Tuesday, August 30, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Rest from Strife.

Decan: Jupiter in 21 - 30 degrees of Libra
Tree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Rest from Strife

Open music in a new window.

   You continue your journey with Mr. Mellifluous through the realm of Swords and soon find yourself in a church, where a person, who at first seems a recumbent effigy, remains in deep meditation. Three swords point directly down at him, but a fourth, horizontal sword rests beneath him.
   Then you notice a brilliant stained glass window with a mother and child, perhaps Mother Mary and Jesus, above him. For a moment, the window suggests the vividness of a vision. You close your eyes as if the knight is drawing you into a meditative state. After awhile—you are not quite sure how long—you have a vision of a crowned woman in a red robe holding a sword straight up and down in her right hand and golden scales in the other.

Justice: Libra

   Suddenly she speaks, “You can maintain balance deep in the soul even when conflict rages around you, but you must go below the conscious mind, which is so often full of strife and contradiction. Deep in the subconscious is a state where symbols, patterns of spiritual principle, manifest. In this state of deep transformation and regeneration, the higher self reveals patterns of the harmony, magnificence, and abundance of the spirit.

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   “Here in this inner realm, you have visions and hear wise voices. You can transcend time and the five senses and establish balance within yourself so that you can then manifest harmony, which eventually results in greater harmony for your family and your community.”

King of Cups

   Claire, meanwhile, is flying above a killer whale when she notices a King on a throne in the middle of the ocean. Since the whale apparently isn't in the mood to talk, Claire floats over to the King.

   "Hello, your majesty, how are you today?" Claire asks politely.

   "Very well, my child. How are you?" the King of Cups replies.

   "Fine, thank you," Claire responds. "I am just wondering how you can be on a throne in the middle of the ocean."

   "Notice, my child, that water moves around us, but remember that it also moves within us. Most people don't realize that archetypal forces also move within them and around them. Most people don't know that they can access extremely powerful forces to maintain harmony and balance in their world.

   "Unfortunately, to most people what I am saying probably seems as bizarre as finding a king on a throne in the middle of the ocean. They cannot believe it unless they see it."
   "I think I know what you mean, your majesty," Claire responds.
   "See the water in the cup and the water that surrounds you and feel the water within you. There is an underlying unity of consciousness, and you and I are drops within that ocean of consciousness. But also remember that there are subtle forces with vast power and knowledge that maintain harmony and balance within the cosmos. Most people won't believe it, but these powers of harmony work with us, if we have knowledge, to maintain harmony in our world...."
   "Yes, your majesty, I believe you," Claire replied as she gazed at the water in the cup, then at the water in the ocean, and felt the blood rushing through her veins....

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Defeat.

Decan: Venus in 1 - 10 degrees of Aquarius
Tree of Life Association: Mars in Geburah (Fifth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Defeat

Open music in a new window.

   You find yourself with Mr. Mellifluous by the sea once again, where a man has seized five swords, apparently from two other men, one of whom is walking away while the other stands with his head in his hands. The gleeful winner, who can't even hold all of the swords, appears to have triumphed over the other two in some struggle for power. There is no blood on the ground, and the ocean is growing calmer as the storm clouds begin to disperse.
   “What subtle forces do you feel here?”

The Star: Aquarius

   You open your mind and immediately receive impressions, sensing the powerful instinct of combat, related to the God Mars, and the instinct of reproduction, associated with the Goddess Venus. Suddenly you imagine the Goddess under the stars who pours water from her vessels.

The Empress: Venus

   “Instincts are facets of the Gods,” the Goddess insists. “Humanity's animal nature is on one end of a spectrum that includes its spiritual nature on the other end. The instincts of sex and combat are part of the spectrum of energy associated with Venus and Mars, who are lovers. Their energy is often disruptive on the physical plane, but on the higher planes the energy transforms into the ideals of harmony and beauty and love and discipline and courage and justice.

The Tower: Mars

   "Powerful thought-forms can rise from instincts within humans, intense emotions linked with images that can cause great fear or rage or other unbalanced or negative reactions. Negative thoughts and emotions together can suddenly turn crowds into mobs. Negative thought-forms can influence whole societies to attack others as enemies.

   "A deep understanding of the holiness of all energy and of the underlying unity of all consciousness can lead to a diffusion of negative thoughts and feelings so that a person or society can manifest ideal energies rooted in the instincts, which humanity has understood as the powers of the Gods to create harmony and balance out of chaos or disorder. Few realize that human beings have the power to use spiritual will, combined with spiritual understanding, to create harmony from disorder in a god-like way. 

   “When the star of higher awareness awakens within consciousness, the negative energies of the instincts can be neutralized so that the ideals of each type of archetypal energy can be realized. Instead of cruelty and destructiveness, a person or society can manifest the ideal energies of Mars, which are  discipline and sacrifice and courage and justice, for instance. Until that happens, humanity will no doubt continue to get caught up in a destructive cycle of winning and losing, triumph and defeat, associated with the negative aspects of competition and power and dominance.”

The Burners

   Claire meanwhile notices a bright flame rushing through the sky toward her. Curious, she wings toward it. The flame, Claire realizes, is actually a devilish person riding a fiery horse-like creature with talons. When the devilish person gazes in her direction, Claire senses that she is in terrible danger. She feels that this creature wants to burn everything to ashes, even children and fairies.  

   Claire looks away and zooms in the opposite direction as quickly as possible until she is sure that she is out of danger.


Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Earned Success.

Decan: Mercury in 11 - 20 degrees of Aquarius
Tree of Life Association: Sun in Tiphareth (Sixth Emanation)

Open music in a new window.

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Earned Success

   Suddenly you and Mr. Mellifluous find yourselves on a boat crossing a river. Near you, a skilled boatman is propelling his boat forward with a long pole. Six long swords stand near an adult and a child.

The Star: Aquarius

   The boatman's pole must descend deep into the water to push against the bottom of the river. This act reminds you of the Goddess who is pouring liquid from a jug into a pond as though into a pool of the subconscious. Suddenly you are back with the Goddess.

The Magician: Mercury

   As she pours water from the jugs, the pool and the land both seem refreshed by a seemingly inexhaustible supply of energy. The Goddess states, “A single-pointed focus is essential for accomplishing any goal. Mercury, God of the deep mind, aids in any effort to realize a dream or reach a new shore. Mercury is the messenger of the Gods: Often, when you are focused on some purpose, the sun of the psyche, the higher self, communicates insights from deep in the soul to the conscious mind.

The Sun: Path 30

   “Mercury, however, does not work alone. The Magician receives inspirations from the Source and brings the energy down through the archetypal, mental, and astral planes to manifest in the physical world. Even seemingly simple acts, such as going on a journey or caring for a family, require planning, understanding and skill--and even inspiration. The intellect is as essential in mundane survival as it is in reaching the farthest shores.”

   You gaze in quiet admiration as the boatman once again propels his boat forward.

with Claire

   As she flies over an arid region, Claire notices a knight on a white horse near a stream just freshened by rain. 
   The Knight, who holds a golden cup, seems deep in thought while all the while he keeps his horse in check. He doesn't seem to notice as Claire waves her hand in front of his face.
   "Hello, Sir Knight, I hope I am not disturbing you!" Claire blurts out.
   "I was just envisioning a golden cup and plate on a pure white tablecloth, above which floats a golden equal-armed cross," the Knight of Cups mutters. "I have received a message from the deep mind, and I am now interpreting it."
   "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."
   "The cup and plate and cross are golden. I interpret that to mean that they are incorruptible, like spirit."
   "Please, sir, go on," Claire responds.
   "The cup and plate suggest abundance. The equal-armed cross suggests harmony. The white of the tablecloth suggests an essential purity and unity of the spirit."
   "All of that sounds important. I mean, what do you think it means?" Claire asks politely.
   "Hmmm," the Knight says. "It is a brilliant banquet that reveals the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the human spirit."
   Claire smiles. "That is just so lovely!" she exclaims.
   "My horse is going to drink deep of the stream again. Then, I daresay, together we are going to fly farther and deeper into this profoundly mysterious wilderness!"
   "Good luck. Be careful!" Claire waves as she flutters away.

Monday, August 22, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Unstable Effort.

Decan: Moon in 21 - 30 degrees of Aquarius
Tree of Life Association: Venus in Netzach (Seventh Emanation)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Unstable Effort

Open music in a new window.

   You continue to travel with Mr. Mellifluous through the realm of Swords and realize that you have wandered into a war zone. You stumble upon a man, who is not in uniform, stealing swords from an enemy encampment. He, in fact, appears to be more of a prankster than a soldier, and he seems to be performing a comic act instead of committing an act of war. Awkwardly carrying five swords, he tiptoes away with a silly grin on his face. Confused, you gaze at Mr. Mellifluous.

   “What subtle presences are influencing him, do you think?” Mr. Mellifluous inquires.

The High Priestess: The Moon

   “This seems like some form of lunacy,” you respond, “so maybe he's experiencing the influence of The Moon.”
   “Yes, and what else?” Mr. Mellifluous asks.
   “I'm not sure. He's all alone, so he's not really going to have much of an impact on the outcome of the war. His efforts seem unstable, even silly, but by making himself vulnerable, he might be trying to make a point, to force us to examine the source of the conflict. He seems to be someone who is willing to take great personal risk to get us to ask some pretty basic questions about ourselves and our motivations. Even though he appears to be more like a clown than a soldier, he might be operating from some higher awareness.”
   “What would this higher awareness look like?” Mr. Mellifluous asks.

The Star: Aquarius

   You close your eyes and envision a woman kneeling by a pond, pouring water from a jug in one hand onto the land and liquid from the another jug into the water. A large star hovers directly above her and seven other smaller stars surround the large star. “I see a woman, a Goddess perhaps, who is giving energy to the world, to the land and the water. She seems guided by some higher awareness, represented by the stars above her. She is a mystical healer who refreshes the rivers and bestows life upon the land. She provides streams of inspiration and hope and wisdom. She is like Venus, who brings great beauty and harmony and love into the world.”

The Empress: Venus

   You stare at the jester, who might end up sacrificing himself for what he believes is a higher cause. “You think I'm foolish,” he seems to be saying. “This war, with its pageantry and pomp, might be an even greater act of foolishness, which could disrupt and destabilize our entire society. I am merely stealing a few swords while soldiers are killing each other and innocent women and children so that people in power can take the property. Think carefully, soldiers, before you are even more foolish than I am!”

   Mr. Mellifluous smiles and nods. "Yes, indeed, he is being influenced by Aquarius...."

   Meanwhile, Claire noticed a King down below her. Feeling great curiosity, Claire swooped down next to him.
   The King, who seemed deep in thought, blinked his eyes and smiled. "Well, my fairy child, how are you today?"
   Claire curtsied and bowed her head in respect, "I am very well, thank you, your majesty."
   The King suddenly turned serious. "I am curious, my child. As an Air Elemental, a sylph, are you aware that the sword symbolically represents the element of Air?"
   "I am learning many new and wonderful things, your majesty," Claire responded with a smile. 
   "Why do you think the sword is an important symbol for us, my child?"
   Claire squinted at the sword for a moment, then responded, "The sword, I think, has many important uses, your majesty."
   "Indeed," the King nodded. "What kinds of uses, my child?"
   Claire focused on the sword and blurted out her first thought, "It shows great power, your majesty!"
   "Yes, very good. The sword represents types of power, especially the power of thought."
   "You mean like cutting through lies to get to the truth?" Claire inquired.
   "Very good, you are indeed a bright sylph!"
   "You can also use it to defend yourself and your kingdom!" Claire exclaimed.
   "Yes, yes, go on," the King smiled.
   As Claire stared at the sword, one idea after another came to her. "You can heal by cutting away disease. You can create harmony through law and order and balance through justice." Claire felt proud of herself for sounding so smart. "You can create harmony and order in the world!" she added, as if she couldn't contain herself.
   The King laughed, "As a human fairy, you have a unique skill, a special power: You can create harmony and balance for yourself and others through your thoughts and feelings, just like you create music in your heart. Music is an art form. Through heart and mind together you create subtle thought forms that can create harmony for yourself and others. Just like most people cannot hear the music in your heart, others will also probably never be aware of your thought forms, some of which might be so powerful that they change the world in some way. The mind, like the sword, gives you great power, but you must learn to use it wisely."
   "Thank you, your majesty." As the King turned his attention to other matters, Claire stared a long time at the sword, as though absorbing its power with her mind.


Friday, August 19, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Shortened Force.

Decan: Jupiter in 1 - 10 degrees of Gemini
Tree of Life Association: Mercury in Hod (Eighth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Shortened Force

Open music in a new window.

   Finally in sunlight again, you and Mr. Mellifluous stroll along the seashore until you meet a blindfolded woman bound by strips of cloth. She remains hesitant to move because of the eight large swords that surround her. In the distance, a castle dominates the cliff, and since no one else is in sight, you suspect that someone in the castle reduced her to this condition. Frightened by the sight, you long again for the freshness of the garden.

The Lovers: Gemini

   You and Mr. Mellifluous find yourselves before the Archangel, who speaks, “Even though immersed in powerful liberating forces, the mortal aspect of the self can become trapped by limiting beliefs.

The Magician: Mercury

   "The intellect, the sphere of Mercury, limits internal and external forces, resulting in the splendor of just proportion within the human mind and within civilization, but the intellect can also have negative effects: It can imprison you with false ideas, blind you to the spiritual dimension, and lead to many kinds of abuses, especially abuses of power.

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   “But no mind can be confined forever. Eventually the blindfold falls off and the bonds break. The magnificence, harmony and abundance of the spirit, qualities of Jupiter, radiate through the heart and mind. You recognize your immortal essence when your personality, soul and divine core become integrated, and you dance within the eternal processes of change, transformation and regeneration.”
   You are tempted to help the woman, but you suspect that she will soon liberate herself from the bonds that hold her captive.

Queen of Elemental Air

   Claire was tired, so she flew down to the trees. Suddenly an enchanting fairy appeared in front of her.

   Claire was startled but happy that she had finally met another fairy.

   "Why, my little one, you are one of the rare fairies! Are you tired, my child?"

   Claire felt the need to be extremely polite. "May I inquire who you are, my lady?"

   "I am the Queen of the element of Air, the mother of Sylphs. My husband is Peralda, King of Elemental Air, and our realm is all around you. We serve the great Archangel Raphael, the Healer of God, who maintains harmony and balance in our world. Together with Raphael, we control the movement of air and bring harmony to thought patterns in humans and other creatures. With one glance, we can capture your most fleeting and innermost thoughts. By the breath of our commands, we call the fairies to maintain harmony in all things, from the largest tree to the tiniest seed. As a human fairy child, you have joined us in creating this profound music. Unlike most humans, you can hear a vast orchestra of living music if you just close your eyes." 

   Claire closed her eyes and could hear the music of the planet. When she opened them again, the Queen continued, "But the thoughts of people are often as chaotic and violent as the howling wind, which you have no doubt experienced in this realm of Swords, which we rule. 

   "Lovely human fairies like you can sense the negative feelings of people and calm them with the music in your heart and the breath of your harmonious spirit. The King and I are pleased that you bring harmony and balance to humans, and we thank you for your service."

   Claire nodded and curtsied. Before Claire could say, "Happy to be of service," the Queen was  gone.


Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Meet the Lord of Despair and Cruelty.

Decan: Mars in 11 - 20 degrees of Gemini
Tree of Life Association: The Moon in Yesod (Ninth Emanation)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Despair and Cruelty

Open music in a new window.

   The sun had peaked through for awhile, but once again you find yourself in darkness. “There is much darkness in this part of the realm,” Mr. Mellifluous sighs. Suddenly you encounter a door and open it, hoping to find shelter for the night.

   A woman sits up in a bed, her hands covering her eyes, as though she is trapped in deep despair. Nine huge swords, three of which almost seem to pierce her, hang upon the black wall. The scene is so depressing that you wish you were back in the garden with the lovers and the Archangel and the golden sun.

The Lovers: Gemini

   Suddenly you and Mr. Mellifluous are back in Eden. The Archangel speaks, “The lightning bolt of Mars can disrupt your world and leave you in a dark night of the soul, where you are cut off from the higher spiritual dimensions. In that dark night, you end up projecting your anger and fear outward at others, and your despair turns to cruelty.

The Burners

   "The unbalanced force of Mars manifests as The Burners. Those fiery devils sear and scorch your very soul. They glow as they blister and broil you. Their flames ignite hatred and anger that smolders and smokes. They want burn everything around you down to the ground. More than anything, they love ashes.

The Tower: Mars

   “But Mars is also a God of the cleansing power of Fire, a force that can eliminate feelings of defeat and loss and conflict and inner poverty that keep you mired in darkness. The power of Fire can eliminate all negativity and open up the higher dimensions of the mind and spirit so that you experience the freshness of the garden once again and know your immortal essence.

The High Priestess: The Moon

   “In the darkness, the Moon can guide you, illuminating the symbols of the subtle forces that connect you to the spiritual dimensions.” Suddenly you notice the faint symbols interspersed with red roses on the blanket of the suffering woman, and you unexpectedly feel hope that the woman will overcome her despair and experience the power of the life-force on all levels of being.

with Claire

   As Claire glided over a desert, she noticed a fiery knight down below her. As she winged down to the ground, his horse suddenly reared when she got close to him.

   "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle your horse!" Claire exclaimed.

   "Don't worry, he does that all the time. I think he's just getting used to my power."

   "What kind of power? If you don't mind me asking," Claire's voice suddenly trailed off as the horse reared again.

   "It's an awesome spiritual power, a kind of passionate willpower, I think." The horse reared again. "I'm not sure that I am totally in control of it yet!"

   "Oh, my! You sure it isn't my fault?"

   "Oh, no. It's this wand. It's kind of complicated," he yelled as his horse reared again. "I am a Knight of the Element of Air, which means I use my mind, my intellect, whatever you want to call it, all the time. But this wand--when I hold this wand, I feel the element of Fire, which gives me passion--it's a passionate spiritual will, which I can use for the highest good--if I can control it!" His horse reared again. "Whoa," he shouted several times until his horse settled down again.

   "But why are you here--in a desert?"

   "I have searched forty days for the pyramids so that I can study the great mysteries and learn the secret powers of passion and knowledge, and I have finally found them. As you can see, the pyramids are right over there, and I need to explore them now!"

   "Okay, good luck!" Claire shouted as he rode off, his horse rearing several more times as he approached the pyramids.


Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  

Friday, August 12, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Ruin.

Decan: Sun in 21 - 30 degrees of Gemini
Tree of Life Association: The Four Elements in Malkuth (Tenth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Ruin

Open music in a new window.

   Feeling your way through darkness, suddenly a light peaks through the clouds, and you stumble upon a man face down, with ten swords in his back. Oddly, there is no blood on the ground, and the sea in the distance remains calm.

The Lovers: Gemini

   Feeling sorry for the man, you wonder if the sun will ever shine again through the clouds, and suddenly you and Mr. Mellifluous are in a garden with a emperor and empress beneath an awe-inspiring archangel. Just above the archangel's head, a brilliant light radiates from a golden sun.

The Sun: Path 30

   The man and the woman in the garden resemble the couple who were chained to the Devil's block, yet the couple in the garden have found freedom, and you sense that the couple have somehow been liberated from their lower instincts, the archangel hovering over them like some higher awareness.
   Suddenly the Archangel speaks, “In moments of great suffering and paralysis, the higher self sometimes shines through, and the conditioned personality becomes aware of the immortal aspect of the Self. The lower personality exists within duality, both masculine and feminine, and the sensitive feminine aspect sometimes glimpses the higher self, known as the soul. Deep within the soul dwells the divine core, the quintessence of spirit, which shines like a golden sun.
   “The instincts often block the experience of the garden. The person who lives by his instincts seeks immediate gratification without recognizing that physical and subtle forces are interwoven within a vast cosmic tapestry. The soul, once awakened, understands its connection to the subtle forces and is aware both that the lower personality has a dual nature and that the divine core transcends worldly existence.

Page of Swords

   “The intellect can also block the experience of the garden. It can wander like a child with its head in the clouds, always looking over its shoulder with divided attention, or through skepticism it can kill any possibility for spiritual development. The golden butterflies of transformation cannot be seen here. The intellect has great difficulty seeing beyond ruin and tragedy to the higher self and the Sun behind the sun, but in time, the intellect becomes essential in helping the personality become integrated with the soul and the divine core--and one with the Source.”

Knight of Pentacles

with Claire

   Claire noticed a knight on a horse galloping through a field, and she dove down to the earth to find out what the knight was doing. The horse was running so fast that she had difficulty keeping up, and she had to yell to get the knight's attention.
   "Have you learned how to use your sword?" Claire shouted.
   "Yes, can't you see that I am rushing into battle?" the knight yelled back.
   "What are you fighting for?" Claire shouted back.
   The knight didn't answer. Claire had to fly faster and faster to keep up.
   "Are you trying to help someone in danger?"
   The knight didn't answer.
   "Are you fighting for justice?"
   No answer.
   "Who are you fighting?" Claire yelled, unable to keep up any longer.
   "I am acting for the highest good!"
   Claire could hear only hear the horse's hooves from that point on as the knight galloped away.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022


The Ace of Pentacles
with Claire

CORRESPONDING COLOR: White, flecked gold.

Reversed: poverty, lost potential or opportunity; lack of stability; inability to grow.


   A hand extending from a cloud cups a golden pentacle. In the garden below it, a walkway leads through a leafy archway, through which mountains can be seen in the distance, suggesting the heights that can be attained in the material realm. Unlike all the other Aces, no Yods can be seen anywhere. The seeds of the life-force manifest in this realm. The lilies in the foreground emphasize the resurrection that occurs in the cycle of birth, life, death, and regeneration.
   We can see Claire flying over and touching the golden pentacle. Mr. Mellifluous smiles as he states, "This is a good time to review what we've learned so far. The pentagram is a symbol that represents spirit manifested harmoniously in matter. The pentacle is gold to suggest the incorruptibility of spirit. As the suit of Pentacles reveals, within the manifested world is much suffering, the light of spirit managing to shine through sometimes even in the worst conditions. But there is also magic, which we can see if we open our hearts to the luminous spirit manifesting in ordinary things and events.
   "The Ace of Pentacles represents the element of Earth, and it is known as 'the root of the element of form' because it corresponds to Kether, the Crown of Creation, in other words, the Source of Manifestation. The pentagram can be drawn in one continuous motion, suggesting its unity of form, but unlike the circle, which has no beginning or end, one can begin drawing the pentagram at any of its five points, each of which has various symbolic associations. In an elegant way, the pentagram reveals the unity of the states of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and the fifth element of Spirit, or Aether, reflecting the esoteric doctrine that four visible states have their root in a fifth, invisible state.
   "Like the circle, the pentagram establishes boundaries. As a five-pointed figure, the pentagram stems from the fifth Sephira, or Emanation, on the Tree of Life known as Geburah (meaning “power” or “severity”). Geburah restricts and controls energy on all levels of being like an engine controls gasoline so that the vehicle will operate. In other words, the severity of Geburah restricts force so that force functions harmoniously within manifestation.

The Tree of Life with Magical Images

   "It is therefore appropriate that the pentagram is a figure representing the most harmonious force in the cosmos, the Christ-force, which balances all the forces of the Tree. The letters of a familiar name of God, also known as the Tetragrammaton, are positioned on the points of the star to reflect this symbolic meaning. The Tetragrammaton contains the Hebrew letters Yod Heh Vau Heh, which spells the unpronounceable name of God, Yahweh, or Jehovah. Reflecting how manifestation occurs down through the planes of force and form, Yod represents the element of Fire, Heh represents Water, Vau Air, and final Heh Earth, Fire and Air being active planes of force, Water and Earth being passive planes of form. Each of these elements is associated with a suit in the Tarot, Fire with Wands, Water with Cups, Air with Swords, and Earth with Pentacles. To continue the association chain, Fire represents the spiritual plane, Water the mental plane, Air the astral plane, and Earth the physical plane. the Hebrew letter Shin, which signifies the spiritual Aether, the root of manifestation. When Shin is positioned in the center of the God name Yahweh, a new word is created: Yeheshuah. This is a name of Christ--down through the years it has morphed into the name Jesus. Shin is positioned at the top of the pentagram to show how the other four elements manifest harmoniously from the root energy. One can draw a star that moves from the most active energies of manifestation to the most passive in one continous motion, beginning with Aether at the top, moving to the lower right point (Fire), then to the upper left point (Air), then over to the upper right point (Water), then to the lower left point (Earth), then back to the top.

   Claire notices a knight in armor on a black horse below her and flies down to say hello. As she gets closer, Claire sees the golden pentacle in his hand, and she remembers her friend the Queen of Pentacles. Claire wings close to see what might happen.

   "Hello, my name is Claire. Do you by any chance know the Queen of Pentacles?"

   "Why, yes, of course."

   "The Queen let me touch one of her glowing pentacles. She was very nice."

   "Well, young lady, in that case it is indeed nice to meet you."

   "I think pentacles are lovely," Claire smiled. "Can you tell me why they look like that?"

   "Well, a pentacle resembles a gold coin, and, of course, money is a type of energy that makes the world go around, but what the pentacle looks like is not as important as what it can help you do. If you gaze at a pentacle long enough, you can fill your imagination with powerful energy so that your thoughts take root in the world and grow, just as seeds do."

   "Oh, how magical!" Claire exclaims. "Can I gaze at the pentacle and maybe even touch it too?"

   "Well, I guess so, if you know the Queen," the Knight mumbles.

   As Claire touches the pentacle, she feels engulfed by the light of the sun and suddenly knows that she is one with the Source. Because she likes the Queen of Pentacles very much, Claire imagines that she is also a wise Queen who brings harmony and abundance to her realm. For a moment, Claire turns her gaze toward the tilled field next to her, and she feels like she is planting her thought not in the earth but in the mind of the Source of all Creation. She suddenly knows without a doubt that she will have the qualities of a queen someday. She is so sure that she just lets her thought go, like a seed, feeling grateful about the energies that are manifesting in her life.


 Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...