All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
The Sun
Path 30
Suddenly Claire and Mr. Mellifluous encounter a boy who spreads his arms wide in joy as he rides his white horse.
"Why is the boy so happy?" Claire asks.
"The age of the person is not important," Mr. Mellifluous replies. "This Path reveals the conscious mind aware of the super-conscious higher self, symbolized by the Sun. On several key paths, as you move higher on the Tree of Life, you go deeper into the subconscious mind to experience higher awareness. You descend in order to ascend because the higher self is driven into the subconscious mind by social conditioning and the demands of the physical world. When the higher self surfaces from the subconscious mind, the conscious mind is illuminated. The emergence of the higher self might seem sudden but is more often the result of a long process of spiritual growth.
"Mysticism begins in the humble manger, not on the mount. The higher self emerges as the light illuminates one spiritual symbol after another and wise voices clarify spiritual principles, usually in a few words. Understanding grows with each illumination until we become the light of the Sun, which is the key symbol on a higher path on the Tree of Life known as Beauty, the central path of sacrifice and harmonizing love associated with the Christ-force. The Christ, in other words, is not a person who existed long ago but a powerful cosmic force that each person in every age can manifest. This awareness of the higher self, in other words, begins on the 30th path and culminates in the powerful illumination of the path known as Tiphareth in Hebrew, which represents the 'beauty' and balance of harmonizing love.
“On this, the 30th path, the child on horse back suggests a rebirth, an awakening into higher consciousness after the process of purification, which began on the previous path, the 31st path known as "Judgement." On this path, after the purification process, the sunflowers are turned away from the sun toward the child as if the life-force is magically responding to the emergence of higher awareness. The horse suggests the potent energy of the life-force, and its whiteness reveals not only purity but the unity of all the colors combined, symbolizing the underlying unity of all consciousness.
“Purification leads to revelation. After you mentally cleanse your energy field, you can hear with the inner ear and see with the inner eye and know in your heart what is true, even if there is no physical evidence to support that knowledge. At times, you might feel yourself to be the archetypal light, transcending all the bounds of what you once believed you were. There is, however, a danger of exalting the self above everything else, instead of focusing on the underlying unity of all consciousness and compassion for all life. The negative pole of this energy is pride, a selfishness that interferes with knowing the oneness of all Creation--the fields upon fields of energy emanating from One Source. Be as quiet as a sunflower or an ibis and you can have the true vision and hear the true voice of exultation.”
Eight of Pentacles:
Sun in Virgo
Claire and Mr. Mellifluous soon encounter a craftsman on a city street. Claire quietly approaches him. "I love your golden pentacles! Why are you making them? I mean, if you don't mind me asking, are you making them for anyone in particular?" Claire asks.
"I am crafting pentacles that manifest powerful cosmic energies of harmony. People may not even realize that the pentacles are affecting them, but in their soul they feel the harmony of the elements, the planets, the zodiac, and the gold of the Sun, source of all life here on earth. Deep inside they sense that they are part of a vast, divine fabric of interconnected energies. The golden pentacles make the kingdom more harmonious, so I am making pentacles for the King."
"Thank you, kind sir. Thank you for your lovely work."
"You are welcome, child. Thank you for your appreciation!" The craftsman smiles.
Sun in Capricorn
As they continue on their way, Claire and Mr. Mellifluous encounter the King.
Claire approaches him and says politely, "Good day, your majesty."
"Well, hello, child. What can I do for you?"
"We just spoke with the craftsman who is making the golden pentacles. Can you tell us why there is a pentacle at your crown and one under each foot, and why you are grasping one tightly at your chest, your majesty?"
"To be a good ruler of my kingdom, I must bring the harmonious energies of the cosmos down through my divine core and into my heart and then manifest them in my domain. That way I maintain a harmonious kingdom. Each pentacle contains the incorruptible gold of the spirit within eternity. Therefore, as I touch them, I see from the perspective of eternity and can make choices wisely. That is why I have ordered the craftsman to make golden pentacles for every person in town so that they know their incorruptible spirit and feel their connection to each other and the community of all life."
"That is very wise, your majesty," Claire replies. "Thank you for sharing your wisdom."
The King nods. "You are welcome!"
"Be careful, a troll is nearby," Mr. Mellifluous whispers. "The troll, also known as a disputer, manifests the unbalanced energies of the Sun. He exalts the self above everything and everyone else. If you don't agree with him, he will curse you and might even try to club you. He manifests a kind of pride that has been a source of terrible misery the world over throughout the history of humanity. If you don't bow down to the troll and pretend that he is better than you and everyone else, he will attempt to hurt you in some way, and believe me, he will keep trying. You can tell him until you are blue in the face that he is one small part of a large community of all life, but he will not listen. He will not open his heart or examine his beliefs. We must hurry on our way now to find more allies of the Sun."
Six of Cups:
Sun in Scorpio
As Claire and Mr. Mellifluous approach the gates of the castle, they watch as one person gives a flower to another.
Mr. Mellifluous smiles. "This is an act of kindness that the troll will probably never know," he claims, "since it reveals the openness of a heart connection."
"And the flower is white, which means unity, right, Mr. M?" Claire asks.
"Yes, indeed. They obviously have a sense that we are all connected, that we are part of all the beauty under the Sun and can share that beauty with each other. They give it away instead of trying to take it away, like a troll would do."
"I'm so glad we aren't near that nasty troll anymore!" Claire exclaims.
"Me too, dear child, me too."
Ten of Swords:
Sun in Gemini
Claire and Mr. Mellifluous leave the city and end up on the shore, where they find a man killed by ten swords.
"This is horrible!" Claire exclaims. "I hope trolls didn't get him."
"I wouldn't doubt it, my dear child. Notice the fingers on his right hand even in death forming the sign of blessing. He was obviously targeted by a group, possibly even a mob. As the Sun, symbol of the higher self, peeks through the clouds, I can't help but get the sense that he has sacrificed his life for a higher cause, a higher good. Trolls often form a kind of herd mentality, and they often target people who protest against their tyranny, bigotry, cruelty, destructiveness, and their pride. Transmuting negative energy into harmony often requires great sacrifice. People must sometimes even sacrifice their life to create balance and harmony for the highest possible good, which calls for great compassion and love for the community of all life."
"We must honor him!" Claire cries.
"Yes," Mr. M replies.
Three of Wands:
Sun in Ares
As Mr. Mellifluous and Claire continue along the shore, they find a man on a hill staring off into the distance. The man is so quiet that Claire hesitates to disturb him.
"Is this man on some kind of adventure?" Claire whispers.
"I would venture to guess that he is experiencing a new beginning of some sort. The sun is shining brightly, and he is gazing off into the distance as though about to make a fresh start. All of nature feels pristine once again, as if we are at the beginning of spring or even the beginning of the world. It feels like a time of the awakening of the higher self, a time when we see the big picture clearly, and we don't need to go anywhere to know our connection with the community of all life."
"Yes, that's the way I am feeling too. I won't bother him then," Claire whispers.
"Don't worry, child, you don't ever bother anybody," Mr. M laughs.
The Lovers: Gemini
As Claire and Mr. M continue on their journey, they both suddenly feel that they have entered paradise. An angel hovers above an Empress and an Emperor, and a profound peace prevails through the cycles of nature, for spring and summer and fall and winter all seem to be present at once.
Mr. M's face brightens. "That is the great Archangel Raphael, Healer of God, welcoming us back into Eden. We know the light of the higher self, the light of the Source, the underlying unity of all consciousness. We remain open to cosmic energies and feel compassion for all life through all the cycles of life. Right here, right now, we are one with creation."
"Yes, I feel that too!" Claire exclaims.
Suddenly the Archangel speaks: "If you are ever threatened by negative energies, you can call on me to heal them, and you can call on the great Archangel Michael to cleanse them with divine, holy Fire. You can call on great Archangel Gabriel to cleanse them with divine, holy Water; you might have already experienced how she can burn away negativity with Fire so that you can peer into the deep waters of the soul. And you can call upon great Archangel Auriel to fill them with divine love and harmony and light and wholeness and forgiveness and peace and abundance and joy. We are always here for you, child, if you need us to heal you or cleanse you or fill you with divine love and harmony."
Speechless for a moment, Claire finally exclaims, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
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