Wednesday, June 26, 2024

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

With Homeless on the Street


The Planet Burning

  One afternoon, Nathan hung out with the homeless on the street. Then he rode his bicycle back to the El Dorado District as the world was burning due to climate change.

The El Dorado District

   Nathan was happy that he at least had food and shelter even though he lived in the El Dorado District, which remains tawdry in many respects.

In Front of the Apartment

   The entrance to his apartment seemed like a portal for a moment. As he stood before his door, Nathan suddenly realized that he was tired and decided to take a nap.

The Hierophant: Taurus

   As Nathan was sleeping, he dreamed about a wise man, a hierophant, holding up two fingers in blessing. The Hierophant stated, "I am the Keeper of Wisdom. I have expanded your tiny apartment so that now it is a temple with many rooms. Each room contains a subtle force represented by a God or Goddess."

Pretending to be the Hierophant

   In the dream, Nathan saw himself on a throne and tried to gesture like The Hierophant. "I guess now I am a Keeper of Wisdom too!" Nathan smiled.

Temple of The Moon

   Then Nathan found himself in a temple room that represented a Goddess of the Moon.
   The Moon Goddess spoke, "I am the subtle force, known by some as the Holy Ghost, who presents symbols and archetypes representing spiritual principle to your inner vision. Through me, you can understand other subtle forces represented on the Tree of Life."

Temple of Mercury

   Then Nathan wandered to the next temple room and found himself with the God Mercury.
   Mercury spoke, "I am the subtle force, known by some as Hermes, who enables you to create concrete symbols and ideas representing mythological principles that come alive in your imagination and heart in the Emanation of The Moon."

Temple of Venus

   Nathan wandered across to the next temple room and discovered the Goddess Venus, who spoke, "I am the subtle force, known by some as Aphrodite, who holds up a prism to The Sun so that all subtle forces can be known through their rainbow colors. Through the magical triangle on the Tree of Life that includes Mercury and The Moon, you can bring the subtle forces into the physical realm, where they can manifest independent action."

Temple of The Sun

   Nathan then wandered into the heart of the temple, where he discovered a Sun God. "I am the subtle force, also known as the Son, through whom human beings experience the Vision of Harmony and the Mysteries of Sacrifice. You are now in the center of equilibrium, which balances the subtle forces of the Tree of Life. From here, you can ascend the Middle Pillar and experience the unity of the Source, or you can choose to experience the ethical triangle, which includes Mars and Jupiter."

Temple of Mars

   Nathan chose to experience the ethical triangle, so he wandered into the temple room of Mars. "I am a subtle force, also known as Ares, through whom human beings achieve balance--even though at first I might seem to cause chaos and conflict. I am the God in the Emanation of Power who fights with the righteous to establish justice in the physical realm, and in that way we maintain harmony."

Temple of Jupiter

   Nathan then ambled across to the next room, where he discovered the God Jupiter. "I am the subtle force, also known as Zeus, who reveals the Glory of Creation. Through me, human beings can know the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the spirit. Each Emanation associated with a planet has balanced and unbalanced energies. The unbalanced energies in the Emanation of Mercy are tyranny, bigotry, gluttony, and hypocrisy. By experiencing the horrors of these unbalanced energies, human beings learn the true value of harmony."

Temple of Saturn

   Nathan then came to an abyss, but he was able to leap across to the temple room of Saturn. "I am a subtle force, also known as Chronos, and I fashion the primordial energies that manifest as physical form in The Kingdom. I am often perceived as a God of Death because whatever takes on physical form must break down and die, but I am also known as a God of the Harvest, for in The Kingdom the spirit comes to know the abundance and joy associated with physical form."

Temple of the Zodiac

   Then Nathan sauntered across to a temple room where he encountered the Zodiac. "I am the subtle spirit that permeates the Zodiac, also known as The Father, in the Emanation where the Source of all Creation first sees and knows itself. Here the One begins its manifestation as the cosmos, and in the microcosm, the individual self sees and knows the divine core of being. All the mysteries of manifestation and revelation and self-awareness begin here."

Inner Sanctum

   Then Nathan crossed another abyss and entered the inner sanctum. "You have entered the Crown of Creation. Here you experience the unity of all creation, the One within the Many, and here you connect the divine core of your personal consciousness with Universal Consciousness. Here you experience union with the divine and understand all of your experiences of the Many within the One. Here you accomplish the Great Work of self-transformation."

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Moon Goddess


Archangel Raphael: Ruler of the Element of Air

  Even though Nathan was living in the El Dorado District, one of the poorest districts in the realm, he could still feel the sacred reciprocity of the love between the divine and the human. After practicing his rituals for several years, he had begun to understand the subtle spiritual forces and intelligences represented by the Tree of Life as Archangels and Gods and Goddesses and spiritual symbols. He had experienced powerful spiritual forces when invoking the Archangels Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel. When Nathan first invoked the Archangel Raphael, he felt immersed within a thought bubble of incredible complexity. At the same time, Nathan's personality vanished, and he experienced a profound sense of eternity. Nathan felt like an amoeba in comparison to the awesome spiritual power and intelligence of the Archangel Raphael, Healer of God.
   Using the glyph of the Tree of Life as his guide, he realized that the ninth Emanation known as The Foundation is the key to understanding many major spiritual traditions. The Holy Ghost, represented by Moon Goddesses in some traditions, is associated with The Foundation as well as with the spiritual inebriation, harmonizing love, and sacrifice associated with The Sun--since The Moon reflects the light of the sun. The Moon is also associated with the creation of form through imagination. Combined with concrete ideas, the imagination can create concrete images, such as animals or Gods, that represent unseen subtle spiritual forces, which is why Nathan could create an image in his mind of the Archangels. Each Archangel in Nathan's ritual, the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, represents an element and a triplicity of the zodiac, which also includes the seven ruling planets of classical astrology, so in that sense the four Archangels of the ritual represent all the subtle forces of the Tree of Life.
   The Archangel Raphael, for instance, represents the element of Air and the astrological triplicity of Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini, zodiac signs which in turn are ruled by Venus, Saturn, and Mercury respectively. Each element and zodiac sign and planet represents a powerful subtle spiritual force. The Holy Ghost enables human beings to connect with the love of divine unseen forces through the imagination, in other words, and these guides over time take on a life of their own and become capable of independent action. In fact, they guided Nathan to perform specific steps within the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram that reveal the love between the divine and the human.

Magma under the Earth's Surface

   After Nathan had performed the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram hundreds of times, the four Archangels and Atriel, his guardian angel, revealed a new way of performing it. After Nathan invoked the Archangel Raphael by drawing in the air the symbols that open the portal to the spirit realm and by intoning the sacred names, he suddenly dropped into the magma below the earth's surface. Since Nathan is empathic, he carried a portion of the negativity of the collective consciousness of humanity into the magma, where it began to dissolve and transform into light. His personality disappeared, but his soul spiraled counter-clockwise upward to a large golden equal-armed cross. After his soul connected with the balanced cross, the Archangel Raphael wrapped the earth in healing and harmonizing energy, spreading smaller golden balanced crosses clockwise across the globe. Gaia, Mother Earth, completely purified the negative energy that Nathan had left in the magma and transformed it into light. After Gaia had purified the negative energy and the Archangel had wrapped the entire world in harmonizing and healing energy, a white light rose from the underworld and combined with the divine light of the Archangel. Eventually, Nathan felt himself immersed in bright light as though he were standing in the sun. He repeated this with the other three Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel.
   By that time, Nathan had realized that one must first feel the subtle spiritual forces, then develop and establish concrete ideas and images associated with them, then bring them down the planes through sacrifice. He realized that he was experiencing a sacred reciprocity between the Archangels and the Earth Soul and himself, for he was immersed in brilliant bright light from above and below at the same time. "I am the sacrifice," he said to himself. Because of his sacrifice, he was experiencing the love between the divine and the human, for the Archangels and the Earth Soul and humanity are all interconnected, all divine.

Justice: Libra

   Nathan had worried often about environmental degradation and the concentration of wealth and regular economic instability and the rise of fascism and the complete inability of capitalism to handle major problems like climate change and the pandemic, but the ritual at least helped him to feel like he was doing something significant to maintain balance in the world during a major crisis in the human history, so in a way he was also experiencing the balancing force of Libra, the justice of heaven.

Libra: Ruled by Venus

   And as the Archangels helped the planet, he was also experiencing the mythological principle of Venus: the marriage of heaven and earth.

Aquarius: The Star

   He was also experiencing the subtle influence of Aquarius, the awakening of the heart, for he experienced compassion for all life during his ritual.

The Lovers: Gemini

   By the end of his ritual every day, he also felt like he had regained paradise through the integration of his divine core and his higher self and his temporal personality. Because of his ritual, he came to know the mortal and immortal aspects of himself.

Gemini: Ruled by Mercury

   He understood that Venus and Mercury work together to bring the subtle spiritual forces down the planes so that all people can experience the love between the divine and the human. Venus and Mercury and The Moon form the magical triangle that enables human connection with the spirit realms.

Archangel Michael: Ruler of the Element of Fire

   The Archangel Michael, who rules the triplicity of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, establishes the spiritual will to purify the heart and mind and maintain connection with the divine.

The Emperor: Aries

   Aries the Emperor reveals the power of the subtle forces and the magnificence of the human spirit within the fire of life.

Aries: Ruled by Mars

   Mars reveals the courage and power and discipline and strength to establish and maintain justice and harmony within the world.

Strength: Leo

   Ruled by the Sun, Leo reveals the beauty and harmonizing love of the higher self.

Leo: Ruled by The Sun

   Through The Sun, Nathan realized, we experience the vision of harmony and the mysteries of sacrifice.

Temperance: Sagittarius

   Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius the Archer points his arrow toward the sun to reveal the mystical path of higher consciousness. On that path, we experience enlightenment and know the oneness at the heart of all creation, the Many in the One and the One in the Many.

Sagittarius: Ruled by Jupiter

   And Jupiter reveals to us the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit.

Archangel Gabriel: Ruler of the Element of Water

   The Archangel Gabriel cleanses the heart and mind and soul with holy water. Through this cleansing we can open our hearts and know the love between the divine and the human.

The Chariot: Cancer

   Like Cancer the Crab, humans are enclosed in a physical body but also humans can ride a chariot on the paths of the Tree of Life to experience all the dimensions of Universal Consciousness.

Death: Scorpio

   Through Scorpio, human beings experience deep transformation, moving from the condition of the scorpion to the condition of the snake, which is reborn when it sheds its skin, and then to the form of the eagle, which perceives from the perspective of eternity.

The Moon: Pisces

   Through Pisces, we go deep into the subconscious mind to experience the mysteries and profound subtle forces of the divine so that we know the oneness and sacred reciprocity of all subtle forces and intelligences.

Archangel Auriel: Ruler of the Element of Earth

   Archangel Auriel shows the abundance of the earth and the divine connection of all people with life on earth.

The Devil: Capricorn

   Capricorn blesses us with the experience of the subtle spiritual forces as they manifest in the diverse physical forms on the earth.

Capricorn: Ruled by Saturn

   Saturn makes the Many in the One and the One in the Many possible through the manifestation of spirit in form. In that way, Saturn establishes the basis for the love between the divine and the human on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

The Hierophant: Taurus

   Taurus the Bull reveals the great potency and power and vibrancy of the life forces, and through that connection human beings can know and love both the highest spiritual vibrations and the densest physical manifestations.

The Hermit: Virgo

   Through his ritual, Nathan realized that Virgo reveals the great abundance of the physical realm as well as the subtle forces associated with the elements of Air, Fire, Spirit, Water, and Earth, and the Tree of Life.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

   All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

The Lady Merlin and Artura



   When Artura was gathering mushrooms in the forest, she came upon an old woman in a hooded robe.
   "I am Lady Merlin," she proclaimed. "I shall show you how to become a queen." Then the Lady Merlin suddenly turned into a Goddess with rainbow wings.

Moon Goddess

   "You must first become acquainted with the Goddess of the Moon. She is the Holy Spirit who reveals subtle spiritual forces in symbolic form. As above, so below. The microcosm contains the macrocosm. We contain within us all the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Pulling the Sword from the Stone

   The Goddess guided Artura to a gleaming sword stuck in a stone. "You must now pull this sword out from the stone." Artura grabbed the sword and pulled. Nothing happened. She tried again and again. She pulled with all of her might, and suddenly the sword slid out of the stone.
   "You have freed your mind. You are now independent," the Goddess proclaimed.

The Ram: Aries

   Artura and the Goddess strolled deeper into the forest and came upon a ram. "This is Aries the Ram. As you gaze upon the ram, feel the potent but gentle life forces within you."
   Artura closed her eyes and could feel the life forces vibrating within her.

The Bull: Taurus

   Artura and the Goddess strolled deeper into the forest and came upon a bull. "This is Taurus the Bull. As you gaze upon the bull, feel the powerful and vibrant life forces within you."
   Artura closed her eyes and could feel the powerful life forces.

Brothers: Gemini

   The Goddess transported Artura to a room in a castle. "These are the Twins. Together they are known as Gemini. One is mortal, and one is immortal. Feel the mortal and immortal aspects of yourself," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and could suddenly sense both aspects of herself.

The Crab: Cancer

   The Goddess transported Artura back to the forest. "This is Cancer the Crab. Feel how your immortal soul is enclosed within a shell, and honor your physical body within this realm," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt a deep reverence for her physical body.

The Lion: Leo

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Leo the Lion. Feel how you are majestic, like a ruler, and know the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the spirit," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt herself to be a majestic spiritual being.

The King in the Emanation of The Sun

   Suddenly a king appeared before them. "This is the king who represents The Sun. Know the energies of harmonizing love and sacrifice within yourself, for they establish balance within you and your sphere of influence," she stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt a deep sense of harmony and balance within herself.

Demeter: Virgo

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Demeter, who represents Virgo. Focus your heart and mind so that you can know the abundance within your spirit and create abundance in your realm," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and focused on the abundance within herself.

Aphrodite: Libra

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Aphrodite, who represents Libra. Through love, she establishes harmony and just proportion in the realm. Feel her love within yourself so that you can create harmony and balance within your sphere of influence," the Goddess encouraged Artura.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt that love and balance within herself.

Scorpion: Scorpio

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Scorpio the Scorpion. It is a being of deep transformation, for it transforms from a scorpion to a snake and then into an eagle. It can then perceive the world from the perspective of eternity. Allow the process of transformation within yourself," the Goddess encouraged Artura.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself becoming a snake and then an eagle.

The Archer: Sagittarius

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon an archer who suddenly shot his arrow at the sun. "This is Sagittarius the Archer. Aim always for higher consciousness, and you will achieve it," the Goddess stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself achieving higher consciousness.

The Goat: Capricorn

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon goat. "This is Capricorn the Goat. He feels all the subtle spiritual forces as they manifest in the physical realm. Feel the subtle forces within each physical being," the Goddess commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself experiencing the subtle spiritual forces within each physical being.

The Water Bearer: Aquarius

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon goat. "This is Aquarius the Water Bearer. She sees far into the future and helps to enable the heart and mind to grow," the Goddess stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself seeing into the future and enabling her own heart and mind to grow and enabling the hearts and minds of others to grow as well.

The Fish: Pisces

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon two fish in a stream. "This is Pisces the Fish. Together they know the dark and the light deep in the mind," the Goddess stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself knowing the dark and the light deep within herself.

Queen at Round Table

   "You are now ready to be a queen. You will sit at a round table, for all men and women are equal and all are expressions of divinity." From that day forward, the queen served the realm with wisdom and grace. After Artura died, many believed that she would come back again. Others believed that her spirit kept returning to guide those who are striving to know the dimensions of Universal Consciousness....

             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...