All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Meet the Lord of Rest from Strife.
Decan: Jupiter in 21 - 30 degrees of Libra Tree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Sphere)
Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Rest from Strife
You continue your journey with Mr. Mellifluous through the realm of Swords and soon find yourself in a church, where a person, who at first seems a recumbent effigy, remains in deep meditation. Three swords point directly down at him, but a fourth, horizontal sword rests beneath him.
Then you notice a brilliant stained glass window with a mother and child, perhaps Mother Mary and Jesus, above him. For a moment, the window suggests the vividness of a vision. You close your eyes as if the knight is drawing you into a meditative state. After awhile—you are not quite sure how long—you have a vision of a crowned woman in a red robe holding a sword straight up and down in her right hand and golden scales in the other.
Suddenly she speaks, “You can maintain balance deep in the soul even when conflict rages around you, but you must go below the conscious mind, which is so often full of strife and contradiction. Deep in the subconscious is a state where symbols, patterns of spiritual principle, manifest. In this state of deep transformation and regeneration, the higher self reveals patterns of the harmony, magnificence, and abundance of the spirit.
“Here in this inner realm, you have visions and hear wise voices. You can transcend time and the five senses and establish balance within yourself so that you can then manifest harmony, which eventually results in greater harmony for your family and your community.”