All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Meet the Lord of Established Strength.
Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Established Strength
As you follow Mr. Mellifluous through the realm of Wands, you come to a ridge where a person, who appears to be on some kind of quest or adventure, gazes out at the sea. The sea and the sky are golden. You have no idea what the person is feeling because his back is turned to you, but you get the sense that he is taking in the big picture on that ridge where he can see the vast ocean restricted by the land. When you open your mind to impressions, you get the sense that he is experiencing a radical freshness, similar to the freshness at the beginning of the world. For a moment, you experience cosmic consciousness brimming with the regenerative life-force.
Suddenly you are standing before the great Emperor again. “The world begins anew every moment. The life-force continues to manifest in multitudes of forms governed by the laws of nature. The creative force is unstoppable, but it is restricted by the God Saturn. Without this restriction, there would be only free-flowing force, a vast chaotic ocean.
“Within every cell, the light of the Source is the basis for all creativity and all manifestation. Its light illuminates the ocean of consciousness. With its light, individual consciousness is a co-creator with the life-force. The Source is our established strength, the basis for all the laws of nature.
“The more light we radiate, the more light we get back, for this is a law of the life-force. The more we are in touch with our inner light, the more we can see the light of the Source within all things.”
Claire notices an unusual rainbow and flies down to inspect it. Then she sees what appears to be a happy family below the rainbow. The children are dancing and the parents are affectionately close together and lifting up their arms in joy toward the rainbow.
Claire waves at the family as she approaches. "Hello!" she exclaims. "This is a lovely rainbow! I've never seen anything quite like it."
"It is a special rainbow for happy families," the mother replies.
"Why are you so happy? If you don't mind me asking...." Claire responds.
"Some believe all happy families are the same and only unhappy families are different," the father replies. "But all families face challenges on many levels. Some families, perhaps, know a little more about how to manifest the basic energies within us for the highest possible good."
"Why does the happy-family rainbow have three colors and ten golden cups?" Claire inquires.
The mother laughs. "The rainbow is not for happy families alone, child," she replies. "The three colors symbolize three elements: yellow represents Air, blue Water, and red Fire. Notice, child, that the red is almost pink, the color that represents the highest spiritual love. The world all around us reveals the element of Earth."
The father continues, "The ten cups represent the ten holy Emanations of the Tree of Life. We can see the golden cups because our family knows the highest spiritual ideal of each Emanation. Even though we might not always succeed, dear child, we strive to live by those ideals for the highest good of each other. For instance, we strive to manifest harmonizing love and courage and compassion and reverence for each other and the planet and other people. We don't hesitate to use our imagination and live in truth and beauty, and we make whatever sacrifices are necessary for the family."
The mother continues, "Remember that the triplicities of the zodiac are linked to the elements. The energies of the planets influence the energies of the zodiac. The Tree of Life reveals that these cosmic energies exist within each of us, child, and we can use them for the highest good if we work together as a family--and for the great family of humanity and the community of all life."
"That makes me so happy!" Claire exclaims. "I want to fly around in the rainbow!"
The father and mother laugh. "Go ahead, child. Feel free. Feel free!"
Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.
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