All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Decan: Mercury in 1 - 10 degrees of TaurusTree of Life Association: Mars in Geburah (Fifth Emanation)Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Material Trouble
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It starts to snow heavily on a city street where a homeless couple, both without shoes, plod past a church. The man, a cripple, might glance at the stained-glass window that resembles the upper half of the Tree of Life. The woman is too lost in misery to notice.
The Tower: Mars
You wonder how they ended up on the street, and suddenly you have a vision of a tower hit by lightning. A man and a woman, who appear important and well-to-do, fall out of the tower to the ground below. The woman, falling head-first, wears a crown.
You blink your eyes and shake your head. Is it possible that this homeless couple fell from a great height and are now experiencing the horrors of poverty?
The Hierophant: Taurus
You do not wish to dwell on misfortune, so you stare at the stained-glass window. Suddenly you are standing before The Hierophant, who continues to hold up his hand in blessing, inside the church. You can hear him even though he doesn't seem to be speaking.
“Refrain from judgment, for at any moment you too might fall ill or become crippled or experience some kind of misfortune. Wands can quickly transform into crutches. My blessing is for all, for at times each of us experiences great challenges.
“Lightning from Heaven can strike without warning and shake up the worldly personality completely. Then, because of misery, the spirit can become even more difficult to see.
The Magician: Mercury
“But even in the worst circumstances, the magic of self-transformation can occur. Like the great magician who helped resurrect Osiris, the higher self within us can help us rise from the ashes.
“The fire of Mars that burns us to a clinker can also give us the courage and strength to deal with adversity until that moment when we become aware of our inner energies of transformation.”
Suddenly you are back outside in the storm. The homeless couple seem beyond help, which makes you feel even more hopeless and vulnerable. For a moment you feel great sympathy for them, and you say a prayer for their well-being as they become lost in the crowd.
and Claire
On her journey, Claire had recently experienced poverty and despair, which made her very sad, so she flew to the seashore, where she found a Queen staring at a shiny golden cup--so lost in a revery that she didn't seem to notice Claire. "How do you do? My name is Claire. That is a very beautiful cup that you're holding!"
"It is indeed," the Queen murmurs.
"It seems almost magical," Claire responds.
"Yes, my child." The Queen turned to Claire for a moment. "Imagine for a moment that you are holding a golden cup that contains a force of some kind, an energy that can help you or harm you, depending on how you use it."
Claire closed her eyes and appeared deep in thought.
"Good, my child. Now think of the cup as a form that is holding a force. Without the form, the force would not be contained. Now imagine the cup turning into a playful kitten that is frolicking, full of joy, all around you."
Claire smiled as she imagined the playful kitten.
"I see that the form has become real for you in your imagination. Very good!"
"Thank you, your majesty!" Claire exclaimed.
"Now, imagine that you are the playful kitten. Feel its joy as you frolic."
Claire giggled.
"Why, you are quite good at using your imagination, my child! You are a natural."
"Thank you, your majesty!"
"Using your imagination, you have filled yourself with a powerful force, and that energy radiates from you and affects anyone who is near you."
"Nice," Claire chortled.
"You must remember, my child, that you can also suddenly imagine yourself as a lion and hurt someone around you as you are playing. You can focus the energy for good or use it to harm others. You must learn to control the energy of the imagination, just as would any other energy."
Claire responded seriously, "Yes, your majesty."
"Now, imagine yourself as a magnificent Queen who creates order and harmony and abundance in her sphere of influence because she believes in herself and her spiritual abilities. She reveals the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the human spirit to everyone in her kingdom."
Claire closes her eyes again and smiles.
"Good, my child, you are a magician in your own right, but remember that you are also capable of creating disorder and damaging everything and everyone around you--by allowing the Breakers into Pieces to control you.
The Breakers into Pieces:
Unbalanced Forces of Jupiter
"The goal of these brutes is to pound everything to dust. They love to damage and dismantle, disrupt and disperse. They live to tear down the most magnificent cathedrals and destroy the greatest works of art. They roar with laughter as they rip apart your most creative ideas and strongest ideals. If you let them, they will stomp on your most cherished beliefs and trample your spirit and ruin what you love. They are the opposite of the Queen you created in your imagination. They are what can manifest if you use the energy that you invoked in an unbalanced way. As a magician, you must always be careful when you work with the archetypal forces represented by the Tree of Life...."
"Yes, my Queen, I will follow your sage advice. Thank you. I have learned so very much." Claire bowed, then flew so high she could almost touch the stars.
Go on a different adventure with Mr. Mellifluous.
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