Wednesday, November 30, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.



   Mr. Mellifluous asks, "What do you see?"

   Claire responds, "I see a tower hit by lightning and a man and a woman tumbling head first to the ground." 

   "A horrifying sight, I know!" Mr. M replies. "But remember, without truth there can be no progress on the spiritual path." 

   "Mr. M, do you think there might be some reason the tower was struck by lightning?" Claire asks.

   "I can speculate. Those two have lived in their high tower separate from the community of all life for so long, and now their insulated world is being blasted apart by a lightning bolt from the God Mars. 

     "People continue to be struck by lightning everyday. The ego is inevitably shaken up by higher consciousness. We think we might escape the lightning bolt by hiding in a tower, but we can’t escape forever. Mars will sooner or later hurl down the lightning bolt and blast the tower apart.

   “After the God strikes the tower without mercy, we tumble a long way. We’ve glimpsed the Fire, and now the Fire sees us. It comes relentlessly to burn us up until nothing remains but the soul. The false demands of other people burn up in the fire of the spirit. The Yods of will-power flame all around us. We live in the higher truth, and no one, no one can stop us.
   "The 27th path of Mars is both disruptive and illuminating. This path forces an examination of the way we normally process reality in the conscious mind and leads ultimately to a reintegration of the self. This stage is a process of self-examination and self-sacrifice, which leads to the realization of the existence of the higher self.”
   “Is it enough to know that the higher self exists, Mr. M?”
   “Living in the higher self is a little more challenging than simply being aware that it exists. The ego is concerned primarily with survival and gratification, not sympathy and union. The ego can dominate the soul and often drives it deep into the subconscious mind, so deep that many never even become aware that the soul exists. The ego is willing to compromise spiritual values such as truth for security and status--the higher self is not. Those who insist on truth, for instance, are often treated as troublemakers or traitors and are occasionally even martyred. Fortunately or unfortunately, once you live in the higher self, it is extremely difficult to turn back and remain dominated by the ego, even though it might be far more challenging to live in the higher self.
   "The higher self, often enough, shakes us up without any apologies whatsoever. At times Mars is like Shiva, burning away everything except the essence of the soul. When Mars burns the transitory away, the spirit remains.”

   "Are we going to see a lot of upsetting things on this path, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "Some, but not nearly as many as you might expect," Mr. M replies. "In fact, we are about to experience an aspect of Mars that might surprise you!"

Three of Pentacles: Mars in Capricorn,

Saturn in Binah (Understanding)

   "Mr. M, why are these people wearing funny clothes?" Claire asks.
   "One of them, a master mason, wears an apron as he labors on the religious edifice. The apron is yellow, associated with Air, symbolizing the use of mental energy. A monk is wearing a robe and the architect is wearing a style of clothes that you might consider a bit odd these days. If you can see beyond appearances, you might notice that the three are consulting with each other, which suggests that the best work combines mental and spiritual understanding with technical skill. 
   "Notice that the design contains pentagrams and equal-armed crosses, both of which evoke the harmony of the elements, but they also suggest the process of creation itself. In the design, the three pentagrams are within an upward pointing triangle, symbol of the element of Fire, and the flower is within a downward pointing triangle, symbol of the element of Water. The tiniest hint of a line across the upward triangle suggests the element of Air, and the edifice itself symbolizes the element of Earth. In other words, our friends are bringing energy down through the planes of manifestation. It begins with an inspiration from the invisible Aether. Then Fire establishes the spiritual will to start the creative process. The designs are then created in the imagination, associated with Water. They then use technical knowledge, associated with Air, and eventually realize the designs in form, associated with Earth. On this path, the master labors to realize his visions within the material plane, influenced by Mars in Capricorn as well as Saturn, meaning that the energy is earthed (Capricorn) and restricted in form (Saturn). Feeling the influence of Mars, he carves away whatever is not essential, which results in what we see before us, a magnificent cathedral. The same process applies to to the creative process in almost every effective endeavor. Perhaps most importantly, our friends reveal an understanding of the significance of the spiritual principles represented by the symbols. Because they have internalized the spiritual energies, our friends can give the energies definite and appropriate form, providing necessary links for maintaining community."
   "I had no idea that Mars was so important in the creation of stuff!" Claire exclaims.
   "Indeed, Mars is a powerful influence on many levels," Mr. M replies.

Nine of Swords: Mars in Gemini

   "Why is that person so sad, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
  "Hard to say exactly, but a few signs suggest the reason. She is sitting up in bed, hands covering her face.  Nine swords hang horizontally over the bed, three of which, as she bends forward, seem to pierce the four energy centers related to the spiritual dimension of the self:  the crown, the third eye, the throat, and the heart.  At first glance, your ally might appear to be suffering from the effects of cruelty, which is a vice stemming from the unbalanced energies of Mars, or she might be suffering from grief, which is a common result of the constant change associated with the Moon.  However, on the level associated with the element of Air in the ninth Emanation, the influences of Mars and Gemini can also be felt on a deeper level.  The scene suggests that a blockage of the life-force between the higher and lower energy centers in the aura causes the despair.  Stress and trauma from dysfunction and cruelty can close or block the energy centers, or chakras.  Gemini symbolizes the dual nature of the self, the physical and spiritual aspects of the human being, and it appears that our friend for some reason is no longer aware of the spiritual side of her nature.  
   "She is covering her eyes, blinding herself to the spiritual dimension and its relationship to the physical dimension of the self, hence the blackness in the background.  All levels of being are connected, and this is no different in the chakra system of the aura.  One of the great powers of Mars on the physical level is the balance of the higher chakras with the lower chakras, the life-force flowing harmoniously throughout the whole system, both upward and downward.  When a blockage exists between the spiritual and physical levels, the life-force on the lower levels, which includes romantic love (associated with the Moon), is adversely affected, and weakness and psychological suffering can result.  It’s no accident that for our friend the spiritual dimension is blacked out and the lower half of the body is covered.  
   "There is always hope, however.  On the blanket are red roses, red symbolically associated with both Mars and romantic love.  Also on the blanket are astrological signs, a reminder that the psyche always has the potential to balance the life-forces and regain the health of both mind and body."
   "I hope she feels better soon."
   "Me too," Mr. M replies.

Five of Cups: Mars in Scorpio

   "There's another sad person, Mr. M. Does the influence of Mars make people sad?" Claire asks.
   "He does appear quite distraught.  At the moment, he seems focused only on loss.  The influences of both Mars and Scorpio can be felt here.  Mars is known for conflict and the accompanying sense of loss, and Scorpio is associated with deep transformation related to death and rebirth, which can occur on any level--physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual.  Your ally, though seemingly unaware of the two cups still standing behind him and the bridge over the nearby stream that leads to some building--possibly a stable new beginning--in the distance, is developing wisdom related to loss and transformation in a world where change is the only constant, and loss of all kinds--including a sense of identity--is inevitable.  Calcination, the heating of a substance in a crucible, is the first stage in the alchemical process of spiritual growth which leads to the gold of the Higher Self.  Our friend is faced with a choice:  wallow in sorrow, abet the forces and continue spiritual growth through the process of purification, or cross the bridge to search for something new."
   "He looks so deep in thought. I hope he makes the right choice!" Claire exclaims.
   "Our friend will find something new whatever decision he makes, for good or ill."

Seven of Wands: Mars in Leo

   "Our friend towers at the edge of a cliff above six adversaries. Our friend is experiencing the influence of Venus, which is unstable on the lower planes, so he might seem at first to be foolishly taking on a much greater force in an act of valor doomed to failure, but the key to his valor lies in understanding the influences of Mars in Leo.  Mars linked with the Fire sign Leo suggests that your ally has a courageous, indomitable spirit.  Moreover, the power associated with Mars in the sphere of Venus reveals the power of the life-force linked to the potency of the individual.  The influence of Venus on the lower planes might be unstable, but the association of Mars with Venus on the spiritual plane leads to a power sublimated into great courage and strength--as long as the life-force is not obstructed in any way.  Combined with the fiery courage of Leo, the energies of Venus and Mars on the spiritual plane might very well lead to a victory against much greater forces."
   "I think he is really brave. He has an indomitable spirit, Mr. M! He just might win!"
   "He just might."

Two of Wands: Mars in Ares

   "This man doesn't look sad at all. I think he looks happy with himself," Claire states.
   "He is, in his own way, a kind of hero. He is not intimidating, like some great warrior, but he has the air of a master.  Mars, like the ram (Ares), represents the sheer power and potency of the life-force, but Mars is not just power--Mars also burns away what does not serve you.  Mars restricts and channels and disciplines power so that it can be used effectively. Our friend, in other words, stands with the power of the life-force balanced within him. Within his sphere of sensation, he has complete dominion of his own world.  But our friend also looks upon and draws from the vast potential of creative energies within the world. Recognizing possibilities, our friend, in dominion of himself, maintains the unobstructed power of the life-force for his creative endeavors. Self-actualization is the basis for his heroism."
   "I like him, Mr. M!" 
   "I do too!" Mr. M smiles.   

Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces

   "Mr. M, there is that happy family again! I'm so glad to see them!" Claire cries. "Are they somehow being influenced by Mars?"
   "Remember that Mars burns away negativity, allowing the power of the life-force to manifest on all levels, bringing with it happiness and well-being.  The cleansing power of the life-force reaches even into the deepest depths of the heart and mind.  No hidden disorders distort the happiness of our friends.  They live joyfully and abundantly in a stable home environment."
   "I like Mars a lot better now! I would even consider him a friend, Mr. M."
   "He is a good ally to have," Mr. M replies.

The Burners

   "Who is that freaky person riding on that strange flying horse?" Claire asks.
   "He is one of the Burners, someone who manifests the unbalanced energies of Mars. Stay far away from the Burners. Those horrible devils sear and scorch you and glow as they blister and broil you. Their flames ignite hatred and anger. They want to light you on fire so that you burn everything around you down to the ground. They want to burn up your very soul so that nothing of you remains. More than anything, they love ashes."
   "I want to fly far away from them!" Claire exclaims.
   "Yeah, let's get a move on, right now!" Mr. M urges.

Temperance: Archangel Michael

   "Is that an angel, Mr. M?" 
   "That is the great Archangel Michael, ruler of the element of Fire. In the presence of the Archangel, you might feel a sense of the oneness with all creation, a sense of harmony and balance that transcends human understanding--a sense nearly impossible to explain because of all the conflict in our world.  As you experience that feeling, you might understand that sacrifice is involved, the sacrifice of attachments and desires that bind you to aspects of the lower personality that cause imbalance."
   Suddenly the Archangel speaks: “The higher self knows the harmony of all creation, and it struggles through sacrifice to balance all the forces within its nature.  The higher self balances all forces within the transitory and the eternal.  The higher self knows the divinity within the manifested world, the underlying unity of all creation.
   "You may call upon me to neutralize unbalanced forces with divine, holy Fire. Remember the other Archangels of the elements as well, Raphael, Gabriel, and Auriel. They heal and cleanse and bless with divine love both unbalanced forces and you as well. They help to bring unbalanced energies into harmony at the most basic levels of your life.”

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