Wednesday, June 26, 2024

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

With Homeless on the Street


The Planet Burning

  One afternoon, Nathan hung out with the homeless on the street. Then he rode his bicycle back to the El Dorado District as the world was burning due to climate change.

The El Dorado District

   Nathan was happy that he at least had food and shelter even though he lived in the El Dorado District, which remains tawdry in many respects.

In Front of the Apartment

   The entrance to his apartment seemed like a portal for a moment. As he stood before his door, Nathan suddenly realized that he was tired and decided to take a nap.

The Hierophant: Taurus

   As Nathan was sleeping, he dreamed about a wise man, a hierophant, holding up two fingers in blessing. The Hierophant stated, "I am the Keeper of Wisdom. I have expanded your tiny apartment so that now it is a temple with many rooms. Each room contains a subtle force represented by a God or Goddess."

Pretending to be the Hierophant

   In the dream, Nathan saw himself on a throne and tried to gesture like The Hierophant. "I guess now I am a Keeper of Wisdom too!" Nathan smiled.

Temple of The Moon

   Then Nathan found himself in a temple room that represented a Goddess of the Moon.
   The Moon Goddess spoke, "I am the subtle force, known by some as the Holy Ghost, who presents symbols and archetypes representing spiritual principle to your inner vision. Through me, you can understand other subtle forces represented on the Tree of Life."

Temple of Mercury

   Then Nathan wandered to the next temple room and found himself with the God Mercury.
   Mercury spoke, "I am the subtle force, known by some as Hermes, who enables you to create concrete symbols and ideas representing mythological principles that come alive in your imagination and heart in the Emanation of The Moon."

Temple of Venus

   Nathan wandered across to the next temple room and discovered the Goddess Venus, who spoke, "I am the subtle force, known by some as Aphrodite, who holds up a prism to The Sun so that all subtle forces can be known through their rainbow colors. Through the magical triangle on the Tree of Life that includes Mercury and The Moon, you can bring the subtle forces into the physical realm, where they can manifest independent action."

Temple of The Sun

   Nathan then wandered into the heart of the temple, where he discovered a Sun God. "I am the subtle force, also known as the Son, through whom human beings experience the Vision of Harmony and the Mysteries of Sacrifice. You are now in the center of equilibrium, which balances the subtle forces of the Tree of Life. From here, you can ascend the Middle Pillar and experience the unity of the Source, or you can choose to experience the ethical triangle, which includes Mars and Jupiter."

Temple of Mars

   Nathan chose to experience the ethical triangle, so he wandered into the temple room of Mars. "I am a subtle force, also known as Ares, through whom human beings achieve balance--even though at first I might seem to cause chaos and conflict. I am the God in the Emanation of Power who fights with the righteous to establish justice in the physical realm, and in that way we maintain harmony."

Temple of Jupiter

   Nathan then ambled across to the next room, where he discovered the God Jupiter. "I am the subtle force, also known as Zeus, who reveals the Glory of Creation. Through me, human beings can know the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the spirit. Each Emanation associated with a planet has balanced and unbalanced energies. The unbalanced energies in the Emanation of Mercy are tyranny, bigotry, gluttony, and hypocrisy. By experiencing the horrors of these unbalanced energies, human beings learn the true value of harmony."

Temple of Saturn

   Nathan then came to an abyss, but he was able to leap across to the temple room of Saturn. "I am a subtle force, also known as Chronos, and I fashion the primordial energies that manifest as physical form in The Kingdom. I am often perceived as a God of Death because whatever takes on physical form must break down and die, but I am also known as a God of the Harvest, for in The Kingdom the spirit comes to know the abundance and joy associated with physical form."

Temple of the Zodiac

   Then Nathan sauntered across to a temple room where he encountered the Zodiac. "I am the subtle spirit that permeates the Zodiac, also known as The Father, in the Emanation where the Source of all Creation first sees and knows itself. Here the One begins its manifestation as the cosmos, and in the microcosm, the individual self sees and knows the divine core of being. All the mysteries of manifestation and revelation and self-awareness begin here."

Inner Sanctum

   Then Nathan crossed another abyss and entered the inner sanctum. "You have entered the Crown of Creation. Here you experience the unity of all creation, the One within the Many, and here you connect the divine core of your personal consciousness with Universal Consciousness. Here you experience union with the divine and understand all of your experiences of the Many within the One. Here you accomplish the Great Work of self-transformation."

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