All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
Walking on a Cloud
One night, as Nathan was falling asleep, he imagined strolling on a path in the clouds. Soon he was dreaming of walking on the clouds to a higher realm.
The High Priestess: The Moon
On his cloud path he soon came to the Temple of the Moon, where he met The High Priestess.
"Here you will find powerful subtle spiritual forces personified as humans or animals," she proclaimed. "These Gods and Archangels will enable you to touch the dimensions of Universal Consciousness and bring the divine energies into your sphere of influence."
Archangel Raphael
The High Priestess continued, "First, you must meet the Archangel Raphael, the Healer of God. He can heal you and the people around you and create a shift in consciousness that heals humanity and the planet. He commands the element of Air, which includes the triplicity of Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini and their ruling planets, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury, all of which are powerful subtle forces personified as people or Gods."
Aquarius, the Water Carrier
"Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, is personified as the water bearer. Aquarius is a powerful energy that can create a shift in human consciousness. As you know, you are currently living in the Age of Aquarius, which will lead to a golden age, a great step in human evolution, but many at first will feel so burned by the transformative energies that they manifest great chaos and disruption."
Carrying the Sword
In his dream, Nathan carried a sword representing the awakening of the mind and the power of the intellect as the rain cleansed him. "The collective consciousness of humanity must first be cleansed before it can attain higher spiritual understanding," the High Priestess had stated.
Archangel Michael
The High Priestess continued, "You must also meet the Archangel Michael, Like unto God. He can inspire you with the great Fire of the spirit to create balance and harmony in your sphere of influence. He commands the element of Fire, which includes the triplicity of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius and their ruling planets, Mars, The Sun, and Jupiter, all of which are powerful subtle forces personified as Gods."
Leo the Lion
"Leo, ruled by Jupiter, is represented as a lion. Leo is a powerful energy that can enable you to know your other self, your higher self. Combined with the energies of Jupiter, you can know the harmony, magnificence, and abundance of the human spirit and the divinity of all life."
Strolling through Fire
In his dream, Nathan walked through fire, which cleansed him. "The collective consciousness of humanity must also be cleansed by Fire before it can attain higher spiritual understanding," the High Priestess stated.
Archangel Gabriel
The High Priestess continued, "You must also meet the Archangel Gabriel, Strength of God. He can cleanse your subconscious mind and the collective unconscious of humanity with Water, clearing away all of the negativities and horrors of personal and collective history. He commands the element of Water, which includes the triplicity of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces and their ruling planets, The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, all of which are powerful subtle forces personified as people, animals, or Gods."
Eagle, Representing Scorpio
"Scorpio, ruled by Mars, represents transformative power in three stages. The first stage is represented by the scorpion, which always remains close to the earth. Next is the snake, which sheds its skin, a symbol of rebirth. Finally in this transformative process is the eagle, which sees from the perspective of eternity. Combined with the energies of Mars, Scorpio enables you to experience the great power of the spirit."
Walking on Water
In his dream, Nathan felt like he was walking on water. "After you are purified by Water, you remain free of any negativity in the depths of your subconscious mind, which results in peaceful consciousness," the High Priestess stated.
Archangel Auriel
The High Priestess continued, "You must also meet the Archangel Auriel, God's Light. He can cleanse your etheric energies, the foundational energies of your physical body as well as the foundational subtle energies of the physical realm. He commands the element of Earth, which includes the triplicity of Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo and their ruling planets, Saturn, Venus, and Mercury, all of which are powerful subtle forces personified as people, animals, or Gods."
Taurus the Bull
"Taurus, ruled by Venus, represents the tremendous power of the life forces--personified by the Goddess of Love. Combined with the energies of Venus, Taurus enables you to know the divinity of your own etheric and physical bodies and the holiness of all energy as it manifests in the physical realm."
Strolling through a Field of Wheat
In his dream, Nathan was strolling through a wheat field. "With a purified etheric body, you can know the great abundance and splendor of the physical plane and feel reverence for all of Creation," the High Priestess stated.
Goddess in the Flowers
Suddenly the High Priestess transformed into a Goddess with rainbow wings that revealed the subtle energies manifesting in the physical realm as well as the paths of the mystical Tree of Life. "Remember that to experience the descent of the divine, you must first purify your heart and mind. This is your chance now to make a difference here in your realm," she stated.