All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Decan: Mars in 1 - 10 degrees of ScorpioTree of Life Association: Mars in Geburah (Fifth Emanation)
Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Loss in Pleasure
As you and Mr. Mellifluous come to a stream in the land of Cups, you find a person in a black cloak who stares down at three golden cups that have somehow been knocked over. The person seems unaware of the two golden cups that still remain standing, so consumed is he by the loss. The person also does not seem to notice the white bridge nearby, nor the building that might represent new opportunities on the other side of the river.
Death: Scorpio
The fallen cups remind you of those who have fallen before Death on his white horse. Immediately you are back with the grisly figure. It speaks once again, “I am here to teach you one of the greatest lessons you can learn: Letting go. You will experience loss on many levels in your life. Loss can strike you like the lightning bolt of Mars, and you can find yourself hurling head first out of your isolated tower unexpectedly, not knowing if you are going to survive.
The Tower: Mars
“But you are never left with nothing. If nothing else you have your imagination and your memories.
“In circumstances of loss, Mars can be your greatest friend, for Mars can burn away all that is negative until you are like new again, ready for fresh possibilities and adventures. I feel a great affinity with Mars, for like me, the God keeps the world from stasis and inertia, but you will not be able to see that if all you can do is focus on your loss.”

Claire flies over a man who is staring at three overturned cups. He seems heartbroken, which makes Claire sad, but she smiles and waves when she sees you and Mr. Mellifluous nearby. She continues on her way and soon notices the King of Swords below. She glides down to the ground next to him. "Hello again, your majesty!" she exclaims.
He smiles. "Well, hello again. How are you, my child?"
"I am fine, your highness, but I just saw a man who seemed very sad. Since you are the King of the element of Air, I am hoping that you might help me understand how to deal with sadness."
"Air is a life force that purifies us when it circulates through the body. Much change and loss occurs in the world, but we can focus on the breath to calm the heart and mind. We can let go of negativity just as we let go of the breath.
"That might sound simplistic, but Air is an element associated with the mind, which can either hold on to sorrow or let go. The mind, unbeknownst to many, has the truly miraculous power not only to purify itself but also to cleanse the body, the emotions, and the spirit. We all experience much change, which can lead to anguish, but the mind can drain away negativity from all levels of being.
"After purification, the mind can literally scan the personal energy field to find negativity wherever it exists and release it. You can, in other words, heal yourself and bring harmony to your world instead of losing yourself in negativity.
"Breath and the mind are both associated with the spirit. Most of the problems we experience are essentially spiritual in nature. Focus on the breath and let the mind go deep into the spirit to create peace and harmony in the whole self."
Claire closed her eyes and focused on her breath. "Thank you so much, your highness," she breathed.
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