Friday, August 12, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Ruin.

Decan: Sun in 21 - 30 degrees of Gemini
Tree of Life Association: The Four Elements in Malkuth (Tenth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Ruin

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   Feeling your way through darkness, suddenly a light peaks through the clouds, and you stumble upon a man face down, with ten swords in his back. Oddly, there is no blood on the ground, and the sea in the distance remains calm.

The Lovers: Gemini

   Feeling sorry for the man, you wonder if the sun will ever shine again through the clouds, and suddenly you and Mr. Mellifluous are in a garden with a emperor and empress beneath an awe-inspiring archangel. Just above the archangel's head, a brilliant light radiates from a golden sun.

The Sun: Path 30

   The man and the woman in the garden resemble the couple who were chained to the Devil's block, yet the couple in the garden have found freedom, and you sense that the couple have somehow been liberated from their lower instincts, the archangel hovering over them like some higher awareness.
   Suddenly the Archangel speaks, “In moments of great suffering and paralysis, the higher self sometimes shines through, and the conditioned personality becomes aware of the immortal aspect of the Self. The lower personality exists within duality, both masculine and feminine, and the sensitive feminine aspect sometimes glimpses the higher self, known as the soul. Deep within the soul dwells the divine core, the quintessence of spirit, which shines like a golden sun.
   “The instincts often block the experience of the garden. The person who lives by his instincts seeks immediate gratification without recognizing that physical and subtle forces are interwoven within a vast cosmic tapestry. The soul, once awakened, understands its connection to the subtle forces and is aware both that the lower personality has a dual nature and that the divine core transcends worldly existence.

Page of Swords

   “The intellect can also block the experience of the garden. It can wander like a child with its head in the clouds, always looking over its shoulder with divided attention, or through skepticism it can kill any possibility for spiritual development. The golden butterflies of transformation cannot be seen here. The intellect has great difficulty seeing beyond ruin and tragedy to the higher self and the Sun behind the sun, but in time, the intellect becomes essential in helping the personality become integrated with the soul and the divine core--and one with the Source.”

Knight of Pentacles

with Claire

   Claire noticed a knight on a horse galloping through a field, and she dove down to the earth to find out what the knight was doing. The horse was running so fast that she had difficulty keeping up, and she had to yell to get the knight's attention.
   "Have you learned how to use your sword?" Claire shouted.
   "Yes, can't you see that I am rushing into battle?" the knight yelled back.
   "What are you fighting for?" Claire shouted back.
   The knight didn't answer. Claire had to fly faster and faster to keep up.
   "Are you trying to help someone in danger?"
   The knight didn't answer.
   "Are you fighting for justice?"
   No answer.
   "Who are you fighting?" Claire yelled, unable to keep up any longer.
   "I am acting for the highest good!"
   Claire could hear only hear the horse's hooves from that point on as the knight galloped away.

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