All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Decan: Venus in 11 - 20 degrees of Virgo
Tree of Life Association: The Moon in Yesod (Ninth Emanation)
Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Material Gain
You wander out into the countryside with Mr. Mellifluous, where soon you meet a woman with a hooded falcon perched on her hand. Her other hand gently caresses a golden pentacle, which seems to have grown like fruit from the vines. Purple grapes also weigh heavily on the vines behind her, and you feel a sense of the magnificence, harmony and abundance of her realm. You also feel the influence of powerful subtle forces, invisible presences that you cannot identify.
As you touch one of the pentacles, you remember the street magician. Suddenly you are back on the mountain top with the old hermit.
“How, how is this possible?” you stutter.
Mr. Mellifluous whispers, “This is a magical realm, where space and time are very different from what you know. Here we imagine ourselves with different people or in different places, and we are there.”
The Hermit:
Suddenly, the Hermit speaks, “You must learn an important lesson before you proceed. The woman you have just met manifests the ideal aspects of two powerful subtle forces, both Goddesses, the first known as Venus, the second as Luna, the Moon. Each Goddess contains an energy from a sphere, known as a Sephira, or Emanation, on the Tree of Life. Each type of energy contains a spectrum with opposite extremes. You have experienced many different types of opposites, such as hot and cold, dark and light, love and hate, truth and falsity, good and bad.
"The thing to remember is that an encounter with a God or Goddess stimulates their particular type of energy within you. As above, so below. When you contact a God, you can manifest the most balanced, ideal aspect of its energy or the opposite, the most destructive aspect of its energy, or something in between. In other words, if you wish to experience the magic of self-transformation, it is always possible that you might manifest the least desirable extreme of a type of energy, which could manifest disastrously in your life. The Gods are extremely powerful, and you must learn to move by degrees toward their most harmonious ideal, or you might end up doing great harm to yourself and others.”
Afraid, but filled with great curiosity about the woman with the hooded falcon, you wish to meet the Goddesses who influence her. Suddenly you find yourself in front of a beautiful Goddess in a field of wheat near a forest. She wears a crown with twelve stars and holds a scepter in one hand. You recognize the symbol of Venus, an equal-armed cross with a circle above it, on one of her pillows. In her presence, you sense the divinity of each living creature. Every molecule in the living tapestry of Earth thrills with her energy.
As if reading your mind, she states, “Each creature in this realm is a manifestation of one of the angelic hosts of the Earth. In order to know the angels, you must open your heart and feel what it is like to be one with them. Feel what it is like to be an angel manifested as a plant or insect or animal. Once you get to know the angels of the Earth, you can take on their power. Once you get to know the angels of Earth, it is much easier to know the angels of Heaven. All are manifestations of the sun and the Sun behind the sun.”
Suddenly you feel a sense of unity and love for all things under the golden sun. Just then, however, a monster appears. You sense that it wants to bring chaos, to tear apart the brilliant tapestry of the Earth, in all of its beauty and harmony, and disperse it on the wind. Suddenly you feel a strange desire to tear everything apart.
Mr. Mellifluous groans, “These ravens, who do not always look like birds, excel at scattering, damaging, decreasing, depleting, desolating. They love destruction and decay, misuse and wastefulness. They want to disperse and devastate and dissipate until you lose absolutely everything. Their greatest pleasure is to leave you in ruins. You need to come with me now.”
You find yourself face to face with another Goddess, who wears a crown that resembles the phases of the moon. Her subtle power is distinctly different from the power of Venus. You feel as if you are sinking into a timeless realm filled with moonlight. Instead of the splendor of the physical world, you encounter magnificent symbols, such as a six-pointed star, an equal-armed cross, a horizontal figure-eight, a golden cup and plate on a brilliant white tablecloth. “These symbols are from a higher realm than you normally experience. They are manifestations of profound spiritual principle. Deep within the timeless waters of your mind you will find this realm of archetypes. The symbols are powerful bridges to your invisible spiritual nature. But be careful, for the moon is also linked to physical desire and stimulates your animal nature.”
Suddenly a strange creature appears, and a powerful urge rises in your body until you can think of nothing else.
“Oh, my,” grunts Mr. Mellifluous as he whisks you away. "These hideous freaks are nasty and gross, disgusting and lewd, salacious and crude. They love to shock the mind with their lascivious filth and foul the soul with their sickening smut. They live to soil the purest love and blacken the highest ideals. Their goal is to make you lower than the beasts."
“No,” he replied, “but I suddenly feel like I can fly!”
He leaped into the air and flew high and then higher. Claire could hardly keep up with him. Finally he hovered near a star and reached for it, unable to touch it. Claire watched for a moment, then became dizzy. She sailed back toward earth.
“Goodbye!” she shouted.
Claire came upon a crowd milling around. For a moment, they formed the notes of a musical composition and moved as if they were dancing to the music of her heart. Then suddenly they formed an S shape and moved like a snake. Then the harmony fell apart, and the people in the crowd seemed to move randomly, as if no one heard any music at all. Claire flew off to another part of the city.
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