Tuesday, August 9, 2022


The Ace of Pentacles
with Claire

CORRESPONDING COLOR: White, flecked gold.

Reversed: poverty, lost potential or opportunity; lack of stability; inability to grow.


   A hand extending from a cloud cups a golden pentacle. In the garden below it, a walkway leads through a leafy archway, through which mountains can be seen in the distance, suggesting the heights that can be attained in the material realm. Unlike all the other Aces, no Yods can be seen anywhere. The seeds of the life-force manifest in this realm. The lilies in the foreground emphasize the resurrection that occurs in the cycle of birth, life, death, and regeneration.
   We can see Claire flying over and touching the golden pentacle. Mr. Mellifluous smiles as he states, "This is a good time to review what we've learned so far. The pentagram is a symbol that represents spirit manifested harmoniously in matter. The pentacle is gold to suggest the incorruptibility of spirit. As the suit of Pentacles reveals, within the manifested world is much suffering, the light of spirit managing to shine through sometimes even in the worst conditions. But there is also magic, which we can see if we open our hearts to the luminous spirit manifesting in ordinary things and events.
   "The Ace of Pentacles represents the element of Earth, and it is known as 'the root of the element of form' because it corresponds to Kether, the Crown of Creation, in other words, the Source of Manifestation. The pentagram can be drawn in one continuous motion, suggesting its unity of form, but unlike the circle, which has no beginning or end, one can begin drawing the pentagram at any of its five points, each of which has various symbolic associations. In an elegant way, the pentagram reveals the unity of the states of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and the fifth element of Spirit, or Aether, reflecting the esoteric doctrine that four visible states have their root in a fifth, invisible state.
   "Like the circle, the pentagram establishes boundaries. As a five-pointed figure, the pentagram stems from the fifth Sephira, or Emanation, on the Tree of Life known as Geburah (meaning “power” or “severity”). Geburah restricts and controls energy on all levels of being like an engine controls gasoline so that the vehicle will operate. In other words, the severity of Geburah restricts force so that force functions harmoniously within manifestation.

The Tree of Life with Magical Images

   "It is therefore appropriate that the pentagram is a figure representing the most harmonious force in the cosmos, the Christ-force, which balances all the forces of the Tree. The letters of a familiar name of God, also known as the Tetragrammaton, are positioned on the points of the star to reflect this symbolic meaning. The Tetragrammaton contains the Hebrew letters Yod Heh Vau Heh, which spells the unpronounceable name of God, Yahweh, or Jehovah. Reflecting how manifestation occurs down through the planes of force and form, Yod represents the element of Fire, Heh represents Water, Vau Air, and final Heh Earth, Fire and Air being active planes of force, Water and Earth being passive planes of form. Each of these elements is associated with a suit in the Tarot, Fire with Wands, Water with Cups, Air with Swords, and Earth with Pentacles. To continue the association chain, Fire represents the spiritual plane, Water the mental plane, Air the astral plane, and Earth the physical plane. the Hebrew letter Shin, which signifies the spiritual Aether, the root of manifestation. When Shin is positioned in the center of the God name Yahweh, a new word is created: Yeheshuah. This is a name of Christ--down through the years it has morphed into the name Jesus. Shin is positioned at the top of the pentagram to show how the other four elements manifest harmoniously from the root energy. One can draw a star that moves from the most active energies of manifestation to the most passive in one continous motion, beginning with Aether at the top, moving to the lower right point (Fire), then to the upper left point (Air), then over to the upper right point (Water), then to the lower left point (Earth), then back to the top.

   Claire notices a knight in armor on a black horse below her and flies down to say hello. As she gets closer, Claire sees the golden pentacle in his hand, and she remembers her friend the Queen of Pentacles. Claire wings close to see what might happen.

   "Hello, my name is Claire. Do you by any chance know the Queen of Pentacles?"

   "Why, yes, of course."

   "The Queen let me touch one of her glowing pentacles. She was very nice."

   "Well, young lady, in that case it is indeed nice to meet you."

   "I think pentacles are lovely," Claire smiled. "Can you tell me why they look like that?"

   "Well, a pentacle resembles a gold coin, and, of course, money is a type of energy that makes the world go around, but what the pentacle looks like is not as important as what it can help you do. If you gaze at a pentacle long enough, you can fill your imagination with powerful energy so that your thoughts take root in the world and grow, just as seeds do."

   "Oh, how magical!" Claire exclaims. "Can I gaze at the pentacle and maybe even touch it too?"

   "Well, I guess so, if you know the Queen," the Knight mumbles.

   As Claire touches the pentacle, she feels engulfed by the light of the sun and suddenly knows that she is one with the Source. Because she likes the Queen of Pentacles very much, Claire imagines that she is also a wise Queen who brings harmony and abundance to her realm. For a moment, Claire turns her gaze toward the tilled field next to her, and she feels like she is planting her thought not in the earth but in the mind of the Source of all Creation. She suddenly knows without a doubt that she will have the qualities of a queen someday. She is so sure that she just lets her thought go, like a seed, feeling grateful about the energies that are manifesting in her life.


 Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

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