Sunday, July 31, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Earthly Power.

Decan: Sun in 21 - 30 degrees of Capricorn
Tree of Life Association: Jupiter in Chesed (Fourth Emanation)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Earthly Power

   As you and Mr. Mellifluous stroll down a city street, you encounter a King sitting on what appears to be a stage. He balances a golden pentacle on his crown and grasps another golden pentacle near his heart. A golden pentacle rests under each foot.
   At first the King appears a bit miserly, but then you remember the significance of the pentacle: It represents the harmony of the life-force in its various forms. You also recall the pattern of the Tree of Life: The pentacle above the crown represents Kether, the Source of all creation. The pentacle in the heart center represents Tiphareth, or Beauty, which is associated with the Sun and the Christ-force. The two pentacles under foot suggest that the King is grounding the harmony of the life-force within the busy sphere of the kingdom.

The Devil: Capricorn

   As you ponder the life-force, suddenly you find yourself in a cave with Mr. Mellifluous. A torch lights the bodies of a man and a woman chained to a block. Perched on the block, a fearsome creature holds up his right hand in blessing, like the Hierophant. The creature is a sphinx, which has both human and animal parts, and it holds up all four fingers in a V shape, suggesting that all is known and blessed--unlike the Hierophant, who curls two finger down to suggest that mysteries remain within the spiritual dimension.
   The creature speaks: “You call me the Devil, but the Egyptians called me Min, the God of the life-force manifesting in the world. I hold so much power over some people in the physical world that they remain in the dark and never know the magnificence of the spirit, yet they can free themselves from these chains whenever they want.

The Sun: Path 30

   “No doubt, you are intimidated by my appearance. I am merely a sphinx. You must see me with the inner eye to understand that I am the life-force of the Sun manifested in the countless forms of creation. There is nothing evil about me, but the possibility exists that you might become unbalanced by going to extremes and harm yourself or others. That is your choice.”

The Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter

   Suddenly you see a Sphinx, like the devil but in a slightly different form, on top of a massive wheel that contains the alchemical symbols of transformation. The wheel of fortune is surrounded by golden, incorruptible symbols of the four elements. The wheel keeps turning in the never-ending process of life, death, and regeneration.
   Suddenly you and Mr. Mellifluous are back with the awesome King, who seems to tower above the community 
even as he rests in magnificent stability on his throne. 

  "Uh, oh, we better get a move on," exclaims Mr. Mellifluous. "Here come the Breakers into Pieces, the brutes that manifest the unbalanced energies of Jupiter. They want 
to pound everything to dust. They live to dismantle and dissolve, disrupt and disperse. They roar with laughter as they rip apart your most creative ideas and strongest ideals. Take care that you don't end up like them. You might imagine yourself as a magnificent king who manifests upbuilding energies of abundance and harmony in your kingdom and soon discover that you can't control these archetypal energies of Jupiter. You might instead manifest Jupiter's unbalanced energies and turn into a tyrant, a glutton, a hypocrite, a bigot. There is a crying need in the world for leaders to reveal the magnificence, harmony, and abundance of the human spirit and the other ideal energies of the Tree of Life. Instead so many leaders love power for its own sake and turn into brutes, instead of being true leaders who show reverence for the community of all life on this planet."

with Claire (above)

   Meanwhile, Claire was flying over a magnificent city full of abundance and harmony and saw the King in the distance in a lovely garden.
   She wanted to be like the King in his glorious kingdom, so she flew down to the ground and closed her eyes. She imagined for a long time that she was a queen, so intensely that when she opened her eyes, she was sitting on a throne with a sword in her right hand.
   Claire realized that great sacrifice was involved in maintaining harmony and creating abundance for herself and others. She felt very proud of herself, but she realized that maybe she wasn't old enough quite yet. She didn't know yet what she would need to sacrifice or release or how to manifest the energies that create abundance. She did not know if she could control powerful unbalanced energies and channel them in beneficial ways. She knew that she would need to develop many abilities, but mainly the ability to focus.

The Queen of Swords

   She lifted up her left hand, as though in blessing or acceptance, and decided that she should develop her abilities and experience more of the world before she became queen. So she stood up and calmly waved, suddenly filled with confidence and magnificence, then flew away.

Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.

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