All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
As Nathan was traveling through the Tarot Realm, he encountered an entertainer dancing a jig while juggling two golden pentacles within a ribbon that resembled an infinity symbol. The juggler maintained perfect rhythm while dancing and juggling, and Nathan was so mesmerized by the performance that he thought for a moment that perhaps he was having another spirit vision, for there seemed to be great symbolic significance associated with the juggler's act. To test whether or not he was experiencing a vision, Nathan closed his eyes, but when he opened them again, the juggler was still there, so Nathan tried to sense what subtle influences were prevailing. Nathan remembered the Wheel of Fortune, a Tarot card which symbolizes change and transformation within the great cycles of time, so Nathan wondered if Jupiter was one of the subtle influences, but he was a little confused because the juggler was a common street entertainer, not a magnificent god. Just as Nathan was thinking that he was starting to identify the subtle forces, he began to feel at a loss about the other subtle influence that he sensed. He felt powerful life forces, but he just couldn't identify how the subtle forces corresponded to the Tree of Life, so he went in search of the King or Queen of Pentacles.
Nathan came upon the King of Pentacles on his throne in the sea. Nathan dismounted and bowed. "I serve thee always, great King, but I have a question."
The King responded, "Yes, my devoted knight, what is your query?"
Nathan described the juggler on the stage. "The juggler seemed to be performing an act with profound symbolic significance, your Highness. Can you help me to understand the symbolism and the subtle influences?"
The King responded, "Ummm, I think I know of whom you speak. Was he by any chance performing on a stage near the ocean?"
"Yes, you're Highness."
"Were you able to identify any subtle influences?"
"I think so. Given the symbolic similarities of his performance and the Tarot card known as The Wheel of Fortune, I concluded that Jupiter was one of the subtle influences--even though that seemed a bit off because the juggler is a common street performer, more like an artist or a clown or a fool than a magnificent god. I was confused about the other subtle influence as well, your Highness."
"Did you experience powerful subtle life forces?"
Nathan pondered for a moment. "Yes, your Highness, but I couldn't identify how they corresponded to the Tree of Life."
"That is sometimes the case when people meet with the powers of life because of the symbolism associated with the mythological principle. You see, my inquisitive knight, the 'Meeting with the Powers of Life' is a mythological principle associated with the devil, who represents Capricorn."
"I'm sorry, your Majesty, but how can the devil be associated with 'Meeting the Powers of Life?"
"You must meet the powers of life with your third eye open, my friend. The Hebrew letter associated with Capricorn is 'Ayin,' which means 'eye.' In other words, you must see beneath surface appearances because the devil appears quite odious and terrifying.
"But Capricorn is a sphinx, my friend, and he often holds up four fingers in blessing, not just two fingers, like the Hierophant, for with Capricorn we can experience all the life-forces within the natural world and within ourselves. In other words, we are often blessed by the life-forces as they manifest in plants and animals and other people. Even though many people feel chained to their vices and blame them on the devil, most of us can escape those chains if we choose."
"So you are saying the devil is not evil?"
"Oh, darkness exists, my friend, and people do sometimes channel dark forces to cause great harm to others, but remember that at all times darkness dominates some parts of the world while other parts of the world experience light. Evil, as horribly harmful as it can be, helps us to identify the highest good. What you experienced while watching the juggler is a high spiritual energy associated with the second holy Emanation on the Tree of Life, which corresponds to "Zodiac in Wisdom." Darkness and light weave the zodiac together. Without shadows and darkness, we cannot know the Many in the One or the One in the Many for we need to experience life's contrasts to develop wisdom. Without the deepest darkness we cannot truly know the meaning of light and goodness and harmony and abundance.
"Our friend the street performer has chosen to juggle two pentacles within an infinity symbol for a very specific reason: every human being must learn to deal with the ups and downs of life and juggle good and bad experiences to create an inner balance that manifests in the world. This, as you mentioned, is suggested in the Tarot card known as The Wheel of Fortune, which is associated with Jupiter: the ability to create balance and maintain harmony while dancing through all the changes and challenges reveals the magnificence, harmony and abundance of the human spirit. A person can be a common street performer, an artist, a clown, or a fool, as you mentioned, while at the same time manifesting the noble qualities of Jupiter. A person can experience the untarnished gold of the spirit and balance darkness and light for the highest possible good and can know, as the wheel of fortune turns, the essential harmony of the life forces within Universal Consciousness.
The King finished by saying, "I am glad, my friend, that the Tarot helps you to understand your experiences. Many people, unfortunately, believe that the Tarot is evil because they cannot see beneath surface appearances."
"I am glad too, your Highness, but I must say that without your help I would never have guessed that The devil, as Capricorn, is influencing the juggler in such a positive way. I serve thee always, my King." Nathan bowed and mounted his horse and rode off into the forest to perform a ritual.
Nathan was greatly impressed by the juggler. He searched through his Tarot deck and found the Two of Pentacles, which resembled what he had actually witnessed. The Two of Pentacles represents Jupiter in Capricorn and the Zodiac in Wisdom. Nathan decided to make the Two of Pentacles the central card in his Tarot pentagram ritual, and since he also wanted to experience the energies of Jupiter and Capricorn, he decided to use The Devil and The Wheel of Fortune as modifiers.
Capricorn, the holy man once said, represents life forces that we can experience in all the plants and animals of the natural world as well as in other people. Like a shaman, he said, you can experience the life forces in every species and develop a greater understanding of how Universal Consciousness manifests in the world. Like the devil, Capricorn can at times terrify human beings. Sometimes, people become afraid because they experience sublime life forces that are beyond their control. Humans are like amoebas compared to some spiritual beings, and some dimensions of Universal Consciousness are almost impossible for humans to comprehend. Consequently, out of fear and ignorance, people sometimes personify the powers of life as evil. If we look with the eye of the soul, the third eye, we can develop a greater understanding of Universal Consciousness and begin to move beyond fear, he said.
The mythological principle associated with Jupiter, the holy man said, is 'Aspiration,' in other words a strong desire, longing, or aim to reach a goal or objective. Notice, the holy man said, that in The Wheel of Fortune, the four elements, Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, are golden, suggesting the incorruptibility of spirit. The elements manifest in the natural world, he said, but as the wheel turns, a human being can aspire to transmute lead into gold, in other words to see beyond the physical realm and know the gold of spiritual principle. As the wheel of fortune turns, many of those lowest on the wheel aspire to know the qualities of Jupiter: magnificence, abundance, and harmony.
Since the suit of Pentacles represents Earth, a passive element, Nathan used the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, the Aces and Judgement, starting in the lower left corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper right corner and continuing from there.
The Passive and Active Invoking Pentagrams
After he placed all of the cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the lower left corner to complete the pentagram. Then he placed the Two of Pentacles in the middle of the pentagram and tapped the card, saying, "Two of Pentacles, Lord of Harmonious Change, Jupiter in Capricorn and the Zodiac in Wisdom." Then he placed the modifiers, The Devil and The Wheel of Fortune, on the Ace of Pentacles in the lower left hand corner of the pentagram.
First, he placed The Devil on the Ace of Pentacles and stated while tapping the card, "The Devil, Capricorn, the 'Meeting with the Powers of Life.'"
As he placed The Wheel of Fortune on The Devil, he said while tapping the card, "The Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter, 'Aspiration.'"
Then he drew the Passive Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in the air in brilliant white above the Two of Pentacles on the altar, charging the pentagram and the spirit wheel in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer.
After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Earth directly over the Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Taurus in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of the bull's head becoming the living image of the Two of Pentacles. Then he imagined gnomes flowing from the Archangel Auriel and filling the living image while at the same time the bright points of the Earth element flowed from his aura and filled the living image as well.
Then he said, "Lord of Harmonious Change, help me to see beneath surface appearances with my third eye so that I know how Universal Consciousness manifests in our realm as the One in the Many and the Many in the One and experience the gold of the spirit: magnificence, abundance, and harmony."
Then he stated, "Perform this task until I have succeeded in mastering this ability, doing no harm. So mote it be!"
He imagined for a few minutes aspiring to manifest the energies of the Tree of Life in order to feel the harmony, abundance, and magnificence within himself for the highest possible good. He, of course, performed the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram before he completed the ritual.
Afterwards, Nathan often felt the gold of spirit within himself and humanity and the community of all life.
(NOTE: I use my photographs, paintings, and 3D Blender renderings as the basis for the AI versions.)