Tuesday, August 27, 2024

    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.





  The circus was in town. As Nathan was wandering through the fair grounds, he encountered a clown, who offered to give him a Tarot reading.

   "Why not?" Nathan responded. "What kind of spread will you be using?"
   "A three-card spread that reveals the past, present, and future," the clown replied. 

   "That sounds like fun!" Nathan exclaimed.


Fun House

   "Great! Follow me," the clown commanded. "I have a room in the fun house where I give readings."

Three of Swords: Saturn in Libra, Saturn in Understanding

   "If you are ready, I will draw the first card. Ahhh, the Three of Swords, Saturn in Libra, Saturn in Understanding." A portal suddenly became energized and pulled Nathan into it.


   On the other side of the portal, Nathan encountered the Three of Swords. Somehow, he could still hear the clown's voice: "A decan, as you know, represents ten degrees of the zodiac and includes the symbols of a zodiac sign and a planet, which represent subtle forces. The Tree of Life association refers to the Emanation on the Tree of Life associated with the subtle forces. The Tree of Life is a glyph that reveals the subtle dimensions of Universal Consciousness. Since you are a facet of Universal Consciousness, the Tree of Life also exists within you. That is how you are made in God's image."

The World: Saturn

   The clown continued, "This card represents the past, which reveals that at some point you have experienced suffering and loss. Let's start with the decan. Saturn is the Father of the Gods associated with restriction and abundance. Saturn restricts subtle spiritual force in form, including the human spirit, and that restriction allows us to create abundance in the physical plane. But all form dissolves, so we suffer loss."

Justice: Libra

   "Survival in the physical plane requires great discipline and resilience, but within this state of suffering and uncertainty, we develop a sense of inner balance and create harmony in the community by upholding justice through the rule of law," the clown stated. "This is one way we grow through the discipline associated with Saturn, individually and within a community."

Fun House Portal

   "I am now going to draw the second card, which represents the present," the clown stated. "Nice. The Three of Pentacles, Mars in Capricorn and Saturn in Understanding, which is 'Binah' in Hebrew." Suddenly Nathan noticed another portal in the fun house, which became energized and drew him in.

Three of Pentacles: Mars in Capricorn, Saturn in Understanding

   The clown continued, "Mars can burn away negativity and purify the mind so that you know the divinity of your essential self and touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness, but notice that this card reveals that Mars is also a disciplining force. Mars is Saturn on a lower arc. Through Mars we can discipline the mind so that we can create great cathedrals. We can use the mind to see into spiritual dimensions and bring spiritual symbols into our dimension. We can use the intellect to create plans. We can then bring those plans into manifestation."

The Tower: Mars

   "Mars is also a great disciplining force. Through Mars we establish courage and inner strength. The lightning bolt of Mars destroys whatever is destructive to the community and the individual, and it often strikes when least expected, but Mars uses the lightning bolt to neutralize or destroy unbalanced forces so that we can then create and maintain harmony. This card reveals that you are creating harmony within your personal sphere of influence through great discipline," the clown stated.

The Devil: Capricorn

   The clown continued, "Capricorn can appear terrifying to some people. Capricorn reveals all the life forces within the physical plane, some of which are beyond the control of human beings. We can let unbalanced forces imprison us in darkness, but we can slip out of our chains and experience all the life forces as dimensions of Universal Consciousness. That is why the Devil is holding up his right hand in a gesture of blessing. So this card suggests that you can see with the inner eye and experience the life forces in a positive way."

Fun House Portal

   "I am now going to draw the third card, which represents the future," the clown stated. "The Six of Swords, Mercury in Aquarius, The Sun in Beauty." Another portal appeared and pulled Nathan through it.

Six of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius, The Sun in Beauty

   The clown continued, "This is another good card. Saturn, Mars, and Mercury exist on the Pillar of Severity on the right side of the Tree of Life. Mercury is Mars on a lower arc. Mercury exists in the human mind as the ability to create and manifest form and to see with the imagination into the future to create a higher good."

The Magician: Mercury

   "Mercury also helps us to know the subtle energies known as the Elements of the Wise, Air, Fire, Spirit, Water, and Earth, which includes the triplicities of the zodiac and their ruling planets. Through Mercury, we can know the Beauty of the Sun and manifest all of the subtle energies of the Tree of Life," the clown stated.

The Star: Aquarius

   The clown continued, "And through Aquarius, we activate a higher awareness, which some call the higher self or the Holy Guardian Angel. Through Aquarius, we can see the world in different ways, especially spiritual ways, and safely reach distant shores. The mythological principle of Aquarius is 'The Opening of the Heart.' This card suggests that you have opened your heart so that you can continue to experience and manifest the energies of the dimensions of Universal Consciousness in the future."

The Fool

   Suddenly Nathan was standing again next to the Fool. "I hope that you have benefitted from the reading and that you enjoy our circus, my friend," the Fool stated as he bowed.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

     All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Divination Path



   As Nathan was hiking along a path one day, he encountered a gypsy, who offered to give him a Tarot reading.
   "Sure!" Nathan responded. "What kind of spread will you be using?"
   "A three-card spread that reveals the past, present, and future," the gypsy replied.


   "I must warn you, however. This is a magical path with portals that transport you to other dimensions. The decan correspondence and the Tree of Life Association in each card open the portals for you. No need to worry, though. In the end, you will return to this path." Nathan suddenly noticed an archway over the trail that resembled a portal.

Energized Portal

   "If you are ready, I will draw the first card. Ahhh, the Nine of Swords, Mars in Gemini, The Moon in the foundation." The portal suddenly became energized and pulled Nathan into it.

Nine of Swords: Mars in Gemini, The Moon in The Foundation (Yesod)

   On the other side of the portal, Nathan encountered the Nine of Swords. Somehow, he could still hear the gypsy's voice: "A decan, as you know, represents ten degrees of the zodiac and includes the subtle forces symbolized by a zodiac sign and a planet. The Tree of Life association refers to the Emanation on the Tree of Life associated with the subtle forces. The Tree of Life is a glyph that reveals the subtle dimensions of Universal Consciousness. Since you are a facet of Universal Consciousness, the Tree of Life also exists within you. That is how you are made in God's image."

The Tower: Mars

   The gypsy continued, "This card represents the past, which reveals that at some point you have experienced depression or despair. Let's start with the decan. Mars is the God of Power, the fifth Emanation on the Tree of Life. Mars can be a disruptive force, but if used wisely, the subtle force can bring harmony and justice into one's life. You can see that the person in the Nine of Swords is experiencing despair, and the swords suggest that the person is projecting his negativity out at others. Mars, associated with the element of Fire, can be a purifying force that eliminates negativity as well."

The Lovers: Gemini

   "Once you purify your heart and mind and that negativity is eliminated, you can regain paradise, in other words, you can feel a clear connection with the dimensions of your psyche: the divine core, the soul, as well as the masculine and feminine duality of your being in the Kingdom," the gypsy stated.

The High Priestess: The Moon

   The gypsy continued, "But don't forget the Tree of Life Association, in this case The Moon. The Moon represents a deep connection with the subtle forces represented by the paths of the Tree of Life. Through those connections we touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness and transcend the darkness that can overwhelm us in this world. So despite the darkness of the Nine of Swords, you can also see that the card symbolically presents a way to move beyond despair and negativity. Mars can burn away negativity and purify the mind so that you know the divinity of your essential self and touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."


   "I am now going to draw the second card, which represents the present," the gypsy stated. "Nice. The Three of Cups, Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Understanding, 'Binah' in Hebrew." Suddenly Nathan noticed another portal ahead on the path, which became energized and drew him in.

Three of Cups: Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Understanding (Binah)

   Suddenly Nathan was standing near three dancing women who were holding up golden cups during what appeared to be a harvest festival. The gypsy continued, "Again, let's start with the decan correspondence: Mercury in Cancer."

The Magician: Mercury

   "Mercury is the messenger of the Gods, so naturally on one level he represents communication. Mercury is the Roman version of the Egyptian God Thoth, who represents the Logos, the meaning at the heart of all creation. Through Mercury, human beings can create forms in their imagination that manifest as beauty through dance and the arts and can also create abundance and harmony within communities and society as a whole. Through the recognition of the harmony, magnificence, and abundance of the human spirit and the Logos, we can overcome despair, which you apparently have done," the gypsy stated.

The Chariot: Cancer

   Suddenly Nathan saw a knight in a chariot drawn by two sphinxes. The gypsy continued, "Once you have purified your subconscious mind, you are ready to experience the spiritual dimensions. Notice that the knight is leaving the castle. The knight is on a quest to experience the dimensions of Universal Consciousness, which in many ways frees us from the mind-forged manacles of human civilization. We truly know through the quest that we are expansive spiritual beings, divine facets of Universal Consciousness."

The World: Saturn

   The Tree of Life Association is Saturn, the God of Abundance. Saturn, who is Mercury on a higher arc on the Tree of Life, also represents the manifestation of primal form in the process of cosmic evolution. Through Mercury, the human mind creates forms within the imagination. Saturn is the basis for diversity and abundance within the cosmos, the One within the Many in the Kingdom. Without Saturn, we would not be able to manifest the forms within our imagination in the physical plane. Those forms would remain as dreams within our minds. Saturn creates the basis for physical form so that we can create the world every moment in our sphere of influence. Through Saturn and Mercury, we become co-creators with God in this plane."


   "I am going to draw the third card now, which represents the future. This card bodes well for you, my friend, the Nine of Pentacles, Venus in Virgo, the Moon in The Foundation. The Moon obviously has a powerful influence on you." Suddenly another portal opened and pulled Nathan in.

Nine of Pentacles: Venus in Virgo, The Moon in The Foundation (Yesod)

   Nathan was soon standing near a woman holding up a hooded hawk in her left hand and touching a golden pentacle with her right. The gypsy continued, "Again, let's begin with the decan correspondence: Venus in Virgo."

The Empress: Venus

   "Venus is the Goddess of Love associated with the seventh Emanation of the Tree of Life known as Victory. Venus holds up a prism so that the light of The Sun breaks up into the colors of the rainbow and we know the One within the Many. Through our love of creation, we come to know 'The Marriage of Heaven and Earth, which is the mythological principle associated with Venus. The the love of creation, we can create a world of beauty, abundance, and harmony."

The Hermit: Virgo

   Suddenly Nathan was standing near a hermit on a mountain top. "Notice the six-sided star in the hermit's lamp," the gypsy stated. "The Hermit, within his solitude, has achieved a great height, and the hexagram, which represents the four elements, which include the triplicities of the zodiac and their ruling planets, has lit his way. The Hermit has experienced all the subtle forces within the dimensions of Universal Consciousness, which has enabled him to reach the top of the mountain."

The High Priestess: The Moon

   "And don't forget the Tree of Life Association," the gypsy reminded Nathan. "The Moon Goddess represents the Holy Ghost of the Foundation, the ninth Emanation of the Tree of Life. With Venus, we feel the unseen subtle forces within creation. With Mercury, we create concrete ideas and images of the subtle forces. With The Moon, we manifest those concrete ideas and images in the imagination. From there, we can manifest the subtle energies as we create our world. If we manifest the ideal energies of the subtle forces, we can manifest a world of harmony, magnificence, and abundance."

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Oak Tree


Path by River

   As Nathan was waking up from a dream one day, he heard a voice that stated, "Find a path to God."
   Nathan drove his car out to the foothills and decided to turn off onto a dirt road. He came upon a magnificent oak tree and parked the car. The oak tree emanated a peace beyond understanding, so Nathan continued hiking deeper into the woodlands, and he soon found a path to a river.

Lupine and Poppies by River

   Lupine and poppies were flourishing on both sides of the river. They too were part of the same tranquility.

Frog by River

   Everywhere he looked, Nathan found frogs on the rocks. Some were clinging face-down as though gazing at the water or the ground.

Newt by River

   He occasionally found newts on his path. They seemed to ignore him, but some recoiled if he stepped too close.

Snake by River

   Then Nathan found a snake warming itself on a rock by the river. Nathan felt blessed that he had found a place unmolested by humans.

Squirrel by River

   As he continued hiking down the path, he found a squirrel on a rock by the river. The squirrel was attentive but seemed unafraid of him.

Bluebird by River

   Then Nathan found a bluebird on a rock near the river. Nathan inched forward to get a closer view, but the bird didn't fly until he was about three feet away.

Swallowtail Butterfly by River

   As Nathan continued on the path, he came upon a swallowtail butterfly in the flowers. The butterfly didn't seem afraid of him at all. He came within a few feet of it, but it still didn't flutter away. Nathan did his best not to disturb the butterfly, and it didn't fly away the whole time he stood nearby.

Turkey by River

   Then Nathan found a turkey near the river. He was startled because the bird appeared at first to be a miniature dinosaur, but then he remembered that birds, according to some scientists, had evolved from the dinosaurs.

Wild Boar by River

   Nathan was even more surprised when he encountered a wild pig, which seemed just as surprised to see him. The pig gazed at him for a while and eventually bounded away.

Bobcat by River

   As Nathan continued on his path, he encountered a bobcat by the river. The bobcat simply turned and loped away. Nathan suddenly felt a strong connection to the bobcat even though he had never felt any connection to cats before.

Goldfinches by River

   When Nathan encountered a flock of goldfinches by the river, he suddenly had the sense that each species he had encountered was part of a unique angelic oversoul as though each individual in the species was a facet of one overarching consciousness.


   A few minutes later, Nathan wasn't afraid when he encountered a coyote, which gazed at him a long time and finally slowly turned and disappeared into the forest.

Western Tanager

   Nathan was overjoyed to find a Western tanager on a rock by the river. Nathan at that point was sure that his theory was correct: the bird and the lupine and poppies were each part of an oversoul, but he began to suspect that each angelic oversoul was part of a larger oversoul, a spirit of place that was aware of all of the creatures in its domain.

Badger by River

   Nathan was surprised to see a badger next to the river. He had never encountered a badger before. The badger seemed aggressive at first but stopped before it attacked. It just gazed at Nathan for several minutes as though trying to figure out what kind of creature Nathan was.

Lazuli Bunting

   Nathan then came upon a lazuli bunting, which had always been one of Nathan's favorite species of birds. It sang the whole time Nathan was near it. Nathan suddenly sensed that each creature and each oversoul were facets of one Universal Consciousness. Then he had the overwhelming sense that Universal Consciousness was seeing the world through him.

Bear by River

   A bear suddenly lumbered across the path. Nathan was afraid for a moment, but the bear just continued on its way across the river.

Mountain Lion by River

   As Nathan continued on the trail, he had the strange feeling that he was being watched by a mountain lion. He unbuttoned the sheath of his buck knife and a minute later encountered a mountain lion by the river. The mountain lion's tail flopped back and forth as it gazed at him. Nathan slowly backed away and returned to his car, looking over his shoulder now and then. He had found a good path.

             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...