Saturday, August 27, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Defeat.

Decan: Venus in 1 - 10 degrees of Aquarius
Tree of Life Association: Mars in Geburah (Fifth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Defeat

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   You find yourself with Mr. Mellifluous by the sea once again, where a man has seized five swords, apparently from two other men, one of whom is walking away while the other stands with his head in his hands. The gleeful winner, who can't even hold all of the swords, appears to have triumphed over the other two in some struggle for power. There is no blood on the ground, and the ocean is growing calmer as the storm clouds begin to disperse.
   “What subtle forces do you feel here?”

The Star: Aquarius

   You open your mind and immediately receive impressions, sensing the powerful instinct of combat, related to the God Mars, and the instinct of reproduction, associated with the Goddess Venus. Suddenly you imagine the Goddess under the stars who pours water from her vessels.

The Empress: Venus

   “Instincts are facets of the Gods,” the Goddess insists. “Humanity's animal nature is on one end of a spectrum that includes its spiritual nature on the other end. The instincts of sex and combat are part of the spectrum of energy associated with Venus and Mars, who are lovers. Their energy is often disruptive on the physical plane, but on the higher planes the energy transforms into the ideals of harmony and beauty and love and discipline and courage and justice.

The Tower: Mars

   "Powerful thought-forms can rise from instincts within humans, intense emotions linked with images that can cause great fear or rage or other unbalanced or negative reactions. Negative thoughts and emotions together can suddenly turn crowds into mobs. Negative thought-forms can influence whole societies to attack others as enemies.

   "A deep understanding of the holiness of all energy and of the underlying unity of all consciousness can lead to a diffusion of negative thoughts and feelings so that a person or society can manifest ideal energies rooted in the instincts, which humanity has understood as the powers of the Gods to create harmony and balance out of chaos or disorder. Few realize that human beings have the power to use spiritual will, combined with spiritual understanding, to create harmony from disorder in a god-like way. 

   “When the star of higher awareness awakens within consciousness, the negative energies of the instincts can be neutralized so that the ideals of each type of archetypal energy can be realized. Instead of cruelty and destructiveness, a person or society can manifest the ideal energies of Mars, which are  discipline and sacrifice and courage and justice, for instance. Until that happens, humanity will no doubt continue to get caught up in a destructive cycle of winning and losing, triumph and defeat, associated with the negative aspects of competition and power and dominance.”

The Burners

   Claire meanwhile notices a bright flame rushing through the sky toward her. Curious, she wings toward it. The flame, Claire realizes, is actually a devilish person riding a fiery horse-like creature with talons. When the devilish person gazes in her direction, Claire senses that she is in terrible danger. She feels that this creature wants to burn everything to ashes, even children and fairies.  

   Claire looks away and zooms in the opposite direction as quickly as possible until she is sure that she is out of danger.


Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

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