Thursday, October 6, 2022

All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Oppression.

Decan: Saturn in 21 - 30 degrees of Sagittarius
Tree of Life Association: The Four Elements in Malkuth (Tenth Emanation)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Oppression

   “We are now in the realm of Wands, the realm of Fire and spiritual will. You cannot reach the spiritual heights without this Fire,” Mr. Mellifluous points out.
   You nod as you gaze upon a man with a strange burden. He plods forward, carrying ten wands in a fan-like formation. He appears to have a destination and a single-minded purpose, but he obviously cannot see very far ahead as he struggles to hold the wands together.
   “This man, in his own way, is striving to accomplish a Herculean task,” you think out loud.
   “With the spark of the element of Fire he will succeed,” Mr. Mellifluous replies.

Temperance: Sagittarius

   An Archangel suddenly appears before you. Startled, you turn to Mr. M. “Angels do that sometimes,” he notes thoughtfully. “This is the great Archangel Michael, Ruler of the element of Fire.”
   Michael is pouring liquid from one cup into another as he stands with one foot in the water and one foot on land. Behind him a path leads to the sun, which hovers like a golden crown over the mountains. For a moment you think he is using the cups to balance some kind of energy.

The World: Saturn

   Michael speaks, “To achieve a goal, you must balance your inner spark with the restrictive forces of The World. These forces might oppress your body and mind until you feel like you're going to collapse, but you gain much from Saturn, even in the worst circumstances, through the development of discipline and focus. No man or woman can become a hero without those qualities.”
   The man with the ten wands, who for a moment seems to be carrying his own prison bars, continues to plod toward a house in the distance. This struggle is not for himself alone, you conclude, as he slowly places one foot in front of the other.

Page of Wands

    Claire sees the Page of Wands below, still staring at the wand. Claire glides down and hovers nearby and soon discovers that she needs to wave her hands again to get the Page's attention.

   "Hello again!" Claire exclaims. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name."
   "Oh, hello again. You can call me Rose of the Palace of Fire, or just Rose."
   "Oh, yeah, sorry. Have you learned anything new from your wand, Rose?"
   "I feel powerful impulses, but I've learned that the desert can be harsh. We sometimes must channel our strongest impulses to survive and attain the highest good for ourselves and others."
   "I have to admit, Rose, that your ability to focus truly amazes me!"
   "Thank you. I'm still learning. But I understand now that it's the kind of focus that you need to raise a family or hold down a job or heal others or create a work of beauty. This kind of focus is a kind of heroism that lifts everyone up. I think sometimes we only experience this heroism when we face the greatest harshness and learn to live with limitations to survive, and sometimes in the process we learn to transform even the most terrible negativity and adversity into harmony."
   "Thank you, Rose. I hope I can learn to focus like you!" Claire waves once more and flies high into the sky.

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             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...