Friday, September 30, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Abundance.

Decan: Mercury in 11 - 20 degrees of Cancer
Tree of Life Association: Saturn in Binah (Third Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Abundance

   Three women, each holding up a golden cup, dance with each other. Your soul feels ravished by beauty and grace as you suddenly feel caught up in the dance.

   Mr. Mellifluous notices that you are swaying to their rhythm. “What influences do you feel here?” he quietly inquires.

The World: Saturn

   You open your psychic senses and feel the influence of Saturn, which is not what you expected since you recently encountered Saturn with The Lord of Sorrow.

The Magician: Mercury

   “With Saturn comes restriction and suffering and death but also, apparently, great beauty, ” you respond. 

   Suddenly the magician appears. “Without restriction, there could be no harmony or grace. Beauty comes from deep in the soul, from the abundance and magnificence of the spirit. Mercury, messenger of the Gods, communicates this sense of harmony from the spiritual realm.”

The Chariot: Cancer

   Suddenly the woman in the chariot appears before you once again. “The quest for harmony stems from the first creative act when the cosmos in all of its splendor came into being. Like The Magician, a person who brings the harmony, magnificence and abundance of spirit down through the planes to manifest in the material world consciously carries on the work of the Creator.
   “We are all creators in every moment. Effective creations may stem from primal forces in the soul but can only be realized through the intellectual and emotional discipline that leads to effortless grace.”

Page of Cups

   Claire notices the Page of Cups below and flutters down to chat with her. "Hi, you're the Lotus of the Palace of the Floods, right? Nice to see you again."

   "You have a good memory. You can call me Lotus if you want."

   "I was wondering why you keep staring at the fish in your cup--if you don't mind me asking."

   "I know it must look odd, but I am asking it questions."

   "What kind of questions?" Claire inquires.

   "I was wondering why there is so much suffering and sorrow in the world."

   "Did your friend answer you?" Claire asks.

   "Through suffering we learn to transmute negativity into harmony through grace. We develop understanding and learn to help others. The world is not a vale of tears, but a vale of soul-making," Lotus answered.

   "Wow, your fish seems very wise!" Claire exclaims.

   "My friend is indeed extremely helpful. She is my guide...."

   "I wish I had a guide like that," Claire responds.

   "Oh, I'm sure you do. You just have to open your heart and listen carefully. At least that is what my friend just told me."

   "Wow, please thank your friend for me, Lotus!"

   "My friend says you're welcome!" Lotus replies, still staring at the cup.

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Blended Pleasure.

Decan: Moon in 21 - 30 degrees of Cancer
Tree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Blended Pleasure

   As you continue your journey through the land of Cups, you come upon a man sitting at the foot of a tree. Three cups stand before him. A fourth cup floats near him, held by a hand that protrudes from a small cloud.

The Chariot: Cancer

   “We have finally left the realm of Scorpio, the realm of death and transformation,” states Mr. Mellifluous. He shivers slightly as he admits, “I'm always glad to leave that realm, but we continue to face new challenges. What influences do you feel here?”
   You open your psychic senses once again, feeling a sense of adventure. “The man sitting at the base of that tree seems to be on some kind of quest even though he isn't moving. He seems to be an adventurer on the inner planes.”

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   As soon as you finish your sentence, a person in a chariot appears before you, but the chariot isn't moving. Within what appears to be a block of stone, the knight holds invisible reins to two sphinxes, one black and one white, both of which seem almost as immovable as she is. A golden star shines from the crown on her head.

The High Priestess: The Moon

   The knight suddenly speaks, “You are now in the realm of Cancer, the realm of moon-paths and visions. Here symbols of spiritual principle appear as real as anything in the material realm. The symbols in this realm are like bridges to higher awareness.
   “Here, under the influence of the Moon and Jupiter, your quest takes you beyond the complexities and dramas of the material realm as you experience the simple magnificence of the spirit. What you take back from this realm, even though you have not physically moved an inch, can elevate generations to come.”

The Liar

   Claire is flying over a castle when she hears a trumpet blast far below. She spirals down to the street to find out what is happening. When she lands, she sees a man with a lion's head riding a bear. He keeps blowing his horn while his bear lumbers down the street.
   "Excuse me, sir, I like your horn!" Claire exclaims.
   "You should, my child. It is the horn of Mercury, the herald of truth. You should always heed its melodious verities!" he claims before he blows the trumpet once again. "I am the one, true messenger of the God!"
   Claire cringes. "In truth, sir, it is a bit loud!"
   "Yes, of course, it is the loudest trumpet in the land!"
   "But I have talked to many others who seem to be telling the truth, and in truth, sir, they are not quite so loud!"
   "The truth must be heard above all the lies. You really should not be listening to those blowhards! I am the one and only true messenger. They are not connected to the one with true power. I have all the right connections, child. If you want to realize a dream, listen to me!"
   "Is the truth always told by the ones with the right connections?" Claire inquires.
   "One great truth that you need to learn, dear child, is that if you have all the right connections, you can tell the truth any way you want!" The lion-headed man smiles and blows his horn as loudly as he can. "Why do you think I ride a bear?" he sneers.
   "But most of the people in this realm have talked to me with love and kindness, sir. Doesn't truth come from love?"
   "Nonsense! Truth comes from power, not love! Don't be such an idiot! You must always believe what I say even if it sounds crazy--because I say it for your own good! You must claim my truth as your own even if you can't prove that it's true. You won't have to think, which will make your life a lot easier! Let me do all the thinking, child! I guarantee that you will get nowhere if you don't! Love, hmph! Get out of my way before my bear tramples you, silly child. You might understand when you get older if your brain develops normally!"
   "Whatever you say, sir!" Claire lifts off the ground and flies high above the castle.


Sunday, September 25, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Decan: Mars in 1 - 10 degrees of Scorpio
Tree of Life Association: Mars in Geburah (Fifth Emanation)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Loss in Pleasure

   As you and Mr. Mellifluous come to a stream in the land of Cups, you find a person in a black cloak who stares down at three golden cups that have somehow been knocked over. The person seems unaware of the two golden cups that still remain standing, so consumed is he by the loss. The person also does not seem to notice the white bridge nearby, nor the building that might represent new opportunities on the other side of the river.

Death: Scorpio

   The fallen cups remind you of those who have fallen before Death on his white horse. Immediately you are back with the grisly figure. It speaks once again, “I am here to teach you one of the greatest lessons you can learn: Letting go. You will experience loss on many levels in your life. Loss can strike you like the lightning bolt of Mars, and you can find yourself hurling head first out of your isolated tower unexpectedly, not knowing if you are going to survive.

The Tower: Mars

   “But you are never left with nothing. If nothing else you have your imagination and your memories.
   “In circumstances of loss, Mars can be your greatest friend, for Mars can burn away all that is negative until you are like new again, ready for fresh possibilities and adventures. I feel a great affinity with Mars, for like me, the God keeps the world from stasis and inertia, but you will not be able to see that if all you can do is focus on your loss.”

   Claire flies over a man who is staring at three overturned cups. He seems heartbroken, which makes Claire sad, but she smiles and waves when she sees you and Mr. Mellifluous nearby. She continues on her way and soon notices the King of Swords below. She glides down to the ground next to him. "Hello again, your majesty!" she exclaims.
   He smiles. "Well, hello again. How are you, my child?"
   "I am fine, your highness, but I just saw a man who seemed very sad. Since you are the King of the element of Air, I am hoping that you might help me understand how to deal with sadness."
   "Air is a life force that purifies us when it circulates through the body. Much change and loss occurs in the world, but we can focus on the breath to calm the heart and mind. We can let go of negativity just as we let go of the breath. 
   "That might sound simplistic, but Air is an element associated with the mind, which can either hold on to sorrow or let go. The mind, unbeknownst to many, has the truly miraculous power not only to purify itself but also to cleanse the body, the emotions, and the spirit. We all experience much change, which can lead to anguish, but the mind can drain away negativity from all levels of being.
   "After purification, the mind can literally scan the personal energy field to find negativity wherever it exists and release it. You can, in other words, heal yourself and bring harmony to your world instead of losing yourself in negativity.
   "Breath and the mind are both associated with the spirit. Most of the problems we experience are essentially spiritual in nature. Focus on the breath and let the mind go deep into the spirit to create peace and harmony in the whole self."
   Claire closed her eyes and focused on her breath. "Thank you so much, your highness," she breathed.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Pleasure

Decan: Sun in 11 - 20 degrees of Scorpio
Tree of Life Association: Sun in Tiphareth (Sixth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Pleasure

   As you continue wandering through the realm of Cups, you encounter a girl and her friend, who holds a golden cup with a lily. The girl and her friend experience delight in the simple exchange.

Death: Scorpio

   The gift reminds you of the child's gift of flowers to the figure of Death. Suddenly you are once again facing Death on the white horse.

The Sun: The Sun

   Death quietly hisses, “The sun is the source of all life on Earth. The Sun behind the sun is the Source of all life in the cosmos. Each life is a filament of energy within an infinitely vast tapestry in a state of constant change. Without the Sun there would be no life and no transformation. I am merely a servant of the Sun.
   “With me in the process of transformation are the scorpion, the snake, the eagle. Without me, you would never experience regeneration and the expansion of consciousness throughout an evolution. Without my influence, you would never die to the old to know the sun of the higher self, represented by the eagle. You would not recognize the light within all other beings within the vast tapestry of the Sun.
   “The outer and inner light constantly changes. Openness to the light is the greatest gift, which can only occur through an openness to otherness and change.”

   Claire notices the Queen of Cups far below, and since she wants to know more about the element of Water, Claire spirals down to speak with her. "Good day to you, your majesty!" she exclaims.

   "Why, hello again, child. What can I do for you?"
   "I was hoping that you would tell me about the element of Water, your highness."

   The Queen smiles, "Of course, child. Water is the magical element of the mysteries and splendor of physical life and the imagination. It is the primordial element from which innumerable beings issue forth. Since the diversity of life springs from its dark womb, Water is linked with feminine energy, the moon and fertility, and since its primordial depths are dark and deep, Water is also associated with the subconscious, with emotions, mystery, dreaming, vision, and the imaginative life. 

   "Because its surface is constantly in flux, Water represents change. Despite its fluidity, large bodies of water tend to remain stable, so Water is also associated with strength and with the Emanation on the Tree of Life known as the Foundation, or Yesod, a state of being that emanated or 'gave birth' to the physical realm.

   "Many human cultures view water as a source of life and cleansing and purification. Water is associated with the purity that results from the forgiveness of sin. Since cleansing leads to healing, Water is also associated with harmonizing spiritual love. 
   "Annihilating floods and death are also associated with Water. The Water sign Scorpio represents dramatic changes that can eventually lead to regeneration on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. It shows that we can crawl out of primordial waters, reborn, even after horrific events or frightfully harsh or traumatic experiences. 

    "Water refreshes and regenerates. Immersing ourselves reverently in the primeval waters of the cosmic ocean can lead to an understanding of the underlying unity of all consciousness and the divinity of all life." The Queen pauses for a moment. "I hope you find that helpful, my child."

   "I do indeed, your majesty. Thank you so much!" Claire exclaims as she wings high over the ocean.

Monday, September 19, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Illusionary Success.

Decan: Venus in 21 - 30 degrees of Scorpio
Tree of Life Association: Venus in Netzach (Seventh Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Illusionary Success

   As you continue to wander through the realm of Cups, you encounter a dark man with his hand outstretched as if he is about to pick one of seven golden cups that float before him. Each cup, it seems, contains some emblem of glory. In the cup containing a victory wreath, however, you notice the image of a skull.

Death: Scorpio

   Suddenly you are standing before the figure of Death on a white horse. People are dying all around him. A child holds a flower as if in his innocence he is welcoming the terrible figure.
   You turn to Mr. Mellifluous. Even he seems disturbed. Suddenly Death mutters, “There are many types of death, all transformation. You can die to yourself or to the world, only to find a greater life. Death on every level is not annihilation but regeneration.
   “You must choose carefully, lest you find yourself in a trap worse than death. You have the instincts of self-aggrandizement, combat, lust, instincts that can trap you in a pernicious role that you might regret playing.

The Empress: Venus

   “Look carefully at those golden cups, for the sexual instinct and the instinct for power lead to instability. The influence of Venus remains unstable on the lower realms, but there is hope, for in one cup a figure glows with pink, a color associated with the highest spiritual love. Venus is a Goddess of Love in all its forms, but only the highest form is stable and exalting. Look carefully, for the golden snake of regeneration is attracted to the glowing figure veiled in pink.
   “The person under the veil remains anonymous. The question remains: Do you want wealth and power and fame? Do you want to get lost in a world of dreams? Or do you want to experience exultation and high spiritual love?”

The Page of Wands

   As she flies over the desert, Claire notices a person far below staring at a staff or wand. She spirals down to the person, who seems lost in contemplation, Claire has to wave and loudly announce herself to get the person's attention.
   "Hi, I'm Claire! Who are you?" she inquires.
   "I am the Page of Wands. You can call me the Princess of the Shining Flame, or Rose of the Palace of Fire, but just Flame or Rose will do," she replies, still staring at her wand.
   "What are you doing, if you don't mind me asking?" Claire inquires politely.
   "I am contemplating my Wand, which represents the element of Fire."
   "Wow, that's perfectly wonderful! I want to know more about the elements. What can you tell me?"
   "I am still a student, but I can tell you what I have learned so far. Fire is hot, dry, flowing, luminous, sharp, destructive, life-giving and cleansing.
 Many believe that Fire evolved first from ether and then from air, with ether giving it the space in which to live, and air giving it the conditions in which to burn. Fire formed in the cosmos as the stars, and we can all see the Fire of our sun, the basis of all life on earth. Since the sun is our physical source, Fire is the basis of the energy in the body that gives us life.  Fire is the basis of the passion of love, the passion of sacrifice, and the passion of the spiritual will, without which the heart and mind cannot achieve greater and greater heights.

   "Since it is dynamic and powerful, it is also linked with masculine energy. Mars is a god associated with Fire, the cleansing fire that destroys obstacles, the fire of justice that burns away evil, the fire that inspires courage, the fire that brings light and knowledge.

   "On a cosmic level, in the zodiac, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius form the triplicity of the Fire element. Regarding the planets, the day ruler, night ruler, and participating ruler of the Fire triplicity are the Sun, Jupiter, and Saturn. These archetypal energies are part of the divine Universal Energy field, and therefore they also exist in each personal energy field, as revealed by the Tree of Life. With the heart and mind, we can access these energies within us and expand our consciousness and grow wiser and stronger."

   "How do you know all this?" Claire wonders.

   "Contemplation, meditation, and research, mainly," the Page of Wands replies, still staring at the wand.

   "Thank you so much, my friend. I'll let you get back to it! Bye!" Claire waved and flew high into the sky.

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Abandoned Success.

Decan: Saturn in 1 - 10 degrees of Pisces
Tree of Life Association: Mercury in Hod (Eighth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Abandoned Success

   Suddenly you find yourself near the sea, under the full moon. Near the shore are eight golden cups, three stacked on top of the other five. One cup seems to be missing. As you gaze at the gap between cups you notice a person dressed in red who is beginning a journey up the hillside away from the sea. You suddenly feel that this person might be an artist or magician who over time has developed clear inner vision and a great sense of purpose as well as the discipline to achieve great heights. Under the full moon, you can almost feel the expansion of imagination and inspiration that propels him forward. 

The Moon: Pisces

   The moon speaks, “Primal forces can stimulate the mind to higher attainment. Even though you may have achieved great success in your public or private life, the moon pulls you to the light of the Source. You long for the heights of the spirit even if no one understands your need to move onward to something greater.

The World: Saturn

   “The conscious mind, governed by Mercury, contains motivating primal forces, for Saturn, father of the Gods, is Mercury on a higher arc. The craggy rocks of the shoreline remind you of the primal forces of creation, and the mind longs for the exaltation of contact with those forces. Deep in your soul, you know that you can work with those powerful subtle forces for the highest good of yourself and others.

The Magician: Mercury

   “You know that Mercury enables you to work with those forces by embodying them in imaginative form. Artists and magicians throughout time, for instance, have personified forces as deities or saviors or bodhisattvas so that people can experience them in form and understand their purpose and be inspired by them. After achieving a certain level, artisans realize that they are using their skills to inspire others for the highest good.

   "Both Mercury and Saturn are Gods of restriction and discipline. In the moonlight, even if you are feeling great passion for the journey, you know that you must exercise discipline to achieve your goals. The primal forces that inspire you from deep in the subconscious must link with reason so that the exaltation of the mind leads to greater spiritual understanding.”

King of Pentacles

   Claire finds the King of Pentacles again and flies down to meet him.

   "How do you do, your majesty?" Claire asks.

   "You're back! Good to see you again, my young friend," the King replies.

   Claire blushes. "Thank you, your highness. I was wondering, your majesty, what has influenced you to make you such a great king?"

   "If you look at the pentacle, you might intuit that it represents who I am, for as the King of Pentacles, I am the King of the element of Earth. I am influenced by the four elements that manifest here in this realm, Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. But I am also influenced by a fifth, invisible element, Spirit, which is the underlying element of all that manifests on this earth and the underlying consciousness of all life. All of these elements manifest in this Kingdom. Through these elements, I know the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit and the planet, and deep in my heart, I feel love, awe, reverence, and deep gratitude for the Source, the creator of this awesome world."

   "So to become like you, I should feel these elements in my heart?"
   "Yes, my child, for each element represents different levels of being. The elements are associated with the archetypal energies of the zodiac, the triplicities, which are ruled by the powerful archetypal energies of the planets. If you tune your heart and soul to the energies of the four elements and the planets and the zodiac, you will eventually become the Tree of Life itself, your personal energy field in harmony and balance with the Divine Universal Energy Field--one with the Source of all Creation. It is the work of many lifetimes, but if you become as a little child, open to all these energies, you will experience this union more quickly."
   "Yes, your highness, I will feel these elements and energies in my heart and imagine you as often as I can. Thank you so much!" Claire exclaimed as she waved and flew away.


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Material Happiness.

Decan: Jupiter in 11 - 20 degrees of Pisces
Tree of Life Association: The Moon in Yesod (Ninth Emanation)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Material Happiness

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   You step into a room with Mr. Mellifluous and encounter a jovial man in front of a table with nine golden cups on a blue tablecloth. Because the man is so merry and stout, you assume at first that he manages to enjoy life to the fullest, but because the table is not laden with food and drink, you begin to think that he is not merely a hedonist. You sense something sublime about his enjoyment of the physical senses.

The Moon: Pisces

   Standing near him, you intuit that he allows his senses to stir emotions and instincts so that he can exalt consciousness, but you begin to wonder if he is making himself too sensitive and exposed, the way a person open to moonlight for too long might give way to lunacy.

The High Priestess: The Moon

   As you imagine the moon, you find yourself standing in the moonlight. Once again the Moon speaks, “Stirring the instincts can lead to bestial behavior, just as stirring the emotions can lead to pandemonium. However, if your higher self rules your consciousness, you allow the senses to ravish and exalt the mind so that you open up the higher levels of the psyche. You seek out types of art and aspects of nature and relationships that ennoble you instead of debasing you.

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   “The physical senses and instincts are not evil: They are aspects of the Source. You can realize the virtues of the instincts and elevate the mind. The instinct of combat can lead to courage. The instinct of sexuality can transform into high spiritual love. The energies of Jupiter lead you through transformation and regeneration so that your physical senses open your mind to the harmony, magnificence and abundance of the spirit.”

Breaker into Pieces

   Claire notices what appears to be a soldier riding an alligator on the ground far below her. Curious, she flies down and hovers in front of him. "How do you do, sir. My name is Claire. What is your name, sir?" she inquires.

   The soldier growls, "We are called Breaker into Pieces, and we live up to our name if you're at all wondering."

   Claire responds politely, "Do all soldiers here ride alligators?"

   "Of course not!" the soldier shouts. "I am the fiercest warrior in the realm. I manifest the magnificent energy of Jupiter!"

   "You are indeed magnificent, sir!" Claire shouts back. "Are you going somewhere to break something into pieces?"

   "Of course we are, silly child. We follow our instincts. We break and bash and crush and pound everything to dust. We stomp and batter, rip and mangle. We tear apart everything in our path. That's what we do. That's what we've always done!"

   Claire suddenly smells the alligator's breath, but she nevertheless asks one more question, "But can't you also use the energy of Jupiter to create magnificence and harmony and abundance?"

   He grunts, "Nonsense! I've never heard such  ridiculous gibberish! We follow our instincts. What could be better than that? You are just a ludicrous little fairy!" he howls, shaking his spear at her.

   When the alligator takes a step closer, Claire darts away as quickly as she can to another part of the realm.

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...