Wednesday, July 13, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. 


Meet the Lord of Prudence.

Decan: Sun in 1 - 10 degrees of Virgo
Tree of Life Association: Mercury in Hod (Eighth Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Prudence

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   Suddenly you find yourself with Mr. Mellifluous next to an artisan who is crafting golden coins, each with its own five-pointed star.

   Since his creations seem so simple yet so unusual, you wander closer to the craftsman and feel the urge to touch a pentacle. As you reach for it, you think of the street magician again and find yourself high on a mountain top with the hermit.
   Mr. Mellifluous reassures you, “Dont' worry. You won't always fly around so much.”

The Hermit:

   Since you find yourself with the wise hermit once again, you decide that you might as well ask, “Why is the craftsman making golden pentacles? Are they some sort of currency in this magic realm?”
   The hermit turns to you with a look of amusement. “They have been known as coins since money is an important form of energy in the physical realm, but they are also known to bring harmony into the world.”
   “How is that possible?” you inquire.

Mr. Mellifluous

   “Think about the five-pointed star for a moment,” the hermit responds. “The pentagram is a five-pointed star with several significant meanings. First of all, the pentagram can be drawn in one continuous motion, suggesting its unity of form, but unlike the circle, which has no beginning or end, one can begin drawing the pentagram at any of its five points, each of which contains its own symbolic associations. On one level, the pentagram reveals the unity of Earth, Air, Water, and Fire, and the fifth invisible element, Aether, which reveals the esoteric doctrine that four visible states have their root in a fifth, invisible state.
   “Like the circle, the pentagram establishes boundaries. In order to invoke any spiritual energy, a boundary must be established for the appropriate energy to manifest in a concentrated form. The pentagram is also used to banish unwanted energies so that desired energies can then be invoked in a pure state. As a five-pointed figure, the pentagram stems from the Sephira, or state of being, represented as the fifth sphere on the Tree of Life known as Geburah (meaning “power” or “severity”). Geburah restricts and controls energy on all levels of being like the combustion engine contains and controls force so that the engine will run and the vehicle will operate. In other words, the severity of Geburah restricts force in a harmonious and productive manner.
   “So it is appropriate that the pentagram is a figure representing the most harmonious force in the cosmos, the Christ-force. The elements and the letters of a familiar name of God, also known as the Tetragrammaton, are positioned on the points of the star to reflect this symbolic meaning. The Tetragrammaton contains the Hebrew letters Yod Heh Vau Heh, which spells Yahweh, or Jehovah. Reflecting how manifestation occurs down through the planes of force and form, Yod represents the element of Fire, Heh represents Water, Vau Air, and final Heh Earth, Fire and Air being active planes of force, Water and Earth being passive planes of form. Each of these elements is associated with a suit in the Tarot, Fire with Wands, Water with Cups, Air with Swords, and Earth with Pentacles. W
hen Shin is positioned in the center of the God name Yahweh at the top of the star, a new word is created: Yeheshuah. This is a name of the Christ--down through the years it has been translated in English into the name Jesus. Shin is positioned at the top of the pentagram to show how the other four elements manifest harmoniously from the root energy. One can draw a star that moves from the most active energies of manifestation to the most passive in one continuous motion, beginning with Aether at the top, moving to the lower right point (Fire), then to the upper left point (Air), then over to the upper right point (Water), then to the lower left point (Earth), then back to the top.

The Magician:

   “The artisan creating the pentacles is manifesting the subtle powers of The Sun and Mercury. The Sun is the source of all life, bringing order and harmony to chaos. The Magician, who manifests the energies of Mercury, uses the creative energy of the Source to create harmony and beauty within his or her own sphere of influence.

The Sun

   “You are already familiar with the negative extreme of mercurial energy. The highest ideal of Mercury is truth; the vice, or negative extreme, is falsehood, deceit. 


The adversaries of The Sun are the Disputers, who exalt the self above all of creation. The unbalanced energy of The Sun is pride. These quarrelsome savages love to squabble and wrangle, bicker and brawl. They thrive on discord and misunderstanding. Conflict is their daily bread. They live for feuds and dissensions, commotions and altercations. They will not stop until they have caused strife in all the tranquil places of the Earth.

  "Those who feel the energies of The Sun strive to bring light and harmony into the world, but you may have noticed that many religions with similar aims end up fighting each other in long, horrific wars because the unbalanced energies, not the ideal energies, of this state of being are influencing them. 

   "Notice that a path leads from the artisan's workshop to the community. To stay at the positive end of the pole, it helps to understand the underlying unity of all consciousness and to feel the holiness of all energy, and it helps to keep the community as a whole in mind as much as possible, as our artisan does.”

The Queen of Wands

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Vocals by Krysten Ortiz

   Meanwhile, Claire was flying here and there, searching for someone who might hear the music in her heart. Eventually she encountered a queen who held a wand in one hand and a sunflower in another.  The queen sat on a golden throne and seemed to emanate golden light and love and joy. 
   "Hello, your majesty, my name is Claire. You are so magnificent and so full of light that I am hoping that you might be able to hear the music in my heart. So far I have been unable to find anyone in this realm who can hear it, except for a gnome named Mr. Mellifluous."
   "So, Mr. Mellifluous has sent you! I am so happy to meet you! Yes, indeed, I can hear the music in your heart, my child, because I know a little secret that not everybody here knows. I attract light and love and joy because I manifest light and love and joy from the Source, and I let others feel my light and joy, so it comes back to me from them. I hear the music in your heart because I feel the music in my heart, which I send out into my realm, and wonderful music returns to me from the hearts of other people. Since I hear the music in your heart, I am letting you manifest my light and joy."
   "Oh, thank you, your majesty!" Claire exclaimed.
   "You are welcome, my child. Remember to practice manifesting the positive, harmonious energies in the world. So many in this realm manifest unbalanced energies, and they insist that you manifest them too because they value power and exalt themselves above everyone else instead of opening themselves to the harmonious energies of love and light and joy from the Source of all Creation."
   "Yes, thank you, your majesty, I will try," Claire replied.

   Claire flew off with her fairy friends, and she tried to emanate light and joy and love, but she wasn't sure that she was doing it right....

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