Friday, February 9, 2024

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Four of Pentacles: Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Mercy (AI Version)


Four of Pentacles (3D Version)

   The King of Pentacles had ordered Nathan to go on a mission to see how a neighboring township was faring. Soon, Nathan came to the edge of the forest. He followed a distinct path, which became fainter and fainter as he pressed on through the woods. Soon he encountered wild beasts, a feral pig and a bobcat and a bear, all of whom skulked away when they noticed him, and he sensed that he was entering the heart of the wilderness. In a spot where the path seemed to vanish, several bandits ambushed him, but he fought them off valiantly, and they skulked away into the dense underbrush. Nathan continued in the direction of the path that he had taken, and in the dark forest, Nathan felt like many eyes were following him, beast or human he wasn't sure. Nathan often felt a kinship with the forest, one with the grasses and flowers and trees and rocks, but after the bandits attacked him, he felt uneasy and his senses remained on high alert. Soon, Nathan found the path again, which led him to the other side of the forest. Beyond a lush meadow a castle loomed above the surrounding town, and he headed in that direction at a gallop.

King of Pentacles (3D Version)

   Inside the castle gates, Nathan came upon a ruler with a pentacle in his crown and two under his feet, and he held a fourth near his heart. At first, the ruler appeared miserly, but Nathan decided to withhold judgment. Nathan dismounted and bowed before the King. "I am a knight of the Tarot Realm. I serve thee always, your Majesty."
   The great ruler responded, "Yes, courageous knight, what brings you to our part of the realm?"
   "The King of Pentacles sent me here to ask how you have fared during the invasion and to offer any aid that I can provide for you if you need it," Nathan replied.
   "Unfortunately, some people wanted to enslave us and take our land and exploit all of our resources. Tell the King of Pentacles that we have fought off the invaders, and the realm is returning back to normal. Some of the invaders escaped into the forest and remain there as bandits. Did you happen to encounter any of them?"
   "Yes, your Highness. I fought several of them, and they soon disappeared into the forest. They were in the part of the wilderness where the trail is hard to follow."
   "In the wildest part, just as I suspected. Thank you, brave knight, I will send some of my soldiers to deal with them so that you can safely find your way back home."
   "Thank you, your Majesty. I could not help but notice your four golden pentacles. If I am not intruding too much, can I ask a few questions about them? I find them emblematic of your reign, but I am not sure quite how."
   "Yes, my devoted knight, I have time for a few questions. Go ahead."
   "Thank you, your Majesty. I am originally from another realm where most people are not aware of subtle influences, but here in the Tarot Realm, I experience them. I know pentacles are associated with the Earth signs, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. I am feeling powerful life forces right now. Is Capricorn a subtle force here, by any chance?"
   "Why, yes, indeed, very perceptive. Please, go on."
   "I know the mythological principle associated with Capricorn is 'Meeting with the Powers of Life.' I feel great earthly power here, your Highness, due in part, I think, to your golden pentacles. I feel the subtle elements of Earth, Aether, Air, Water, and Fire manifesting in your realm, but I also especially sense that you are channeling The Sun, the source of all life on earth, through your crown, down through your heart and into your feet, and in that way, you are directing a great power into the realm, a power associated with 'Awakening the Mind.'"
   "Yes, you are very astute. The pentacles help to heighten my awareness, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, so that I can make effective decisions for the highest good of the Kingdom. That way I can manifest the light of The Sun in a harmonious and productive way. My people know that my decisions and actions are based on selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love, and they tend to follow my example."
   "Do the four pentacles symbolize the fourth holy Emanation on the Tree of Life known as Mercy, your Highness? I also sense the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of Jupiter."
   "Yes, my people sense the influence of Jupiter here and tend to value order and harmony to maintain abundance for the highest good of all. My people know that each person is essentially a magnificent spiritual being. You are indeed extremely insightful, my friend. Please, join us at the banquet tonight! Tomorrow, you can carry your message to the King of Pentacles and thank him for his assistance."

The Sun (AI Version)

   Nathan replied, "Someday, I hope to channel positive subtle influences for the good of the realm like you do. Thank you, my King, I serve thee always. I look forward to joining you at the banquet this evening!"

The Devil: Capricorn (AI Version)

   Nathan bowed and thanked the King and found a room in the castle where he could perform a ritual. Nathan chose the Four of Pentacles as his central card, which is also remarkably similar to what he had just experienced, a card that represents The Sun in Capricorn and Jupiter in Mercy, the fourth Emanation on the Tree of Life. Nathan chose The Devil, which represents Capricorn, as one modifying card. Nathan always felt a little uneasy when using this card, but he knew that Capricorn represents "The Meeting with the Powers of Life" and that he needed to look beneath appearances to experience and understand the powerful life forces around him and not be too hasty to judge whether something or someone is good or bad. Nathan chose The Sun as the second modifier because the The Sun is the source of all life on earth and symbolically represents the "Awakening of the Mind," both intellectually and spiritually, and is a magical symbol in the sixth holy Emanation of selfless sacrifice and harmonizing love. Then Nathan chose The Wheel of Fortune, which is associated with Jupiter and the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit.

Foundation Cards with the Four of Pentacles

   Since Earth is a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, the Aces and Judgement, starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there. After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram.

Invoking Spirit Pentagram

   Then he placed the Four of Pentacles in the middle of the pentagram and tapped the card, saying, "The Four of Pentacles, Lord of Earthly Power, The Sun in Capricorn, Jupiter in Mercy." Then he placed the modifiers on the Ace of Pentacles, first The Devil, then The Sun, then the Wheel of Fortune, in the lower left hand corner of the pentagram, the position that represents the element of Earth. The image of The Devil still disturbed him, but he knew that he had to look with his third eye to the spiritual dimension to know that The Devil represents all the subtle powers of life, some light and some dark, some forces that are out of the control of human beings and sometimes quite horrific and terrifying, but Nathan was suddenly amazed at how the subtle life forces tend to manifest as order, harmony, and abundance. Nathan realized that Capricorn and Jupiter are both inextricably part of the same Universal Life Force. Without profound darkness, we cannot truly know the need for sacrifice through harmonizing love or the essential magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit. That is why, Nathan realized, the path of The Devil leads from Splendor, the Emanation associated with Mercury, to the sixth Emanation of sacrifice and harmonizing love associated with The Sun.

Modifiers for the Four of Pentacles: The Devil (Capricorn), The Sun, and The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

   As he placed The Devil on the Ace of Pentacles, he said while tapping the card, "The Devil, Capricorn, the 'Meeting with the Powers of Life.'"
   As he placed The Sun on The Devil, he said while tapping the card, "The Sun, the 'Awakening of the Mind.'"
   As he placed the Wheel of Fortune on The Sun, he said while tapping the card, "The Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter, 'Aspiration.'"

Pentagram for the Element of Earth

   Then he drew the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above The Magician on the altar, charging the pentagram and the spirit wheel in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer. After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Earth directly over the Passive Invoking Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Taurus in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the bull's head becoming the living image of the king in the Four of Pentacles. Then he imagined gnomes flowing from the Archangel Auriel and filling the living image while at the same time the bright points of the Earth element flowed from his aura and filled the living image as well.
   Then he said, "Great Lord of Earthly Power, I aspire now to awaken my mind and spirit to experience the life forces and manifest the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit as well as the energies of the Tree of Life in an ideal way for the highest possible good of the realm."
   Then he stated, "Perform this task until I have succeeded in mastering this ability, doing no harm. So mote it be!"
   He imagined for a few minutes the living image of the king in the Four of Pentacles awakening him with the powerful ideal energies of the Tree of Life and the ability to manifest them in the realm for the highest possible good. He, of course, performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram before he completed the ritual.
   Afterwards, Nathan felt like he was effectively manifesting the life forces, especially those associated with The Sun and Jupiter, for greater harmony and balance in himself and in the realm.

Review the Lesser Banishing Ritual and the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram.

(Please note: All AI generated images in this blog are based on my paintings, 3D Blender Renderings, and photographs.)

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