Saturday, October 29, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Ace of Wands


   A hand projecting from a cloud holds up a large wand from which leaves are sprouting.  Several leaves, in a shape resembling the Hebrew letter Yod, which itself symbolizes the fiery seed of life within a fist, fall through the sky.  In the background, a tower rises above the rest of the landscape, suggesting the human ability to manipulate Fire through will to create a stable community.  It is easy to believe that the masculine, dynamic force of Fire manifests primarily as sexual potency in the physical realm, but the element of Fire, as the castle suggests, manifests through all levels of being in incredibly diverse ways, in human communities and in the natural world.  The potency of the life-force on all levels, spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical, represented symbolically by the wand, suggests that individual power, symbolized by sexual potency, comes directly from the life-force that we channel into the sphere of senstation on all levels--whether we are aware of it or not.  Blocking the life-force through ignorance or unnecessary taboos can lead to spiritual, psychological and physical problems.

   The quintessence of the four elements is Aether, the fifth invisible element from which the other elements originate.  The element of Fire, representing the spiritual will, emanates directly from the Aether.  It first manifests as the dynamic, masculine spiritual will in the second Emanation of the Tree of Life, known as Chokmah, or Wisdom.  As one moves down the planes, one finds the element of Fire, which is the impulse behind all of nature, associated with the power of Mars in Geburah and with the natural beauty of Venus in the sphere of Netzach, which reveals why leaves sprout from each wand in the suit.  By knowing what to create and what to burn away, a person operating in this element can channel impulses to manifest harmony for himself, for the family, and for the community, which requires wisdom and discipline, two qualities necessary for the completion of the Great Work.  This element is pure life force, which ultimately manifests on all levels of the human psyche, from the intuitive to the artistic to the intellectual to the sexual to the instinctual.  In this element, when the subtle senses are open, one feels the power and influence of the higher self.  It is the Fire that motivates, the Fire that ultimately burns everything but the spirit away, so that one communes with Source alone.  The invisible flame is all that remains after desire for external things has vanished. No ritual or book or guru is enough.  This flame is what motivates one to attain the heights, despite all adversity.


Reversed: lack of energy, wisdom, willpower, passion, or desire; boredom, listlessness

The Fool

   “Zero is the number associated with the 11th path--for several reasons.  First of all, this path reveals the snake biting its own tail--the beginning joining with the end, the first and the last in an eternal cycle.  The Fool is either about to fall into the manifested world or into the Abyss.  He is full of the most divine wisdom and the most blinding innocence, for he is the Eternal Child who experiences all and remains spiritually free.”

   “If this is the eleventh path and the zero path, how is it also the first path?”

   “The ancients loved to create blinds and play with paradoxes.  Kether, the Source, is technically the first ‘Path’ on the Tree of Life, with Malkuth, the Kingdom, being the tenth.  The 11th path is the first path of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, after the ten Sephiroth (Emanations).  In other words, the first ten paths are states of being, and paths eleven through thirty-two are subjective paths, connecting and balancing the ten objective states represented by the spheres.  But as the zero implies, there is no beginning or end that we can know as human beings.  Behind Kether are three veils of existence, far beyond, at this stage of evolution at any rate, the human mind.”

   “Why does the fool keep going if he knows he is going to fall?”

   “If the fool is falling toward Malkuth, he is going to know all the contrasts and challenges and beauties of the Kingdom.  He feels separate and fragmented at times, but whole and connected to the Source at others.  He is going to experience the cosmos and to know complete and utter loneliness and terror.  He is less than the dust one moment and a king the next.  He is a tiny cog in the machine and a hub whose spokes touch the corners of the universe.  He is the observer, the observed, and the act of observation.  He is an animal and a God.  The Hebrew letter ‘aleph,’ which means ‘ox,’ is associated with this path, suggesting the potent, dynamic life-force that pulses and thrills through him at every level--when he is at his most alive.  But it can be a stupid, brutal force when he is operating at his worst.  If, on the other hand, he is falling into the Abyss toward Kether, he is experiencing the transcendent act of Union, which means he retains the human experience but is completely translated into something else.”

   “But didn’t he already cross the Abyss?”

   “Not the last Abyss.  He crossed an Abyss from the personal into the transpersonal, from the most elevated point reached by the higher self, into the spirit, but at that level there was still a tenuous connection with the conscious mind.  But no one can experience Union with the Source and live.  In other words, no soul who has completed the Great Work can remain on the lower planes of existence because he or she has achieved a vibration higher than anything within manifestation, and no one who has done so has returned to describe the experience.”

   “But in the picture, the fool is moving away from the sun, which as a symbol suggests the Source, right?”

   “Ah, yes, but be careful.  The sun is both a manifested reality and a symbol, but at this point, the fool might be about to move across the Abyss beyond all forms of manifestation, which hints that the ultimate Reality is beyond what we can know with the limited human mind.  The fool, after all, represents the divine madness that transcends the human realm.  No astrological sign is assigned to this card, only the elemental symbol of Air, for two reasons.  First of all, on one level, this path represents the first swirlings leading to the act of creation and manifesting as Chokmah, the zodiac.  All of manifestation is in Chokmah, in other words, and all of Chokmah is in Kether.  Everything moves and has its being in Spirit, and Spirit is like air.  You can feel it, you know it’s there, but you can’t see it, and it ‘goes where it listeth,’ where it wants to go.  The fool, with that magical sense of innocence, can even cross the abyss.  What it takes for the mind to move across the Abyss is a change of vibration of the most fundamental and transcendent kind.

   “On this path you see the beginning and end of the human journey.  At the beginning, the fool is full of innocence and excitement, carrying a little bag and holding a white flower symbolizing unity as well as purity of spirit.  He is about to fall into manifestation to experience the Many within the One.  He is resilient and perpetually innocent because, despite the harshest experiences, he knows the divine inner core of his being.  Then he returns at the end of the journey into the One, holding the same white flower even after all of his experiences.  And at the end of the journey, he or she moves beyond form, beyond language, into another great adventure.”

Reversed: lack of creative freedom; recklessness, foolishness


Atziluth:  Bright pale yellow.

Briah:  Sky blue.

Yetzirah: Bluish emerald green.

Assiah:  Emerald green, flecked with gold.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Decan: Mars in 1 - 10 degrees of Ares
Tree of Life Association: Zodiac in Chokmah (Second Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Dominion

   As you near the end of your musical journey through the realms of Pentacles, Swords, Cups, and Wands, you reach a castle. When you climb to the top of the castle wall to take in a view of the entire domain, you encounter a man who holds the world in one hand and a wand in the other. He seems relaxed and content with himself. He is not an emperor, but when you open your mind to impressions, you sense the power of the Emperor within him. The man, though average in appearance, contains the potent force of Mars and the Fire of Ares, but you sense that he also contains the forces of all the realms that you have experienced. He is in complete dominion of himself.

The Emperor: Ares

   Suddenly the Emperor appears and speaks, “The microcosm is a reflection of the macrocosm, the individual energy field a reflection of the Universal Energy Field. As above, so below. You contain all of the energies of Pentacles, Swords, Cups, and Wands. With these energies, you create your own world. Within your own sphere, no one else but you can handle and manifest these energies. This is your gift and your great responsibility.
   “As you gaze at the world, you might ask yourself: How am I going to use these energies? You are a magnificent spiritual being, with the potential for great harmony and abundance, but you can also use these energies to create a world of fear and hate.

The Tower: Mars

   “Look, my friend, the sun is shining. Only you can decide how to use the energies of the Source, no matter what situation you are born in, and you will ultimately judge yourself about whether or not you have used them wisely.”

Four of Pentacles

   Claire notices a king with four pentacles, one on his head, one he is holding, and two below his feet, and she flies down to greet him.

   "Hello, your majesty!" she exclaims.

   "Why, hello, dear child, how are you today?"

   "Very well, your highness. Thank you for asking. I was wondering. Why do you have a golden pentacle on your head?"

   "To make wise decisions, I must first know the unity of all creation, dear child. The star reveals the unity of the elements of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, as well as a fifth known as Ether, or Spirit, and the elements are linked with the energies of the planets and the zodiac. The energies are all unified within the golden circle of eternity. I strive to make decisions from the perspective of eternity and the unity of all creation, so when facing a decision, I first think of the pentacle at my crown."

   "Thank you, your highness. If you don't mind me asking, why are you holding a pentacle so close to your chest?"

   "To make a wise decision, dear child, I must feel compassion and understanding, so I ask my heart to help me make a decision based on compassion for all life and the underlying unity of all consciousness."

   "Thank you, your majesty. If you don't mind me asking, why are pentacles under your feet?"

   "They are there to remind me that what I imagine and feel and decide will manifest in the kingdom. I ask my feet if my choices and decisions are harmonious and balanced, for I know that what I manifest will affect not just myself but my family and the whole family of humanity and the community of all life." 

   "Thank you, your majesty. When I become a queen and rule my kingdom, I will remember what you have told me, and I will imagine a golden pentacle at my crown and one in my heart, and one under each foot, so that I think and feel and act as wisely as you," Claire responds. 

   Then she bows and waves goodbye and flies around a long time above the harmonious kingdom.


Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

  All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Established Strength.

Decan: Sun in 11 - 20 degrees of Ares
Tree of Life Association: Saturn in Binah (Third Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Established Strength

   As you follow Mr. Mellifluous through the realm of Wands, you come to a ridge where a person, who appears to be on some kind of quest or adventure, gazes out at the sea. The sea and the sky are golden. You have no idea what the person is feeling because his back is turned to you, but you get the sense that he is taking in the big picture on that ridge where he can see the vast ocean restricted by the land. When you open your mind to impressions, you get the sense that he is experiencing a radical freshness, similar to the freshness at the beginning of the world. For a moment, you experience cosmic consciousness brimming with the regenerative life-force.

The Emperor: Ares

   Suddenly you are standing before the great Emperor again. “The world begins anew every moment. The life-force continues to manifest in multitudes of forms governed by the laws of nature. The creative force is unstoppable, but it is restricted by the God Saturn. Without this restriction, there would be only free-flowing force, a vast chaotic ocean.

The World: Saturn

   “Within every cell, the light of the Source is the basis for all creativity and all manifestation. Its light illuminates the ocean of consciousness. With its light, individual consciousness is a co-creator with the life-force. The Source is our established strength, the basis for all the laws of nature.

The Sun: Path 30

   “The more light we radiate, the more light we get back, for this is a law of the life-force. The more we are in touch with our inner light, the more we can see the light of the Source within all things.”

   Claire notices an unusual rainbow and flies down to inspect it. Then she sees what appears to be a happy family below the rainbow. The children are dancing and the parents are affectionately close together and lifting up their arms in joy toward the rainbow.

   Claire waves at the family as she approaches. "Hello!" she exclaims. "This is a lovely rainbow! I've never seen anything quite like it."

   "It is a special rainbow for happy families," the mother replies.

   "Why are you so happy? If you don't mind me asking...." Claire responds.

   "Some believe all happy families are the same and only unhappy families are different," the father replies. "But all families face challenges on many levels. Some families, perhaps, know a little more about how to manifest the basic energies within us for the highest possible good."

   "Why does the happy-family rainbow have three colors and ten golden cups?" Claire inquires.

   The mother laughs. "The rainbow is not for happy families alone, child," she replies. "The three colors symbolize three elements: yellow represents Air, blue Water, and red Fire. Notice, child, that the red is almost pink, the color that represents the highest spiritual love. The world all around us reveals the element of Earth."

   The father continues, "The ten cups represent the ten holy Emanations of the Tree of Life. We can see the golden cups because our family knows the highest spiritual ideal of each Emanation. Even though we might not always succeed, dear child, we strive to live by those ideals for the highest good of each other. For instance, we strive to manifest harmonizing love and courage and compassion and reverence for each other and the planet and other people. We don't hesitate to use our imagination and live in truth and beauty, and we make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the family."

   The mother continues, "Remember that the triplicities of the zodiac are linked to the elements. The energies of the planets influence the energies of the zodiac. The Tree of Life reveals that these cosmic energies exist within each of us, child, and we can use them for the highest good if we work together as a family--and for the great family of humanity and the community of all life."

   "That makes me so happy!" Claire exclaims. "I want to fly around in the rainbow!"

   The father and mother laugh. "Go ahead, child. Feel free. Feel free!" 

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.




Sunday, October 23, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Perfected Work.

Decan: Venus in 21 - 30 degrees of Ares
Tree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Perfected Work

   As you continue through the realm of Wands, you and Mr. Mellifluous find four wands standing together that form some kind of entryway to a festival or a wedding bower. Two people in the distance wave to you, as if inviting you to the celebration. The decorative wreath hanging between the poles suggests great prosperity and abundance, which makes you happy to join them.
   “How is this great harmony and abundance possible?” Mr. Mellifluous asks you. Instead of running to join the celebration, you pause for a moment, opening yourself to impressions. First you sense the abundance of Venus. Then you sense the up-building expansiveness of Jupiter. But there is another influence that you have not experienced before in the realm of Wands.

The Emperor: Ares

   Suddenly you are standing before an Emperor. The ram’s heads on his throne suggest the potency of the life force, and the scepter and orb reveal his dominion of his inner world and the world around him. His armor is orange, suggesting the passion and the Fire of spiritual will and also seems to reflect the molten world around him.

The Empress: Venus

   Suddenly the Emperor speaks, “I am the manifestation of spring and rebirth. Within me is the freshness of the very beginning of the world, the freshness of every Eden imagined by humanity. I remain immaculate in my domain, for with the Fire of spiritual will, I burn away whatever is negative, whatever does not serve me.

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   “With the energies of the great Goddess Venus, and with the regenerative energies of Jupiter, we create a world of abundance and harmony, a world of perfected work. Through our harvests, we manifest the creative life-force in all of its splendor, at every level, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.”

   Claire sees a woman holding up a bird of prey with her gloved hand. The bird's head seems to be hooded. Claire waves her hand as she approaches to see if she can get the bird's attention. She wants to talk with the attractive woman below while first making sure that she can avoid being chased away by the bird of prey. 
   "Good day, my lady," Claire whispers as she approaches.
   "Why, hello, dear child. Do you like my bird?"
   "Yes, I do, very much. It is magnificent. I was just wondering why it has a hood over its head?"
   "The bird must learn discipline. It is spreading its wings but realizes that this is not the most opportune time to fly. Other times it can fly high."
   "Just like we need to learn discipline?" Claire inquires quietly.
   "Yes, like that."
   "You have a lovely garden, my lady."
   "Thank you, my child. Look at the golden pentacles in this lovely garden. Each contains a five-pointed star. In its evolution, the soul can experience an element at one point and then move to another, all the way around the star. There are layers of experience in the evolution of the soul, for the soul can start at a different point in each manifestation and experience the energies of the star in a different way, including the energies of the elements as they manifest in this world, and the energies of the triplicities of the zodiac, and the powerful influences of the planets. The soul eventually experiences the element of Ether, or Spirit, and knows the underlying unity of the star and of all consciousness. But the soul as it learns hard lessons is sometimes blinded or lacks discipline in its journey around the star. The soul is never punished for the way it deals with experience. The soul keeps learning as it moves around the star. After layer upon layer of experience, the soul eventually knows that through discipline and knowledge it can choose to live in harmony, abundance, and joy."
   "Thank you, my lady. That is good news," Claire responds.
   "Would you like to watch my bird fly, child?"
   "Thank you, my lady, but this might be a good time for me to fly," Claire laughs as she joyfully flutters her wings.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Strife.

Decan: Saturn in 1 - 10 degrees of Leo
Tree of Life Association: Mars in Geburah (Fifth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Strife

   As you and Mr. Mellifluous wander through the realm of Wands, you encounter five boys fighting each other, seemingly without any sense of “sides” or teams. In this battle, it is each man for himself. They are all in intense competition with each other. Not one of them, at this point at any rate, has shed any blood, and they continue to experience the fiery spirit of the lion as they swing their wands at each other.

Strength: Leo

   As you think of the lion, once again the woman in white appears before you, caressing the lion’s head. “Everyone experiences strife because everyone experiences competition for resources and recognition. Each person must learn to deal effectively with conflict. Mars is the God who presents plenty of opportunities for learning. Above the sphere of Mars on the Tree of Life is the sphere of Saturn, the supernal sphere of restriction. Each soul must learn this harsh discipline, for it is the basis of manifestation.

The Tower: Mars

   “On the Pillar of Severity, Saturn is the God of the primal restriction in form. Below Saturn, Mars is the God of severity and discipline in the sphere of ethics. Below Mars, Mercury is the God of restriction in the sphere of intellect.

The World: Saturn

   “Each of us must learn to deal decisively with evil in every sphere. Ignoring problems only leads to worse problems. Some of the worst calamities stem from the inability to address evil adequately, from not responding in just proportion to a conflict.
   “I am a Goddess of Balance. I control the fiery spirit of the lion in myself, so I can effectively confront the lions that I encounter in the world. One of the greatest gifts that you can give others in your sphere of influence is harmonizing your instincts and bringing yourself into balance. With the self in balance, you can see more clearly how to deal effectively with external problems.”

   Claire sees the Knight of Pentacles far below and flies down to say hello. As she approaches, he keeps staring at his golden pentacle. 
   "Hello, sir Knight. I hope I'm not interrupting!" Claire exclaims.
   "Oh, hello again! No, no, not at all. I guess sometimes I get kind of mesmerized by my pentacle."
   "Are you learning anything from it now?" Claire politely inquires.
   "There is a time to sow and a time to reap within the cycles of the golden circle of eternity."
   "Why, that is lovely. Is that why you remain here next to this plowed field?"
   "Yes, but there is more. There is a time to experience the element of Earth, but there is also a time to know the element of Spirit, and a time to feel the element of Fire, and a time to touch the element of Air, and a time to sink into the element of Water, and also a time to return to the element of Earth."
   "Yes, sir Knight, that is so lovely. I am feeling what you say now as I gaze at the pentacle."
   "There is time to experience the triplicities, all the energies of the zodiac, as the soul moves within the wheel of eternity. And within the triplicities, there is time to feel the powerful influences of the planets."
   "Wow, my good sir. You are learning so much!" 
   "There is a time to learn from fear and conflict and a time to learn from compassion and love. There is a time to learn from anger and hatred and a time to learn from harmony and the passion of sacrifice. There is a time to feel separate from the Source of all Creation and a time to feel one with the golden circle of eternity. All of this I know now."
   "Thank you so much, sir Knight! I understand now thanks to you and your wonderful pentacle. I won't interrupt you any longer...and thank you for sharing!" she exclaims as she flies high above the fields.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Victory.

Decan: Jupiter in 11 - 20 degrees of Leo
Tree of Life Association: Sun in Tiphareth (Sixth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Victory

   You continue with Mr. Mellifluous through the realm of Wands and suddenly encounter what appears to be a victory celebration. One man on a white horse wears a victory wreath on his head. Another victory wreath hangs from his wand. As you observe the crowd, you do not notice any signs of a battle, nor does it appear that anyone is paying attention to the person with the wreaths. What you assumed at first to be a victory celebration might simply be a random crowd.
   The person with the wreaths does not seem more unusual than anyone else. You begin to wonder what sort of victory he has actually experienced.

Strength: Leo

   Suddenly the woman in the white dress, still caressing the lion’s head, appears before you. “Victory in this realm is achieved slowly over time through the exultation of consciousness and mystic vision. At first, the mystic is like a babe in a humble manger. Every time the mystic exalts consciousness, an expansion of the mind occurs that never totally retracts, and he experiences greater illumination and a greater capacity for life. Slowly the mystic builds an inner temple, symbol by symbol, through higher psychism: He envisions symbols of spiritual principle formed by Higher Potencies that reveal the harmony, magnificence and abundance of spirit.

The Sun: The Sun

   “Eventually the mystic experiences the Vision of Harmony in the sphere of the Sun, realizing that he is a filament within a vast, harmonious tapestry containing field upon field of inter connected energies. His growth requires a shift of focus, a form of sacrifice, so that he can maintain inner harmony and remain on the path.

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   “His victory occurs through the illuminations of The Sun and the transformative energies of Jupiter. In the process, he recognizes that every soul is magnificent, with the potential for great harmony and abundance.”

   Claire notices the King of Wands down below and feels the need to talk to him. The King seems lost in a reverie as he gazes into the distance, so she waves her hands to get his attention. "Hello, your Highness," she exclaims.

   "Why hello, little one. Good to see you!" he responds.

   "Forgive me for asking, your majesty, but isn't being the King of Wands a really hard job?"

   "People have all sorts of reasons for wanting to be king. Some want power. Some want wealth. I choose to be king so that I can serve my kingdom for the highest possible good."

   "I greatly respect your noble choice, my King," Claire responds politely.

   "Thank you, my child. My nobility stems not from my position in society but from my service to the Divine Will. I strive to maintain balance and harmony in my kingdom. I work to benefit all but the unbalanced."

   "Who are the unbalanced, your majesty? If you don't mind me asking," Claire asks.
   "The greedy, who want far more than their share at the expense of all others. The indifferent, who refuse to participate in the necessary work to maintain balance within the community. The liars, who deceive others for their own benefit. The prideful, who resort to harming others to maintain their erroneous belief in their superiority. The cruel and destructive. The tyrannical and prejudiced, the gluttonous and hypocritical. In short, whoever destroys or undermines the harmony and balance in the sacred community of all life."
   "Thank you for your wisdom, your majesty," Claire responds.
   "Look carefully at this wand, child. It represents the element of Fire, a cleansing force that burns away the negative, that burns away whatever does not serve the highest good. It is the fire of the spiritual will, the compassion that feeds those who hunger and that illuminates the path of those in darkness. It is the passion of sacrifice that brings harmony to all the unbalanced conditions of our lives, the fire that burns away the veils and opens our hearts to the divinity within us all."
   "Thank you, your highness. I think I understand why you have chosen to rule the element of Fire."
   "You are welcome, my child," the King replies as he again gazes off into the distance.

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Valor.

Decan: Mars in 21 - 30 degrees of Leo
Tree of Life Association: Venus in Netzach (Seventh Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Valor

   In the realm of Wands, a brave warrior on a ridge is about to enter into battle against a larger force. For a moment, you fear that his valor is doomed because he is so outnumbered. Nevertheless, he has the spirit of a lion, and you can’t help but admire him, no matter the outcome of the battle.

Strength: Leo

   Suddenly you are in a different place and a woman in white appears. With a horizontal figure eight above her head, she walks calmly over to a lion and gently caresses its head.
   “Beauty and the beast?” you wonder out loud.

   The woman in white speaks, “The power of Mars is the concentration of force through limitation and restriction and discipline. On the Tree of Life, Mars resides on The Pillar of Severity, a pillar associated with form. He is passionately in love with Venus, the Goddess of love and beauty on the Pillar of Mercy, which is a pillar of force. At a basic level, their love combines the powerful instincts of sex and combat. Those instincts, sublimated to a higher purpose, can manifest as valor through the spiritual will of the higher self.

The Empress: Venus

   “You must exercise a strong spiritual will to tame the beast. You can move by degrees from base animal instincts to higher, more harmonious energies, and the resulting focus and discipline can lead to unexpected, heroic outcomes. Sometimes the higher self can unexpectedly, in the darkest moments of an individual or a nation, turn ruin into victory.”

    Claire notices a man hanging upside down by his foot and decides to find out why this is happening to him. Claire hovers in front of him and asks, "I am very sorry, sir. This is very disturbing to me, and I am sure very horrible for you. I don't understand why this is happening."

   "The people consider me a traitor," the hanged man replies.

   "But why?"

   "Because I am different. I am sorry to tell you this, child, but people often harm others who are different from them. They are afraid and want to feel powerful and in control."

   "How are you different? You don't seem that different."

   "I am not different in appearance. I have different values. I believe in the divinity of all life, but many people want to feel superior to others for one reason or another. Anyone who doesn't conform with their values can become their target."

   "That is terrible, but is there something else that they don't like?" Claire sighs.

   "People hate me because I follow a different spiritual path, and they fear me because of it. I suspend my mind so that I can fathom the depths and experience the subtle spiritual realms. That scares them."

   "Okay, I do see a difference now. I didn't notice it at first. Your head is glowing with light."

   "Yes, child, people can sense this light even if they can't see it. This light is perhaps what scares them most of all."

   "This is not right! Please, can I help you in some way?"

   "You would be doing so at your own peril. They will seriously harm you if you try to help me. Just talking to me could be stirring up fear and hatred in their hearts. You need to leave now before something bad happens. Don't fret, child. I forgive them. When the veils of fear and hatred fall away, we know the divinity within all people. We know that we are all brothers and sisters."

   "This is just too horrible!"

   "Sacrifice can make people open their hearts. Go now, child, before it's too late...."

   Claire flies away, tears streaming down her face.


Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Decan: Mercury in 1 - 10 degrees of Sagittarius
Tree of Life Association: Mercury in Hod (Eighth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Swiftness

   As you proceed through the realm of Wands, you suddenly see eight wands flying across the sky. Where they came from, you have no idea, but you have to conclude that it took a highly coordinated effort on the part of several individuals to get the wands to fly together at nearly the same height and rate. You are suddenly glad that you are not their target.

Temperance: Sagittarius

   Once again, the Archangel Michael appears before you. “The intellect, combined with the spiritual will, can accomplish amazing feats. Mercury, God of the intellect, is also a messenger of the Gods who communicates intuitions from the spiritual depths. He is a God of deep knowing, who rules reason and makes sudden insights and astonishing achievements possible.

The Magician: Mercury

   “We are now on the path of Temperance, where the archer Sagittarius aims his arrow heavenward, from Yesod, The Foundation, toward the Sun. With the aid of Mercury, through the insights of the intellect and the soul, you live in the Higher Self.”

   Claire hears stunningly beautiful music in the distance and flies toward it. She soon notices that a great angel is blowing a golden horn and ghost-like people seem to be rising from the dead. 
   "Hello, child," the angel seems to say to Claire while at the same time blowing the horn.
   "Hello!" Claire exclaims. "Are you an angel?"
   "I am the Archangel Gabriel."
   "How can you make such lovely music and talk to me at the same time?"
   "I am speaking to you with my mind. It's called telepathy. Sometimes, child, you might hear the wise voice of an angel or a spirit guide or even a person even though it seems like no one is nearby. Also, as an Archangel, I can multi-task."
   "Are you also raising people from the dead," Claire inquired.
   "What are you feeling, right now, child?"
   Claire paused for a moment and slowly responded, "I feel deeply cleansed and inspired by your music. I feel like all negativity is gone. Even though I have wings, in a way, I feel like I am leaving a box that has trapped me for a long time. I feel brand new. The music is touching my soul. I feel like I can attain much greater heights in my life."
   "Yes, what else?"
   "I feel compassion. I feel compassion for the people below and compassion for all life. I feel love for all life, and I feel a sense of unity underlying it all."
   "You are ready to fly higher," the Archangel responds, and Claire suddenly zooms high into the sky.

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...