All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Divination Path
As Nathan was hiking along a path one day, he encountered a gypsy, who offered to give him a Tarot reading.
"Sure!" Nathan responded. "What kind of spread will you be using?"
"A three-card spread that reveals the past, present, and future," the gypsy replied.
"I must warn you, however. This is a magical path with portals that transport you to other dimensions. The decan correspondence and the Tree of Life Association in each card open the portals for you. No need to worry, though. In the end, you will return to this path." Nathan suddenly noticed an archway over the trail that resembled a portal.
Energized Portal
"If you are ready, I will draw the first card. Ahhh, the Nine of Swords, Mars in Gemini, The Moon in the foundation." The portal suddenly became energized and pulled Nathan into it.
Nine of Swords: Mars in Gemini, The Moon in The Foundation (Yesod)
On the other side of the portal, Nathan encountered the Nine of Swords. Somehow, he could still hear the gypsy's voice: "A decan, as you know, represents ten degrees of the zodiac and includes the subtle forces symbolized by a zodiac sign and a planet. The Tree of Life association refers to the Emanation on the Tree of Life associated with the subtle forces. The Tree of Life is a glyph that reveals the subtle dimensions of Universal Consciousness. Since you are a facet of Universal Consciousness, the Tree of Life also exists within you. That is how you are made in God's image."
The Tower: Mars
The gypsy continued, "This card represents the past, which reveals that at some point you have experienced depression or despair. Let's start with the decan. Mars is the God of Power, the fifth Emanation on the Tree of Life. Mars can be a disruptive force, but if used wisely, the subtle force can bring harmony and justice into one's life. You can see that the person in the Nine of Swords is experiencing despair, and the swords suggest that the person is projecting his negativity out at others. Mars, associated with the element of Fire, can be a purifying force that eliminates negativity as well."
The Lovers: Gemini
"Once you purify your heart and mind and that negativity is eliminated, you can regain paradise, in other words, you can feel a clear connection with the dimensions of your psyche: the divine core, the soul, as well as the masculine and feminine duality of your being in the Kingdom," the gypsy stated.
The High Priestess: The Moon
The gypsy continued, "But don't forget the Tree of Life Association, in this case The Moon. The Moon represents a deep connection with the subtle forces represented by the paths of the Tree of Life. Through those connections we touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness and transcend the darkness that can overwhelm us in this world. So despite the darkness of the Nine of Swords, you can also see that the card symbolically presents a way to move beyond despair and negativity. Mars can burn away negativity and purify the mind so that you know the divinity of your essential self and touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."
"I am now going to draw the second card, which represents the present," the gypsy stated. "Nice. The Three of Cups, Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Understanding, 'Binah' in Hebrew." Suddenly Nathan noticed another portal ahead on the path, which became energized and drew him in.

Three of Cups: Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Understanding (Binah)
Three of Cups: Mercury in Cancer, Saturn in Understanding (Binah)
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