Thursday, September 22, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Pleasure

Decan: Sun in 11 - 20 degrees of Scorpio
Tree of Life Association: Sun in Tiphareth (Sixth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Pleasure

   As you continue wandering through the realm of Cups, you encounter a girl and her friend, who holds a golden cup with a lily. The girl and her friend experience delight in the simple exchange.

Death: Scorpio

   The gift reminds you of the child's gift of flowers to the figure of Death. Suddenly you are once again facing Death on the white horse.

The Sun: The Sun

   Death quietly hisses, “The sun is the source of all life on Earth. The Sun behind the sun is the Source of all life in the cosmos. Each life is a filament of energy within an infinitely vast tapestry in a state of constant change. Without the Sun there would be no life and no transformation. I am merely a servant of the Sun.
   “With me in the process of transformation are the scorpion, the snake, the eagle. Without me, you would never experience regeneration and the expansion of consciousness throughout an evolution. Without my influence, you would never die to the old to know the sun of the higher self, represented by the eagle. You would not recognize the light within all other beings within the vast tapestry of the Sun.
   “The outer and inner light constantly changes. Openness to the light is the greatest gift, which can only occur through an openness to otherness and change.”

   Claire notices the Queen of Cups far below, and since she wants to know more about the element of Water, Claire spirals down to speak with her. "Good day to you, your majesty!" she exclaims.

   "Why, hello again, child. What can I do for you?"
   "I was hoping that you would tell me about the element of Water, your highness."

   The Queen smiles, "Of course, child. Water is the magical element of the mysteries and splendor of physical life and the imagination. It is the primordial element from which innumerable beings issue forth. Since the diversity of life springs from its dark womb, Water is linked with feminine energy, the moon and fertility, and since its primordial depths are dark and deep, Water is also associated with the subconscious, with emotions, mystery, dreaming, vision, and the imaginative life. 

   "Because its surface is constantly in flux, Water represents change. Despite its fluidity, large bodies of water tend to remain stable, so Water is also associated with strength and with the Emanation on the Tree of Life known as the Foundation, or Yesod, a state of being that emanated or 'gave birth' to the physical realm.

   "Many human cultures view water as a source of life and cleansing and purification. Water is associated with the purity that results from the forgiveness of sin. Since cleansing leads to healing, Water is also associated with harmonizing spiritual love. 
   "Annihilating floods and death are also associated with Water. The Water sign Scorpio represents dramatic changes that can eventually lead to regeneration on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. It shows that we can crawl out of primordial waters, reborn, even after horrific events or frightfully harsh or traumatic experiences. 

    "Water refreshes and regenerates. Immersing ourselves reverently in the primeval waters of the cosmic ocean can lead to an understanding of the underlying unity of all consciousness and the divinity of all life." The Queen pauses for a moment. "I hope you find that helpful, my child."

   "I do indeed, your majesty. Thank you so much!" Claire exclaims as she wings high over the ocean.

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