Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.  


Meet the Lord of Material Works.

Decan: Mars in 11 - 20 degrees of Capricorn
Tree of Life Association: Saturn in Binah (Third Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Material Works

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   You are suddenly with Mr. Mellifluous in a cathedral, and you wonder if you are going to see the Hierophant again. Instead, you encounter a master mason, a monk, and an architect. The mason works diligently to complete the delicate designs of the church even as the other two consult about the work.
   The three are working together, but you can't hear what they are saying. Suddenly, you are back with The Devil, which is a little shocking since you were just in a cathedral.

The Devil: Capricorn

   As if reading your mind, The Devil speaks, “You must see beyond appearances and remember that I am a Sphinx who reveals the sacred life forces as they manifest in nature and humanity. In this cathedral you are seeing the life-forces manifesting down the planes in the act of creation, from the spiritual to the archetypal to the mental to the emotional to the physical. This human process of creation is as much a part of who I am as any flower or act of love.

The World: Saturn

   “In this act of creation, you are witnessing representatives of the spiritual and intellectual aspects of the mind working with the mason to manifest a magnificent structure where the community can gather and worship the Source, the One Life Force that began all acts of creation. The Greeks knew me as Pan. As a God I oversee the natural world with its powerful life forces, but the human act of creation is also influenced by powerful Gods on the Pillar of Severity on the Tree of Life: Saturn and Mars. You will find that another God on the Pillar of Severity, Mercury, who is Mars on a lower arc, also plays a a significant role. These are Gods that restrict force in just proportions.

The Tower: Mars

   “Saturn is a God of the initial restriction of spiritual impulse in primal form. Mars, who is Saturn on a lower arc, can be an awesome force in the service of truth and spiritual development. Mars also disciplines vast armies. But Mars is also restrictive in the sense of a form restricting a force to make them both work productively together, like an engine that uses fuel efficiently to propel a machine. Mercury, who is Mars on a lower arc, 'shortens force' through thought in order to manifest spiritual, mental and emotional impulses effectively and appropriately. In other words, the mason and the monk and the architect together, in their way, are also like the magician.”
   You are beginning to realize that Saturn, Mars, and Mercury have greatly influenced the creation of cities and cultures as you gaze in admiration at the monk, the architect, and the mason.

with Claire

   Meanwhile, Claire was flying around as usual, and she noticed someone below who might be close to her age. As she approached, Claire realized that the person was indeed young and was carrying a very large sword. Claire flew close and waved, trying to get the person's attention, but the person seemed preoccupied.
   "Hello!" Claire exclaimed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."
   "Oh, sorry, I didn't notice you."
   "By the way, my name is Claire. How do you do?"
   "I'm fine, I think. My name is Princess of the Rushing Winds. Somebody might be following me.  You might think about moving along."
   "Nice to meet you," Claire replied. "I like your sword. So large and intimidating."
   "Yes, it is, but it's very hard to carry all the time. I don't really know how to use it yet. I'm just learning, you know, but some people look at me like they want to fight me, so I have to be careful where I go and who I'm with, you know. I don't want to put anyone else in danger." The Princess turned to Claire and said, "I must look pretty clumsy to you."
   "Oh, no, you seem pretty agile, even graceful, Princess."
   "You're very kind. A lot of people say that I need to learn how to use this thing instead of running around and playing all day long, so they make me carry it everywhere I go. They say I have my head in the clouds, but I'm afraid sometimes of others with swords and what I might end up doing with my sword someday. Do you think I'm dangerous? 
   "Maybe a little," Claire smiled. "We're all learning. I learn something new every day, and I'm sure that you will learn how to use that sword someday. I guess we just need to learn how to use things wisely."
   The Princess had already turned away, looking far off into the distance.
   Claire waved as she lifted off the ground. "Well, you seem busy. Goodbye! Nice to meet you!" she shouted as she flew away.


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