All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Meet the Lord of Shortened Force.
Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Shortened Force
Finally in sunlight again, you and Mr. Mellifluous stroll along the seashore until you meet a blindfolded woman bound by strips of cloth. She remains hesitant to move because of the eight large swords that surround her. In the distance, a castle dominates the cliff, and since no one else is in sight, you suspect that someone in the castle reduced her to this condition. Frightened by the sight, you long again for the freshness of the garden.
You and Mr. Mellifluous find yourselves before the Archangel, who speaks, “Even though immersed in powerful liberating forces, the mortal aspect of the self can become trapped by limiting beliefs.
"The intellect, the sphere of Mercury, limits internal and external forces, resulting in the splendor of just proportion within the human mind and within civilization, but the intellect can also have negative effects: It can imprison you with false ideas, blind you to the spiritual dimension, and lead to many kinds of abuses, especially abuses of power.
“But no mind can be confined forever. Eventually the blindfold falls off and the bonds break. The magnificence, harmony and abundance of the spirit, qualities of Jupiter, radiate through the heart and mind. You recognize your immortal essence when your personality, soul and divine core become integrated, and you dance within the eternal processes of change, transformation and regeneration.”
You are tempted to help the woman, but you suspect that she will soon liberate herself from the bonds that hold her captive.
Queen of Elemental Air
Claire was tired, so she flew down to the trees. Suddenly an enchanting fairy appeared in front of her.
Claire was startled but happy that she had finally met another fairy.
"Why, my little one, you are one of the rare fairies! Are you tired, my child?"
Claire felt the need to be extremely polite. "May I inquire who you are, my lady?"
"I am the Queen of the element of Air, the mother of Sylphs. My husband is Peralda, King of Elemental Air, and our realm is all around you. We serve the great Archangel Raphael, the Healer of God, who maintains harmony and balance in our world. Together with Raphael, we control the movement of air and bring harmony to thought patterns in humans and other creatures. With one glance, we can capture your most fleeting and innermost thoughts. By the breath of our commands, we call the fairies to maintain harmony in all things, from the largest tree to the tiniest seed. As a human fairy child, you have joined us in creating this profound music. Unlike most humans, you can hear a vast orchestra of living music if you just close your eyes."
Claire closed her eyes and could hear the music of the planet. When she opened them again, the Queen continued, "But the thoughts of people are often as chaotic and violent as the howling wind, which you have no doubt experienced in this realm of Swords, which we rule.
"Lovely human fairies like you can sense the negative feelings of people and calm them with the music in your heart and the breath of your harmonious spirit. The King and I are pleased that you bring harmony and balance to humans, and we thank you for your service."
Claire nodded and curtsied. Before Claire could say, "Happy to be of service," the Queen was gone.
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