Wednesday, November 23, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

THE STAR: The 28th Path

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   "What to you on this path is most significant?" Mr. Mellifluous asks Claire.

   Claire replies, “On this path, I see a woman kneeling down, pouring water from a pitcher in her right hand into a pond and water from a pitcher in her left hand onto the earth." 

   "Good," Mr. M replies. "Notice that one large, central star floats above her head and seven other large stars float nearby. The seven white stars correspond to the seven primary chakras of the aura. After purification, the seven stars shine brightly without any veils to dim them; the eighth star reveals a kind of consciousness that exists after purification of the energy centers: the consciousness of the higher self. With this higher awareness, the woman rejuvenates the inner and outer worlds.
   “The ibis, symbol of Thoth, perches in the tree behind the woman. Thoth is the great God of magic and communication who manifests thought. Sothis, the celestial Isis, associated with Sirius, the star that appears just before the Nile floods, pours the higher consciousness of the Goddess into the Kingdom. The Goddess works with Thoth, the great magician, who crafts the forms that ensoul the forces. She is Isis as Venus, the Goddess who creates beauty and harmony and manifests divine love in the Kingdom. Hathor marries Horus, Venus and Mars experience a passionate love affair, these Goddesses containing the power of the life-force, the power to create magnificent beauty and harmony through love.”
   “Associated with Aquarius, this path leads to the seventh Emanation on the Tree of Life. We are traveling today toward the realm of Venus, in other words, the Emanation of beauty and nature, of music and the arts and love. Love in the lower realms is often unstable, so you can expect to encounter some conflict as we seek out the allies of Aquarius, the Star."

Five of Swords: Venus in Aquarius,
Mars in Geburah (Strength)

   Soon enough, they encounter three men who had been fighting. The victor controls five swords as if he has won other battles as well.
   "Why are they fighting, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "People find all sorts of reasons to fight, some noble, some selfish, some stupid. Since we are in the realm of Venus in Aquarius, I suspect that this fight has something to do with love, an emotion that can be a destabilizing force in the lower realms. But it might be something even deeper than that: One person has what others want, power or money or land or even love.
   "Aquarians are visionary and far-seeing. This ability is beneficial if the Aquarian is fighting for the highest good. Otherwise it can turn into senseless conflict, with the winner sooner or later becoming a loser, and revenge becoming the main motivation in a vicious cycle.
   "In the realm of Aquarius, it is possible that the winner here is using his skills for the common good. Higher love might be motivating him, a love for his fellow human beings or his community. In this world, we must sometimes fight evil to maintain harmony, which is why the ability to manifest the energies of Mars is so important. 
   "Venus is a Goddess of love at all levels. Notice that there are losers here but no blood on the ground. The winner is not running after the losers to stab them or chop them up. He has simply relieved them of their swords. The winner has neutralized the others. In other words, the winner might be neutralizing evil to create balance, an act of sacrifice and harmonizing love."
   "I hope so, Mr. M!" Claire exclaims. 

Six of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius
Sun In Tiphareth (Beauty)

   Mr. M and Claire go on a boat ride and encounter a man, woman, and child heading for the nearby shore. 
   "Why are six swords standing in the bow of their boat?" Claire asks.
   "Swords sometimes symbolize danger or a threat of some kind, but they also suggest protection. The number six signifies an association with the Emanation of the Sun known as Beauty, the sphere of the higher self, the sphere of sacrifice and harmonizing love.
   "Is that a family, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
   "The boatman is using his skills to carefully and calmly steer his passengers toward the shore in the distance. He might be the father. We are in the realm of Mercury in Aquarius. The boatman has developed the ability to focus (a quality of Mercury), which can help to maintain and protect the most basic social connections, such as families and friendships, or it can lead to new shores for the individual and humanity in general (a quality of Aquarius). Intense focus is the key to getting from one point to another, literally and figuratively. The boat slides quietly and smoothly across the water, and the quietness hints at an aspect of Mercury’s role as the messenger of the Gods. The conscious mind sometimes receives unexpected knowledge or insights from deep in the subconscious, where the higher self resides, when the mind is still. The boatman’s pole goes deep into the water to push the boat forward.
   "I think he's receiving messages about how to protect his family," Claire states.
   "Maybe so," Mr. M murmurs. "Maybe so."

Seven of Swords: Moon in Aquarius
Venus in Netzach (Victory)

    Still in the realm of Aquarius, Claire and Mr. M approach an army encampment. 
   "Is that man stealing swords?" Claire asks.
   "He looks a bit silly, so maybe he is performing some kind of prank, which could have serious consequences for him if the soldiers catch him. Carrying those sharp swords can't be easy. 
   "The Moon and Venus are a major influences here, so he might be experiencing some form of lunacy, or perhaps he is attempting to impress some woman with his bravery, for after all, Venus is the Goddess of Love and the moon is one symbol of romantic love. 
   "You almost always see something deeper, Mr. M. Is there something more?"
   "Well, we are in the realm of Aquarius, and Aquarians often have complex reasons for their choices. We might laugh at his silly, unstable efforts, but perhaps that is the point. He's not wearing a uniform, so he doesn't appear to be a soldier. He seems more like a fool or a jester than a lunatic driven mad by love. What do you think, Claire? Is he trying to make a point?"
   "Maybe he's making a point about war," Claire replies.
   "You could be right. He seems to be prompting each of us to ask the question, 'Which crime is worse? Stealing a few swords in a effort to end the killing? Or killing an untold number of men, women and children so that a handful of people gain more power and wealth? Is stealing swords to stop the blood-shed worse than stealing land soaked with the blood of thousands or hundreds-of-thousands or even millions?' Considering the possible sacrifice this man might be making, this act seems based in higher love or the divine madness of the Fool, or perhaps both."
   "I hope he doesn't get caught," Claire whispers.
   "Me too, child. Me too."

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