All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Meet the Lord of Success Unfulfilled.
Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Success Unfulfilled
Suddenly you find yourself with Mr. Mellifluous in the countryside, where a young farmer is resting, leaning on a hoe.
Mr. Mellifluous turns to you and asks, “Though the farmer might appear to be only a simple man, he is experiencing the influence of powerful subtle forces. He is obviously a hard worker, so why do you think he is pausing? Is he only resting?”
You look at the farmer carefully and open your heart and mind to the subtle forces around you. As you tune yourself to your surroundings, you decide that there might be several reasons why the farmer is pausing. His work is done, and he is simply waiting for his hard work to come to fruition. “Perhaps he is tuning his mind to the subtle forces that are influencing him,” you respond.
“Yes, and what might they be?” asks Mr. Mellifluous.
The World: Saturn
“Well, he has had to plan and work hard and wait for the fruits of his labor to mature. That takes time and a great sense of discipline. To do that also requires sacrifice.” You pause. “You know I'm also feeling the life-force within nature again, almost as if Venus is influencing him as well.” You take another moment to reflect, “But he also seems to be listening, as if he is waiting for a voice from some higher realm.”
At that moment, you can't help but imagine a church, and suddenly you find yourself standing before a priest. He is holding up one hand in blessing, and with the other he holds a golden wand. Fabric descends from his golden crown, almost like the ears of an animal.
Mr. Mellifluous whispers, “This is The Hierophant, who listens for the voice of the spirit.”
Suddenly you hear The Hierophant, although he does not appear to be speaking, “The Christ-force does not just manifest in one man only. It is a force of harmony within humanity and within the natural world. Without the sun, there would be only darkness and chaos. The light and heat of the sun exist in the roots and cells of living things: The harmony and order established by the sun exist throughout the world.
“Within this order, there are great limitations. Saturn, the taskmaster of the zodiac, does not make life easy. In order to succeed under his rule, we must demonstrate the discipline and responsibility that it takes to get to work and to work hard, and we must deal with restrictions and limitations before we can succeed. Saturn works slowly to allow things to mature, which often requires a great deal of time and a great deal of patience.
“Over long periods of time, Saturn brings the lessons of karma, for what the farmer sows he reaps. Ideally the farmer gains sustenance for himself and the community, which maintains harmony, continuity and stability.”
The Hinderers
Suddenly you have a strange vision of a boy riding a dragon. He seems to be having fun, but then he seems to want to keep you from proceeding and to scare you away.
"You are seeing the hinderers, the unbalanced energies of Saturn," states Mr. Mellifluous. "These fiends sometimes seem like friends, but all they do is hamper, delay, and frustrate. They love to obstruct, interfere, and thwart. They live to inhibit and fetter and stymie, and they will block and burden and cripple you so that you can no longer continue on your path."
As you turn and walk away, you suddenly realize that the farmer is another person like the magician, creating harmony in his own sphere of influence. And the farmer, like The Hierophant, appears to be listening, as he pauses to feel the rhythms and vibrations of nature.
All Tarot Cards by Pamela Coleman Smith (accessed through links) in the Public Domain.
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