Wednesday, May 15, 2024

        All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Archangel Raphael


Archangel Michael

   After Nathan returned to the El Dorado District, he discovered that his homeland was more tawdry and run-down than he had imagined. When Nathan performed his daily ritual, he, as usual, began by invoking the Archangel Raphael, and the great Archangel seemed to be communicating with him.
   "This realm is falling apart, and unfortunately no one here will ever recognize that you are knight. You might be one of the greatest knights or artists or composers or engineers in the world, yet no one in this realm will support you unless you benefit them or the rich elite class in some way. You must draw on my healing power now from deep inside yourself. Awaken and purify your mind. Above all, awaken your heart and remember that everyone here is an expression of divinity. The rich in this realm want the people to spend trillions of tax dollars to profit companies that specialize in war and maiming and death instead of spending the money to provide a system of healing that benefits everyone," the Archangel communicated. "Even though over a million people have died in this realm due to a pandemic, and many have lost their homes, the rich still gouge the people here by inflating prices for basic necessities. The rich in this realm are only concerned about making greater profits, not about harmony and balance and healing, and they don't want to spend money for the public good. In this realm, my friend, you must learn to heal yourself by touching the dimensions of Universal Consciousness. I and Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel will help you continue your spiritual work even here in this realm."
   Nathan nodded and turned to the south to invoke the Archangel Michael.
   The great Archangel Michael also communicated with him. "You must continue to stoke the inner Fire that enables you to remain in contact with the dimensions of Universal Consciousness. People here will attack you because of your inner Fire, which burns away falsehoods and insists on truth and justice and harmony. Without truth, you cannot experience the dimensions of the Universal Mind, yet so many people here prefer to support power, privilege and prestige instead of truth. As a knight, you must continue to wear armor even if people cannot see it. People in this realm will not accept that you are a knight, but you are still a knight, nevertheless, here to uphold truth and justice and maintain harmony."

Archangel Gabriel

   Nathan turned to the west and invoked the great Archangel Gabriel. "You know how to purify your heart and mind, but in this realm you are also tasked with purifying some portion of the collective consciousness of humanity every day as you invoke the elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth, for this realm is in great danger due to pervasive spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical negativity. As an empathic knight, you must take within yourself some portion of that negativity, and as you invoke each Archangel, your personality will drop with that portion of the blackness of the collective consciousness of humanity into the fires below the surface of the earth--like the Fool experiencing divine madness while falling into the Abyss. Your personality and a portion of the negativity of humanity will burn up in the fires, but your soul will spiral upward and touch the golden equal-armed cross that represents the harmony and integration of the elements, and one at a time, each Archangel will wrap the world in harmonious energy due to your sacrifice. Even though each Archangel will spread golden balanced crosses throughout this realm and the rest of the world, this realm might never achieve a state of harmony because of its systems of exploitation and its exhaustion of people and resources. This realm is so negative that it is threatening the entire earth, but your rituals might help the world move beyond this crisis point. Do not forget that your sacrifice benefits all realms, my friend."

Archangel Auriel

   Nathan turned to the north and invoked the great Archangel Auriel. "This earth is full of abundance and harmony and magnificence," the Archangel communicated, "but a few people in this realm want to own and control it all. Nobody here needs to starve or die unnecessarily from disease, yet tragedy nevertheless occurs incessantly in this realm. You are a Knight of the Tarot Realm, and you must elimate excess negativity so that people of all faiths and all races know and experience the abundance and harmony of the earth and the magnificence of the human spirit."

Venus in the Courtyard

   When Nathan finished his ritual, he walked out into the courtyard of his apartment complex. The great Goddess Venus was holding up a golden scepter to show that love rules all. "You will not find much love in this realm. People here in this realm don't understand that this world is full of abundance, yet so many men, women, and children die unnecessarily from hunger and disease and lack of support. As a Knight of the Tarot Realm, you need always to remember why you came back to your homeland. You are here to clear away negativity that blinds people to their connection with one another."

Isis in the Courtyard

   Nathan continued strolling through the apartment complex and encountered the Goddess Isis, who stated, "You will not find the dazzling colors of the rainbow in this place, but you can still find the rainbow colors within the natural world and throughout the Tree of Life. If you do not lose your connection with nature and the Tree of Life, you will know that this rainbow also exists within you and within each person in this realm."

Angel in an Underground Cavern

   That afternoon, as Nathan meditated, he had a vision of an angel in an underground cavern. The angel's mind seemed to be flooded with light.

The Moon

   After his vision, Nathan went for a long walk under the full moon. Dogs were howling in the distance, and Nathan felt the mysterious pull of the moon as well. He stepped on the reflection of the moon in a pond and watched as its light rippled outward.

At the Bottom of the Underground Cavern

   Nathan inched out deeper into the pond and suddenly sank into an underground cavern. His armor was so heavy that he thought he was going to drown in a place where no one would ever find him.

Struggling through the Cavern

   Suddenly someone or something, possibly a mermaid or some huge amphibious creature, pulled Nathan up out of the water. Nathan had thought that he was about to drown.

Emerging from Water

   Nathan then heard a voice as he was returning to consciousness, which stated, "You must completely purify your heart and mind and soul. After you emerge from the waters, you will be able to know the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."

Opening the Heart

   As Nathan was returning to the surface, he thought he was having another vision of an angel. This time her heart was glowing as if both her heart and mind had awakened.

The Heart Open

   Dawn was breaking as Nathan found his way out of the cave, and Isis was spreading her rainbow wings as she stood within a vibrant array of wildflowers.
   "Even though this realm keeps falling apart, you can still experience the divinity of the rainbow colors of the natural realm as well as the divinity of the spiritual realms," she stated as her heart glowed with spiritual light.

Venus in a Wheat Field

   Then Nathan encountered Venus in a field of wheat. She was still holding up a golden scepter.
   "All people on this earth can experience the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the human spirit. Now, unfortunately, a very few powerful people continue to take that abundance and harmony and magnificence away from the vast majority of other people."

Walking through the Wheat Field

   Nathan stood in the wheat field as the sun rose behind his head while he was returning home. Nathan imagined that the sun was blazing like a golden five-pointed star, and he knew that a six-pointed star was blazing in his heart.
   As both stars gleamed, he knew for a moment that he could experience all of the dimensions of the Universal Mind--even here in his troubled homeland.

(All AI generated images are based on photographs, paintings, or Blender rendered images by James T. Robbins.)

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