Saturday, July 2, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins. 


Decan: Mercury in 21 - 30 degrees of Virgo
Tree of Life Association: The Four Elements in Malkuth 
Alternate Title: The Lord of Wealth

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Wealth

Open music in a new window.

     You consider Mr. Mellifluous's question. "Do I really know myself?" you silently wonder for a moment. "Of course!" you blurt out. Mr. Mellifluous guffaws and dashes through the forest to the outskirts of town. You struggle to keep up with him as he rushes through the brush. 

     An old street magician in a fancy robe sits near the entrance to the city. Suddenly you notice ten golden coins floating near the old man.
      “Do you see the golden coins?” you exclaim. “I think I've seen that pattern before, but I can't recall what it is!”
      “That is the pattern,” mutters Mr. Mellifluous, “of the  Tree of Life. The golden disks are pentacles, each of which contains a star that symbolizes the harmony of the subtle elements of Earth, Air, Aether, Water, and Fire.”

The Page of Pentacles

      You step closer to the pentacles. Suddenly a young woman with a red headdress steps in front of you and gently caresses a golden coin. You are confused and a little angry.
      Mr. Mellifluous smiles, “Don't get upset, my friend. She is your first ally. Go with her now.” Suddenly you and the young woman are on a hillside near a mountain. She seems enthralled by the golden pentacle in her hands.

The Hermit:

     When you first encountered the young woman, you noticed a mountain far off in the distance. Suddenly both of you are transported to the top of the mountain, where an old man who resembles the street magician is inching along with a lantern in one hand. His robe is now plain gray, and it is difficult to see the old man's face under the hood.
     “Let this lamp guide you, my friend,” the old man mumbles. “It contains the powerful energies of the elements and the planets and the zodiac in harmony with each other, all of which are represented symbolically by the Tree of Life. These energies will aid you in the process of awakening and regeneration.”
     You suddenly feel dizzy, so high on the mountain top. The young woman touches your arm, trying to steady you. Suddenly you are back at the edge of town.

The Magician: 

      A magician stands next to a table with a wand, a cup, a sword, and a pentacle on top, performing a magical act. You glance at the young woman's headdress and notice that the magician's robe is red as well, as if it symbolizes passion--perhaps, in the magician's case, a passion for the creative act itself, as well as the sacrifice associated with creating and maintaining harmony. You also notice that a gray, horizontal figure eight floats above the magician's head, which impresses you with a profound sense of eternity.
      “You have powerful tools to help you in each act of creation,” the magician states. “They are the wand, the cup, the sword, and the pentacle, which represent the subtle elements that manifest spirit within the world.” The magician stands in deep concentration, one hand in the air and one pointing to the ground.

       Suddenly a strange creature riding on a bear interrupts, “Don't listen to that fool! Her tools and weapons are just for show. She wants to deceive you and delude you into believing that you have a magnificent spirit full of abundance and harmony. She is just trying to con you out of all your coins.”

      Hastily, Mr. Mellifluous guides you away from the magician. “That creature reveals the unbalanced energies of Mercury, personified in this realm as The Liars. These tricksters live to deceive. They love to falsify and fib and malign. They are phonies who cheat and perjure and con until no one can see the truth. Their goal is to twist and distort until they leave you totally in the dark, deluded and misled. We must continue on our path,” your guide mutters.

Toad in Flowers

Vocals by Krysten Ortiz

     Meanwhile, far from the city, Claire gazes down and spirals toward the earth, where she discovers a toad squatting in the flowers. Whenever it croaks, a golden equal-armed cross floats out of its mouth.

     “Is the music in my heart alarming you?” Claire asks.

     “Not at all? Should it?” The toad answers.

     Claire watches the toad. “Why are those golden crosses floating out of your mouth?” she inquires politely.

     “Because I am making harmonious music with my heart,” it croaks as another golden cross floats out of its mouth. "Do they scare you? You can kiss me if that would make you feel better."

     The crosses float out of the toad's mouth in time with Claire's music, but they are both obviously making different songs.

     “I'm sure you make beautiful music too,” Claire laughs. "But I can't hear it." She flies off, hoping to find a friend who can sing along with her music. 

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