All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
As Nathan continued his journey through the Tarot Realm, he decided to rest a few moments in a church, where another knight, who at first seemed a recumbent effigy on top of a tomb, remained in deep meditation. Three swords pointed directly down at him, but a fourth sword rested horizontally on the side of the bed.
Then Nathan noticed a brilliant stained glass window above the meditating knight. The window suggested the vividness of a vision. Nathan closed his eyes and felt that he was being drawn into a meditative state. After awhile--he was not quite sure how long--he had a vision of a crowned woman in a red robe holding a sword straight up and down in her right hand and golden scales in the other.
Justice: Libra (AI Version)
Suddenly the woman spoke, "You can maintain balance deep in the soul even when conflict rages around you, but you must go below the conscious mind, which is so often full of strife and contradiction. Deep in the subconscious mind is a state where symbols, patterns of spiritual principle, manifest. In this state of deep transformation and regeneration, the higher self reveals patterns of the harmony, magnificence, and abundance of the spirit.
The Wheel of Fortune: Jupiter (3D Version)
"Here in this inner realm, you can have visions and hear wise voices. You can transcend the five senses, as well as time and space, and establish balance within yourself so that you can then manifest harmony, which eventually results in greater harmony for yourself and your realm."
The King of Swords (AI Version)
After leaving the church, Nathan came upon the King of Swords. He dismounted, and as he was walking toward the King, Nathan thought for a moment that he saw golden butterflies fluttering behind the King's head.
"Good afternoon, your Majesty. If you have a moment, I have a question," Nathan stated politely.
"Yes, my brave knight. What is your query?" the King of Swords replied.
"Thank you, your Highness," Nathan responded. "I just encountered a knight meditating in church. I felt drawn into the meditative state as I gazed upon him, and I got the sense that he was in a deep inner state of harmony and peace even though three swords were pointing straight down at him, and I also sensed the magnificence and abundance of the human spirit. Even if a person is overwhelmed by conflict, is it possible for a person to maintain a deep state of inner harmony, your Highness? In this case, I think the knight was experiencing the subtle energies of Jupiter in Libra."
"You can establish an inner state of harmony and abundance and joy, my friend, even during times of great conflict. In meditation and ritual, you can release all of the negative energies that have built up inside your heart and mind and spirit and even within your body. You can purify yourself at every level. When you have healed yourself, the golden butterflies of transformation appear, and you can touch the different dimensions of Universal Consciousness represented by the paths of the Tree of Life. One of the central paths on the great Tree is called 'Justice,' and it represents 'The Justice of Heaven.' What does that mythological principle mean to you?"
"To me, your Majesty, it means neutralizing dark, unbalanced forces and releasing inner negativity to establish inner harmony and balance. I think it has a great deal to do with forgiveness for others who have harmed you. Once you release that negativity, you can also begin to feel sympathy and love for others who are struggling, and even for all of humanity, even for those who have acted in extremely unbalanced ways toward you or toward the community of all life."
"Invoking the great powers of harmony, such as the Archangels of the Elements, can also help you to maintain harmony and balance on all levels of your being. The holy man in the castle has shown you how to do that, has he not?"
"Yes, he has, your Highness. I practice the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram daily. As you might know, I am thinking of returning to my homeland, and I must confess that I am afraid of returning to a realm so overwhelmed by negativity and conflict that it might make me unbalanced. If I am going to remain a knight in that realm, I need to maintain a state of inner harmony as much as humanly possible."
"Remember, my friend, that the mythological principle of Jupiter is 'Aspiration.'" The root of the word gives us a clue: spirare ("to breathe") and spiritus ("spirit"). Always remember that as a knight you aspire to maintain harmony in the world around you, no matter what realm you are in. Knowing what is right and wrong, what is balanced or unbalanced, what is beneficial or harmful, requires inner harmony. Through your aspiration to maintain harmony within yourself and your sphere of influence, you can experience and manifest the justice of heaven, for yourself and others around you, even in extremely difficult circumstances. If you return to your homeland, the aspiration to experience and manifest the harmony, abundance, and magnificence of the human spirit will have to remain crucial to your being, like breathing, for that realm is riddled with dark forces, which often cause unbalanced people to commit great injustices. If you can, also remember that what happens in your homeland can have an adverse effect on this realm, so if you are able to continue to aspire to manifest the harmony of spirit, mind, heart, and body in that realm, you will also benefit the Tarot Realm. All realms are connected, and we are all connected by consciousness, as is the community of all life."
Nathan bowed. "Thank you, your Highness. I will always remember your wise words."
The Breakers into Pieces (AI Version)
The holy man in the castle had once told Nathan that when dealing with a Tarot card associated with the same God or Goddess representing both the Emanation on the Tree of Life as well as the the decan, only two modifiers can be used. Knowing that the Four of Swords has a Tree of Life correspondence of Jupiter in Mercy, and the decan association of Jupiter in Libra, Nathan chose two modifiers: Justice, representing Libra, and The Wheel of Fortune, representing Jupiter.
The Passive and Active Invoking Pentagrams
Nathan got ready to create an artificial elemental of the Three of Swords with the Tarot Pentagram Spread. First, since Air is an active element, he used the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram while laying down the foundation cards, starting in the lower right corner of the pentagram, moving to the upper left corner and continuing from there.
After he placed all of the foundation cards, he tapped each card in the direction of the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, making sure to tap the one in the position of Fire in the lower right corner to complete the pentagram.
Then he placed the Four of Swords in the middle of the pentagram, saying, "The Four of Swords, Lord of Rest from Strife, Jupiter in Libra, Jupiter in Mercy," and tapped the card. Next, he included the two modifiers on the Ace of Swords: Justice, representing Libra, and The Wheel of Fortune, representing Jupiter.
As he placed the first modifier on the Ace of Swords, he said, "Justice, Libra, 'The Justice of Heaven.'" Then he tapped the card. As he placed the second modifier on Justice, he said, "The Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter, 'Aspiration.'" Then he tapped the card.
Then Nathan drew the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram and the spirit wheel in brilliant white above the Four of Swords on the altar, charging the pentagram and the symbol in the usual way with the Sign of the Enterer.
After that, he drew an Invoking Pentagram for Air directly over the Active Invoking Spirit Pentagram, charging the pentagram and the symbol of Aquarius in the usual way. At that point, he imagined the symbol of Aquarius becoming the living image of the Four of Swords, and it came alive in his imagination. As Nathan visualized the living image, he imagined that sylphs flowed from the Archangel Raphael and filled the living image while at the same time tiny points of winged light flowed from his own aura and filled the living image as well.
After gazing at the cards for a moment, he stated, "Lord of Rest from Strife, help me to establish inner harmony and balance and manifest the magnificence and abundance of the human spirit as well as the justice of heaven." Then, he finished with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
From that point on, Nathan often experienced inner harmony and balance.
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