Saturday, October 8, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Great Strength.

Decan: Moon in 11 - 20 degrees of Sagittarius
Tree of Life Association: Moon in Yesod (Ninth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Great Strength

   As you proceed through the realm of Fire, you encounter a man with a bandage on his head. Though he appears a little dazed, he also has an air of great strength. Eight other wands behind him give the impression that he has strong support in his endeavor or great inner power.
   As you open your mind to impressions, you get the sense that he has a strong spiritual will, but you are also sensing something else that you can't put your finger on.

Temperance: Sagittarius

   Suddenly the Archangel Michael appears. “Behind the material realm is The Foundation, which contains two qualities: Strength and flux. Though seemingly contradictory in nature, the vast force is like the ocean influenced by the Moon.

The High Priestess: The Moon

   “Like the gravitational force of the Moon, the subtle force of The Foundation can be extremely powerful. The power of Yesod is a great force behind nature known by some as the Holy Ghost, the power that brings the higher energies of abstract spiritual principle as symbols into the visionary imagination.
   “Each person who exalts consciousness and contacts the force of The Moon slowly builds an inner temple with symbols that embody these spiritual principles. Each new symbol creates higher awareness. These spiritual principles, combined with the powerful Fire of spiritual will, can make a person nearly unstoppable in the pursuit of truth and justice and harmony, despite the odds.”
   The man with the bandaged head continues to stand his ground despite whatever pain he is feeling.

   Claire notices the Knight of Swords on his white horse galloping toward some destination, and she wonders if she might have a better conversation with him this time if she attempted to talk to him again.

   She flies next to him and waves her hands. He raises his sword again to show that he is charging some adversary.
   "Mr. Knight, can you please slow down a little so that I can talk to you? Please, sir!" she pleads.
   The Knight sheaths his sword and slows down his horse to a saunter. "Why, yes, child. I don't mean to be rude."
   "Do you remember me?" Claire inquires.
   "Why, yes, I believe so. I am often in a hurry, you know."
   "My name is Claire. May I ask why you are in such a hurry?"
   "Oh, yes. I am serving the Divine Will, fighting injustice and greed and exploitation. I wear black to remind myself that I can't stop fighting until the dark forces have been overcome and there is harmony and balance in the world."
   "My!" Claire exclaims, "I didn't realize that your aims are so high."
   "I fight for truth and justice, and I fight to create balance in the world, but above all, I want others to see what I am doing and awaken to the divinity of all life and the underlying unity of all consciousness." The Knight lifts his sword again and spurs his horse.
   "Goodbye, sir Knight, good luck!" Claire shouts as the Knight gallops away again.


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