Tuesday, June 11, 2024

   All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

The Lady Merlin and Artura



   When Artura was gathering mushrooms in the forest, she came upon an old woman in a hooded robe.
   "I am Lady Merlin," she proclaimed. "I shall show you how to become a queen." Then the Lady Merlin suddenly turned into a Goddess with rainbow wings.

Moon Goddess

   "You must first become acquainted with the Goddess of the Moon. She is the Holy Spirit who reveals subtle spiritual forces in symbolic form. As above, so below. The microcosm contains the macrocosm. We contain within us all the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Pulling the Sword from the Stone

   The Goddess guided Artura to a gleaming sword stuck in a stone. "You must now pull this sword out from the stone." Artura grabbed the sword and pulled. Nothing happened. She tried again and again. She pulled with all of her might, and suddenly the sword slid out of the stone.
   "You have freed your mind. You are now independent," the Goddess proclaimed.

The Ram: Aries

   Artura and the Goddess strolled deeper into the forest and came upon a ram. "This is Aries the Ram. As you gaze upon the ram, feel the potent but gentle life forces within you."
   Artura closed her eyes and could feel the life forces vibrating within her.

The Bull: Taurus

   Artura and the Goddess strolled deeper into the forest and came upon a bull. "This is Taurus the Bull. As you gaze upon the bull, feel the powerful and vibrant life forces within you."
   Artura closed her eyes and could feel the powerful life forces.

Brothers: Gemini

   The Goddess transported Artura to a room in a castle. "These are the Twins. Together they are known as Gemini. One is mortal, and one is immortal. Feel the mortal and immortal aspects of yourself," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and could suddenly sense both aspects of herself.

The Crab: Cancer

   The Goddess transported Artura back to the forest. "This is Cancer the Crab. Feel how your immortal soul is enclosed within a shell, and honor your physical body within this realm," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt a deep reverence for her physical body.

The Lion: Leo

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Leo the Lion. Feel how you are majestic, like a ruler, and know the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the spirit," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt herself to be a majestic spiritual being.

The King in the Emanation of The Sun

   Suddenly a king appeared before them. "This is the king who represents The Sun. Know the energies of harmonizing love and sacrifice within yourself, for they establish balance within you and your sphere of influence," she stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt a deep sense of harmony and balance within herself.

Demeter: Virgo

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Demeter, who represents Virgo. Focus your heart and mind so that you can know the abundance within your spirit and create abundance in your realm," she commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and focused on the abundance within herself.

Aphrodite: Libra

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Aphrodite, who represents Libra. Through love, she establishes harmony and just proportion in the realm. Feel her love within yourself so that you can create harmony and balance within your sphere of influence," the Goddess encouraged Artura.
   Artura closed her eyes and felt that love and balance within herself.

Scorpion: Scorpio

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest. "This is Scorpio the Scorpion. It is a being of deep transformation, for it transforms from a scorpion to a snake and then into an eagle. It can then perceive the world from the perspective of eternity. Allow the process of transformation within yourself," the Goddess encouraged Artura.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself becoming a snake and then an eagle.

The Archer: Sagittarius

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon an archer who suddenly shot his arrow at the sun. "This is Sagittarius the Archer. Aim always for higher consciousness, and you will achieve it," the Goddess stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself achieving higher consciousness.

The Goat: Capricorn

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon goat. "This is Capricorn the Goat. He feels all the subtle spiritual forces as they manifest in the physical realm. Feel the subtle forces within each physical being," the Goddess commanded.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself experiencing the subtle spiritual forces within each physical being.

The Water Bearer: Aquarius

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon goat. "This is Aquarius the Water Bearer. She sees far into the future and helps to enable the heart and mind to grow," the Goddess stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself seeing into the future and enabling her own heart and mind to grow and enabling the hearts and minds of others to grow as well.

The Fish: Pisces

   The Goddess and Artura traveled deeper into the forest and came upon two fish in a stream. "This is Pisces the Fish. Together they know the dark and the light deep in the mind," the Goddess stated.
   Artura closed her eyes and imagined herself knowing the dark and the light deep within herself.

Queen at Round Table

   "You are now ready to be a queen. You will sit at a round table, for all men and women are equal and all are expressions of divinity." From that day forward, the queen served the realm with wisdom and grace. After Artura died, many believed that she would come back again. Others believed that her spirit kept returning to guide those who are striving to know the dimensions of Universal Consciousness....

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