All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins.
Art Lovers
As Nathan was riding his bike through the park, an old building caught his eye. "What kind of museum is this?" he wondered out loud. He locked up his bike in front of the building and paid a small fee as he entered the front door. People were meandering through the rooms gazing at paintings. "Oh, this is an art museum," Nathan realized. "I haven't been to an art museum in many years. This might be fun."
Bird Flying Out of a Painting
Nathan wandered through the rooms gazing at the works of art. As he was examining a forest scene, a blue bird flew out of the painting. "Did that really just happen?" Nathan gasped.
Angel Stepping Out of Painting
Nathan moved to the next painting and suddenly an angel stepped out of the picture. "This must be some new kind of holographic art that I haven't heard about!" Nathan thought.
The Fool
A fool stepped out of the next picture. The fool spoke to Nathan, "I can give you a Tarot reading if you would like."
Nathan stepped back, his jaw nearly hitting the ground. "How can you give me a Tarot reading? You're not real, are you?"
The fool grinned, "I am as real as you are."
Nathan asked, "So the bird and the angel who came out of paintings are also real?"
"Of course," the fool replied. "The bird likes to leave the forest and explore the museum occasionally. The angel likes to hang out with open-minded people every now and then. She is known as 'The Angel of the Tarot.' You cannot see her right now, but she is standing right next to me."
"Okay, a Tarot reading might be fun. What kind of spread will you be using?" Nathan asked.
"A four-card spread. The first three cards reveal the past, present, and future. The fourth provides advice," the fool responded. "With your permission, I will draw the first card now."
Nathan nodded his head, and suddenly a painting turned into a portal and pulled him in.
Death: Scorpio
Even though Nathan seemed to be in another dimension, he could still hear the fool. "This card represents the past," the fool stated. "It is one of the most feared cards in the deck: Death, which represents Scorpio."
"This can't be good," Nathan muttered.
Even though the fool seemed to be on the other side of the portal, he could somehow hear Nathan. The fool replied, "That depends on your perspective. You have experienced the death of significant people in your life, and you have suffered the kind of grief that makes you examine the meaning of life and how you fit into the universe. Through much suffering, you have opened your heart. Death symbolizes transformation. Through your suffering, you now feel deep compassion and love for others, which is a significant transformation for you in your life."
Death Stepping Out of Painting
Suddenly the figure of death stepped out of a nearby painting. "Oh, my god!" Nathan gasped. Many people ran away, but a few remained still, as though paralyzed by fear.
The fool continued, "A sudden and unexpected change can be difficult to accept or understand, but change is the only constant. Change can mire us in negativity or motivate us to grow. Knowing that death might be around the corner helps us to see from the perspective of eternity."
The fool continued, "I am going to draw the next card now, which represents the present." Suddenly another portal appeared near Nathan and pulled him in.
The High Priestess: The Moon
"Ahhh, The High Priestess, who represents The Moon. This card appears to be proving my point," the fool stated. "The High Priestess has experienced all the paths of the Tree of Life. When you see from the perspective of eternity, you too can experience the paths of the Tree of Life and touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness."
Moon Goddess
Suddenly a Moon Goddess stepped out of a painting near Nathan. "I present the magical symbols that represent subtle spiritual forces to those who can see the spiritual dimensions in their mind's eye. In one tradition, I am known as the Holy Ghost. Through me you can experience a profound transformation. Once you understand the spiritual principle and force represented by a magical symbol, you can rise toward the Emanation of the Sun, also known as the Son of the trinity, where all form dissolves in light. From there you can experience the unity of the many in the One and the One in the many as you rise toward the Source of all creation."
"I am going to draw the next card now, which represents the future." Suddenly another portal appeared near Nathan and pulled him in.
The Empress: Venus
"Nice, The Empress, who represents Venus," the fool stated. Again Nathan could hear him even though he couldn't see him.
Venus Stepping Out of a Painting
Suddenly Venus stepped out of a painting near Nathan. "I am the Goddess of Love, who represents Victory, the seventh Emanation of the Tree of Life. I am also the Goddess of nature and the arts. Experiencing the splendor of nature and the beauty of the arts can open your heart and mind so that you know 'The Marriage of Heaven and Earth,' which is the mythological principle associated with the seventh Emanation of the Tree of Life. All creatures in nature, including people, are facets of Universal Consciousness, and many artists are good at creating concrete images of subtle spiritual forces. When you know and love other beings, you touch dimensions of Universal Consciousness, just as do in spirit vision when you journey on the paths of the Tree of Life. Love is what leads to 'The Marriage of Heaven and Earth."
Suddenly Nathan again heard the voice of the Fool. "I shall now draw the fourth card, which provides advice." Nathan was drawn into another portal.
King of Swords: Air
"The King of Swords, who represents the element of Air," the fool stated.
King Stepping Out of a Painting
Suddenly a king stepped out of a painting near Nathan and stated, "An important aspect of spiritual development is the expansion of the mind. The more enlightenment and inspiration you experience, the more you experience the golden butterflies of transformation. With them, you can attain greater and greater heights as you touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness." The king smiled and bowed and disappeared back into the painting.
The Fool Stepping Back into a Painting
Suddenly Nathan was standing next to the Fool. "I hope that you have benefitted from the reading," the Fool stated as he bowed and stepped into a hallway that turned out to be a painting.
Nathan yelled as the fool disappeared, "Thank you, my friend!" Then Nathan thought to himself, "This is a great museum! I need to come here more often."
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