All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Decan: Moon in 21 - 30 degrees of CancerTree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Emanation)
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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Blended Pleasure
As you continue your journey through the land of Cups, you come upon a man sitting at the foot of a tree. Three cups stand before him. A fourth cup floats near him, held by a hand that protrudes from a small cloud.
The Chariot: Cancer
“We have finally left the realm of Scorpio, the realm of death and transformation,” states Mr. Mellifluous. He shivers slightly as he admits, “I'm always glad to leave that realm, but we continue to face new challenges. What influences do you feel here?”
You open your psychic senses once again, feeling a sense of adventure. “The man sitting at the base of that tree seems to be on some kind of quest even though he isn't moving. He seems to be an adventurer on the inner planes.”
Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter
As soon as you finish your sentence, a person in a chariot appears before you, but the chariot isn't moving. Within what appears to be a block of stone, the knight holds invisible reins to two sphinxes, one black and one white, both of which seem almost as immovable as she is. A golden star shines from the crown on her head.
The High Priestess: The Moon
The knight suddenly speaks, “You are now in the realm of Cancer, the realm of moon-paths and visions. Here symbols of spiritual principle appear as real as anything in the material realm. The symbols in this realm are like bridges to higher awareness.
“Here, under the influence of the Moon and Jupiter, your quest takes you beyond the complexities and dramas of the material realm as you experience the simple magnificence of the spirit. What you take back from this realm, even though you have not physically moved an inch, can elevate generations to come.”
Claire is flying over a castle when she hears a trumpet blast far below. She spirals down to the street to find out what is happening. When she lands, she sees a man with a lion's head riding a bear. He keeps blowing his horn while his bear lumbers down the street.
"Excuse me, sir, I like your horn!" Claire exclaims.
"You should, my child. It is the horn of Mercury, the herald of truth. You should always heed its melodious verities!" he claims before he blows the trumpet once again. "I am the one, true messenger of the God!"
Claire cringes. "In truth, sir, it is a bit loud!"
"Yes, of course, it is the loudest trumpet in the land!"
"But I have talked to many others who seem to be telling the truth, and in truth, sir, they are not quite so loud!"
"The truth must be heard above all the lies. You really should not be listening to those blowhards! I am the one and only true messenger. They are not connected to the one with true power. I have all the right connections, child. If you want to realize a dream, listen to me!"
"Is the truth always told by the ones with the right connections?" Claire inquires.
"One great truth that you need to learn, dear child, is that if you have all the right connections, you can tell the truth any way you want!" The lion-headed man smiles and blows his horn as loudly as he can. "Why do you think I ride a bear?" he sneers.
"But most of the people in this realm have talked to me with love and kindness, sir. Doesn't truth come from love?"
"Nonsense! Truth comes from power, not love! Don't be such an idiot! You must always believe what I say even if it sounds crazy--because I say it for your own good! You must claim my truth as your own even if you can't prove that it's true. You won't have to think, which will make your life a lot easier! Let me do all the thinking, child! I guarantee that you will get nowhere if you don't! Love, hmph! Get out of my way before my bear tramples you, silly child. You might understand when you get older if your brain develops normally!"
"Whatever you say, sir!" Claire lifts off the ground and flies high above the castle.
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