associated with Earth. Remember that the energies of the zodiac, ruled by the powerful energies of the planets, are associated with the elements. In other words, this family is open to the archetypal cosmic energies of the Tree of Life, and with their imagination and the great discipline and focus of Mars, they have achieved happiness, a kind of perfected success."
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