All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Jester in the Rain
As Nathan was strolling through the rain, he came upon a homeless person in a wet blanket. Nathan pulled out his wallet and handed the man two dollars. As Nathan continued rambling down the sidewalk, he suddenly felt like gold coins were falling all around him.
Back in the Tarot realm, Nathan had encountered a blindfolded and loosely bound woman who was surrounded by eight swords as the tide was rising, and suddenly, he felt like he knew how she must have felt. In his homeland, Nathan had to work two gigs to pay for rent and food, and the price of necessities just kept rising, but his inadequate wages remained stagnant. He had no job security, no benefits, no assured income, yet he had to pay for car insurance and car maintenance because an effective mass transit system didn't exist. He paid for health insurance as the medical industry and health insurance companies continued to bankrupt half a million people a year: a universal health care system would be inimical to raw capitalism. Most of the government's discretionary spending flowed generously to the military-industrial complex--for unjustifiable wars and proxy wars and covert wars. The billionaires managed to keep their vast fortunes instead of paying taxes that might help the people because the super-rich elite kept the politicians in their back pockets, and the politicians and the media, which was owned by the super-rich, kept causing divisiveness to keep the masses confused about basic concepts like the unequal distribution of wealth and how the average person was constantly being ripped off. Instead of being a knight, Nathan had become a wage slave, and by the end of the month, he had to go into debt just to get by. To top it off, he felt like he was to blame for his miserable condition. Nathan began to long for the Tarot Realm.
Six of Pentacles: Moon in Taurus
Nathan remembered how in the Tarot Realm a rich man had donated money to destitute people with his right hand while holding balancing scales in his left. Nathan was confused for a moment by the scales, but then he realized that the generous man was not only helping the the poor--he was practicing a form of self-sacrifice to bring greater harmony and balance to the community, which benefitted everyone. Even in the Tarot Realm, change remains the only constant and societies change like the phases of the moon. The generous man must have realized that through all the flux we need to help each other to remain strong.
Six of Swords: Mercury in Aquarius
Nathan thought of other acts of giving in the Tarot Realm, from small acts of kindness to great acts of sacrifice. Once, while he was exploring the realm, he had noticed a man poling a boat containing a woman and child across a lake to a distant shore. As if Nathan were having a vision, he thought he saw six swords standing straight up and down in the bow of the boat, which seemed to signal that the man was aiding the woman and child through a difficulty of some kind or helping them escape some danger. The man was so skilled and balanced that the boat continued to move calmly and smoothly across the water despite any dangers, slowly but surely. The man's composure suggested that he had handled many difficulties before, which was a sign that he was far-seeing and careful and that he had performed more that a few acts of self-sacrifice.
Ten of Wands: Saturn in Sagittarius
Then Nathan remembered a man carrying ten wands in a fan-like formation. The man was stooped under his burden, and the wands almost seemed to imprison him, but he lumbered forward with great discipline and determination as if he had some fire within that enabled him to complete even the most difficult task. He was carrying his burden toward a distant house, which suggested that he was performing this act of self-sacrifice for others, not just for himself. Work was often a kind of sacrifice, Nathan had realized, and it sometimes helped to prepare the mind and body for even greater challenges.
Eight of Pentacles: Sun in Virgo
As Nathan continued strolling down the street, he remembered a man near the castle laboring to create golden pentacles. Each glowing pentacle symbolized the harmony of the elements of Earth, Spirit, Fire, Air, and Water, and each element represented the triplicities of the zodiac signs and their ruling planets, in other words, all of the subtle forces represented by the Tree of Life. The man was laboring alone to create symbols of external and internal harmony for the community, which struck Nathan at the time as a lonely but beautiful sacrifice.
Three of Pentacles: Mars in Capricorn
Then Nathan remembered three men working together inside of a cathedral. One man was a monk who could see symbols of harmony in a spirit realm known as The Foundation. An architect, who worked on the mental level to create the plans for the building, stood beside the monk, and a mason manifested those symbolic structures in concrete form. Together, they labored to create a magnificent edifice representing the harmony of the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical planes, an edifice that would take many years to complete, but which would last for hundreds of years, which Nathan felt was an inspiring collaborative act of sacrifice.
Five of Swords: Venus in Aquarius
As Nathan continued his excursion through the city, he remembered a warrior in the Tarot Realm who had disarmed two men who had attacked him. The warrior allowed the two men to slouch away. The warrior's act of de-escalation had impressed Nathan. The warrior had quickly neutralized hostilities, and the warrior's prowess had suggested that he had worked long and hard to develop the skill and discipline and had developed the ability to discriminate in times of crisis and conflict. The warrior didn't crow or puff himself up. He simply grabbed the swords and walked away, which greatly impressed Nathan. The warrior's sacrifices had paid off.
Seven of Wands: Mars in Leo
Then Nathan remembered a warrior who had taken on six other soldiers by himself. He showed great strength and courage and didn't hesitate to protect his homeland from forces who were attempting to steal the resources and enslave the people. The warrior, against great odds, had unhesitatingly put his life on the line for his community and his realm. Nathan admired the warrior's willingness to sacrifice himself for a greater cause. Fortunately, the warrior had developed the strength and skill to fight off the other soldiers, which over a long period of time had required great discipline and sacrifice.
Eight of Cups: Saturn in Pisces
Then Nathan remembered a knight who had left the castle to develop other aspects of himself. The knight had spiritual aspirations and had convinced the king and queen that he could serve the realm as a holy man. Nathan remembered that the king and queen had smiled as they had granted his request. Nathan had watched the knight ascend the mountain alone in the moonlight, and he realized that it took a lot of courage and discipline to abandon success and strive for a greater life. He was demonstrating an admirable form of sacrifice for a greater good.
The Hanged Man: Water
Then Nathan remembered a man who had been hung upside down in the town square. The man had spoken the truth and was being treated as a traitor. Nathan thought he could see a halo around the man's head. The man, even in a moment of great crisis, seemed to have the ability to suspend his consciousness to connect with powerful spiritual forces, and the man was able, even during his sacrifice, to reveal the gold of the spirit. The man was not afraid of being treated as a despicable outcast and a traitor to the realm. Nathan had felt great sorrow for the hanged man, who through his act of sacrifice was forcing others to examine their beliefs and spiritual values.
Ten of Swords: The Sun in Gemini
Finally, Nathan remembered a man lying face down with ten swords in his back. Apparently a group of men had orchestrated and carried out the attack. Nathan was surprised that the man's right hand in death had formed a gesture of blessing--as if he had forgiven his attackers as he died. Nathan did not know the man and had no idea why the man was killed, but the sun began to shine through dark clouds as if the man had been targeted for insisting on the values of the higher self, for in the Tarot Realm The Sun represented the higher self. In the Tarot Realm, such a synchronicity was possible. No matter what had caused the man's ruin, Nathan had suddenly felt great sympathy for the man.
Justice at the Apartment Complex
As Nathan entered his courtyard in his apartment complex, he encountered a woman wearing a crown in a worn out dress who held a sword straight up and down.
The woman unexpectedly muttered, "Forgive my appearance, but maintaining justice and harmony in this realm is not a easy as you might think."
Justice: Libra
Nathan replied, "In the Tarot Realm, Justice was dressed lavishly as a queen, and she held golden scales in her left hand as she sat on a throne, but like you, she did not wear a blindfold, for justice sees all in this realm and every realm. Your task here is perhaps more difficult than the work of justice in the Tarot Realm."
The Tower: Mars
The woman replied, "Unfortunately, justice in this realm can be slow and uneven, but many people here don't seem to understand that justice can hit like lightning when you least expect it. Sooner or later, justice will catch up with you, even in this realm."
Six of Wands: Jupiter in Leo
Nathan replied, "I remember a great knight in the Tarot Realm who brought many people to justice. We called him 'Lord of Victory.' He demonstrated that he could act from his higher self in every circumstance. He commanded respect wherever he went. He manifested the magnificence of Jupiter and revealed the 'other self,' the higher self, to everyone around him. Even in this realm, some people can manage to be like him."

The Lovers: Gemini
"Yes," the woman replied. "In this realm, people like him might live in a shabby apartment in a run-down part of town, but they know the justice of heaven. They might deal with conflict all the time, but they know their divine core and live from their higher self and know the holiness of all energy and the divinity of all life, so in a way they have regained paradise despite their external circumstances."
(All AI generated images are based on 3D Blender renderings, paintings, and photographs by Jim Robbins.)