Sunday, October 23, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Perfected Work.

Decan: Venus in 21 - 30 degrees of Ares
Tree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Perfected Work

   As you continue through the realm of Wands, you and Mr. Mellifluous find four wands standing together that form some kind of entryway to a festival or a wedding bower. Two people in the distance wave to you, as if inviting you to the celebration. The decorative wreath hanging between the poles suggests great prosperity and abundance, which makes you happy to join them.
   “How is this great harmony and abundance possible?” Mr. Mellifluous asks you. Instead of running to join the celebration, you pause for a moment, opening yourself to impressions. First you sense the abundance of Venus. Then you sense the up-building expansiveness of Jupiter. But there is another influence that you have not experienced before in the realm of Wands.

The Emperor: Ares

   Suddenly you are standing before an Emperor. The ram’s heads on his throne suggest the potency of the life force, and the scepter and orb reveal his dominion of his inner world and the world around him. His armor is orange, suggesting the passion and the Fire of spiritual will and also seems to reflect the molten world around him.

The Empress: Venus

   Suddenly the Emperor speaks, “I am the manifestation of spring and rebirth. Within me is the freshness of the very beginning of the world, the freshness of every Eden imagined by humanity. I remain immaculate in my domain, for with the Fire of spiritual will, I burn away whatever is negative, whatever does not serve me.

Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   “With the energies of the great Goddess Venus, and with the regenerative energies of Jupiter, we create a world of abundance and harmony, a world of perfected work. Through our harvests, we manifest the creative life-force in all of its splendor, at every level, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.”

   Claire sees a woman holding up a bird of prey with her gloved hand. The bird's head seems to be hooded. Claire waves her hand as she approaches to see if she can get the bird's attention. She wants to talk with the attractive woman below while first making sure that she can avoid being chased away by the bird of prey. 
   "Good day, my lady," Claire whispers as she approaches.
   "Why, hello, dear child. Do you like my bird?"
   "Yes, I do, very much. It is magnificent. I was just wondering why it has a hood over its head?"
   "The bird must learn discipline. It is spreading its wings but realizes that this is not the most opportune time to fly. Other times it can fly high."
   "Just like we need to learn discipline?" Claire inquires quietly.
   "Yes, like that."
   "You have a lovely garden, my lady."
   "Thank you, my child. Look at the golden pentacles in this lovely garden. Each contains a five-pointed star. In its evolution, the soul can experience an element at one point and then move to another, all the way around the star. There are layers of experience in the evolution of the soul, for the soul can start at a different point in each manifestation and experience the energies of the star in a different way, including the energies of the elements as they manifest in this world, and the energies of the triplicities of the zodiac, and the powerful influences of the planets. The soul eventually experiences the element of Ether, or Spirit, and knows the underlying unity of the star and of all consciousness. But the soul as it learns hard lessons is sometimes blinded or lacks discipline in its journey around the star. The soul is never punished for the way it deals with experience. The soul keeps learning as it moves around the star. After layer upon layer of experience, the soul eventually knows that through discipline and knowledge it can choose to live in harmony, abundance, and joy."
   "Thank you, my lady. That is good news," Claire responds.
   "Would you like to watch my bird fly, child?"
   "Thank you, my lady, but this might be a good time for me to fly," Claire laughs as she joyfully flutters her wings.


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