All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
The Magician is the master of the realm of the Tarot. The image of The Magician represents a subtle power--an Archetype, a God, a reflection. Like other Gods, Mercury, personified by the Magician, is a force of nature within the cosmos and a powerful energy within you. Through ritual, the forces of the macrocosm and the microcosm magically link and the energy intensifies within your sphere of influence and ripples out into your world.
The Magician is Thoth, also known as Tehuti, God of magic, heart of Ra, the mighty Logos who continues the act of creation every moment. Over the centuries, Thoth has morphed in other cultures into Hermes, Hermanubis, Mercury. So full of magical potential, you too are like Thoth, continuing the act of creation every moment in your own sphere.
The Magician invites you to accept him as your avatar. Forget about all explanations of the card. Gaze at it, soaking up the details. Close your eyes and try to recall as much of the card as possible. Then open your eyes and gaze at the card again. Close your eyes once again and try to recall even more details. Meditate on the card for at least fifteen minutes. Does anything jump out at you? What do the details mean to you?
Each Tarot card magically corresponds to elemental intelligences and energies, as well as to the powerful intelligences and energies of the great Shining Ones. To invoke The Magician (Mercury) as your avatar, you can refer to the Number Cards related to Hod (Splendor), the eighth Emanation on the Tree of Life (the Eights), or you can find the cards on other paths where Mercury is the corresponding planet, such as the Three of Cups, the Six of Swords, and the Ten of Pentacles.
Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams
Our goal today is to create a living image of The Magician and use it as an avatar in a game called "The Tarot Avatar Game." For a change, instead of using an elemental triangle to create a living image, we will use the pentagram spread, with five “foundation” cards to represent the harmonious energy of manifestation: the four Aces, each representing the root of its element, and “Judgement,” a card associated with the letter Shin and the quintessence of spirit.
Fire and Air are active elements and Earth and Water are passive elements. Mercury is the ruling planet of Gemini in the triplicity of Air, and is also the ruling planet of Virgo in the triplicity of Earth. The invoking ritual for Air and Fire is the opposite of the one for Earth and Water. To emphasize the aspect of Mercury represented by the active elements (Fire and Air), start with the Ace of Wands, then lay down the Ace of Swords, then the Ace of Cups, then the Ace of Pentacles, then Judgement. Then tap the cards in the same order that you laid them down, saying the name of each as you tap it (i.e., Ace of Wands, Ace of Swords, etc.), making sure that you complete the star by tapping the Ace of Wands a second time, and say, "The pentagram is complete." All subsequent modifiers, zodiac cards, planetary cards, and Number Cards, will be placed in the same order.
If you choose to emphasize the aspect of Mercury represented by the passive elements (Earth and Water), start with the Ace of Pentacles, then lay down the Ace of Cups, then the Ace of Swords and so on until the pentagram is complete. Then tap the cards in the same order that you placed them, and, saying the name of each as you tap it (i.e., Ace of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, etc.), make sure that you complete the star by tapping the Ace of Pentacles a second time, and say, "The pentagram is complete." All subsequent modifiers will be placed in the same order.
Foundation cards form the basis of any Pentagram Spread Ritual you devise. Other cards from the Major and Minor Arcana can be used as modifiers that support the ritual purpose since they represent divine energies at different levels. The twelve Major Arcana cards associated with the zodiac (see chart below) should go first on the Aces since they represent background cosmic energies. (Today as we create a living image, we are going to use only the zodiac cards.) As you can see, of the twenty-two Major Arcana cards in the Tarot, twelve are associated with zodiac signs, seven with planets, and three with elements.
Next, if in a different spread you wish to include more influences, you can add the cards associated with the planets, which should be placed on top of the zodiac cards. Then any Number Cards that support the ritual purpose should be placed last on the stack. In other words, three cards can be placed on top of each Ace. Any more than three invariably complicates the ritual and dilutes its power. Remember that modifying cards add power, but effective rituals can be done with only the Tarot card representing the living image and the foundation cards, if you choose.
Today, though, lay out the foundation cards, the Aces and Judgement, at the points of the pentagram in an active invoking pentagram. Then place The Magician in the center of the star. Next, lay out the modifying zodiac cards in this order: first Temperance on the Ace of Wands (Fire), then The Star on the Ace of Swords (Air), then The Chariot on the Ace of Cups (Water), then The Hermit on the Ace of Pentacles (Earth).
Temperance: Mercury in Sagittarius (Eight of Wands)
The Star: Mercury in Aquarius (Six of Swords)
The Chariot: Mercury in Cancer (Three of Cups)
The Hermit: Mercury in Virgo (Ten of Pentacles)
Soon, you are going to play a game called "The Tarot Avatar Game." Hopefully by now you have soaked in the energies of the zodiac cards and have created a powerful living image of The Magician. This living image of The Magician, which includes the energies of the zodiac cards, is your avatar in the game below.
One Tarot Deck for each person--preferably any version of the Universal Waite Deck--or players can work as a team using only one deck.
Instructions for the Game
Leave in front of you the Magician and the four associated zodiac cards of the pentagram spread: Temperance, The Chariot, The Star, and The Hermit, with the Aces still underneath them. Then, create two separate stacks of Tarot cards with the remaining deck, one for Allies and one for Adversaries. Remove the Court Cards (the Kings, Queens, Knights, and Pages), and set them to the side. You can find the Allies and Adversaries listed at the bottom of the page. Make sure you shuffle the smaller stacks of Ally and Adversary cards thoroughly and place the two stacks side by side.
The Game: A Hero's Journey
Stage One: The Call to Adventure
I confess that any game I have created with the Tarot has turned into a journey of self-exploration, a divination. Instead of a competition, this game is instead a hero's journey, and you can play alone or with others who aid you on your quest of self-discovery. Mercury, remember, is the messenger of the Gods, and as your avatar, he will empower you with a greater understanding of your own hero's journey.
Since you have created an avatar with the living image of The Magician using the Pentagram Spread, you are already at the beginning of your journey. You have heard the call to adventure: you know that something exists beyond ordinary life and that your reality is about to change, whether you are prepared for it or not. Make sure that the zodiac cards in the pentagram spread, with the Aces still underneath them, are surrounding your avatar. These cards, Temperance, The Chariot, The Star, and The Hermit, represent your avatar's closest friends and allies.
When the call to adventure occurs, the hero often refuses at first to heed it out of fear, insecurity, a sense of inadequacy, or any of a range of reasons that hold the hero within current circumstances. Ignore all that. Summon your courage. Once you have committed yourself to the quest, your guide or magical helper appears: in other words, draw a card from your stack of Allies and place the Ally card on position number 1 at the top of the hexagram. Find your powerful new friend's dominant energies in the list of Allies below and make a mental note of them.
Stage Two: The Crossing of the First Threshold
You have crossed into the field of adventure, leaving the known limits of your world and venturing into an unknown and potentially dangerous realm where the rules and limits are unknown. Your first Ally card, positioned on the number 1 at the top of the hexagram, shows forces that are helping to guide you; on the surface the force or forces might appear strange, even dangerous, but below the surface are subtle positive forces.
Now, place one Ally card on each of the other five positions of the hexagram, 2 through 6. Remember that this game is essentially a divination, so you can view your allies as forces that are supporting you in actual life.
(Note: The hexagram reveals Earth, Air, Water, and Fire as harmoniously integrated elements.)
The Road of Trials:
The road of trials is a series of tests, tasks, or ordeals that in this game the hero undergoes during the mystical inner transformation. Often the hero fails one or more of these tests and must try again in some way. These cards reveal forces that are testing or challenging you, which may include adverse circumstances or forces that you are having difficulty handling. It may include temptations that lead you to abandon or stray from the path. Any distraction can prove an obstacle.
Now, draw a card from the stack of Adversary cards and place it partially over your ally in position 1 at the top of the hexagram. Check the energies of the card in the Adversaries list below. Now, partially cover each of your other five allies with an Adversary card. You must now, one by one, defeat your adversaries, who are trying to block you or distract you in some way.
Your avatar and your closest friends (the group of zodiac cards surrounding your avatar) are more powerful than your adversaries. You can capture and neutralize an adversary if the Adversary card contains the energy of your avatar, which in this case is Mercury, or the energies of one of your zodiac card allies: Sagittarius (represented by Temperance), Aquarius (The Star), Cancer (the Chariot), or Virgo (The Hermit). If an adversary contains the same energy as your avatar or one of the zodiac cards, place the adversary under your avatar card or the zodiac card. Let's say it turns out that one of your adversaries is the Nine of Wands, which contains the energies of the Moon in Sagittarius. Temperance, one of your closest allies, represents Sagittarius, so you can place the Nine of Wands under Temperance: your foe has been vanquished.
If your adversary does not contain any of the energies of your avatar or your very closest friends, you must look for help from your allies on positions 1 through 6 of the hexagram. Take a close look at the relationship of your adversary to your ally, who is, like the zodiac cards and your avatar, more powerful than your adversary. For example, one of your allies might be The World, which symbolically represents Saturn. If the Ten of Wands is the adversary card in the same position, you can capture the Ten of Wands and place it under The World (or Temperance) because its decan correspondence is "Saturn in Sagittarius."
When you are dealing with an adversary in one position, you can use the other allies to help you even through each of the other allies might still be dealing with an adversary of their own. For example, if the adversary in position 6 is the Five of Pentacles, you can get The Hierophant in position 1 to help you because the decan correspondence of the Five of Pentacles is "Mercury in Taurus." The Hierophant represents Taurus, so you have a choice: you can place the adversary card either under your avatar (Mercury) or under The Hierophant (Taurus)--even if The Hierophant card is still partially covered by its own adversary card.
Stage Three: The Belly of the Whale
This stage represents the final separation from your known world, revealing your transition between one reality and another. The separation has been made between the old world and the new self. The experiences that shape the new self have already begun, and you may have experiences that are dark and frightening. By entering this stage, you show your willingness to undergo a metamorphosis. Now, on the road of trials, you must capture and neutralize as many of your adversaries as possible using the strategies revealed above. Be careful, you must find out the forces associated with both your allies and adversaries in order to succeed. (Refer to the list below as often as you like....)
Stage Four: The Meeting with a God or Goddess
At this stage you will meet the God or Goddess who represents a relationship with an all-encompassing spiritual power. (Remember that the Gods often appear in human form.) Also known as the union of opposites, the meeting might take place entirely within you, representing the unification of the self. In other words, the hero begins to see him or herself in a non-dualistic way, the self in harmony and one with all forces of creation. Once you have captured and neutralized as many adversaries as possible, look carefully at your allies again: these are the Gods and Goddesses who have helped you on your journey. For instance, Saturn helped us vanquish "The Lord of Oppression," the Ten of Pentacles. Taurus, as the Hierophant, helped us neutralize "The Lord of Material Trouble," the Five of Pentacles. Your avatar, our beloved Mercury in the form of the Magician, knows how to neutralize dark forces to create balance with the powerful support of other great Shining Ones.
Stage Five: Atonement
At this stage you must confront whatever holds the ultimate power in your life in order to become free of its control. In many myths and stories this is a figure who has the power of life and death. Although this stage is most frequently symbolized by an encounter with a male entity, it can be someone or something with incredible power. For the transformation to take place, the hero dies to his old self, literally or figuratively, so that the new self can come into being.
For example, let's say that in one position your adversary is the Ten of Swords, which partially covers The Wheel of Fortune, and you can't find any ally anywhere in the the hexagram spread who can help you with his energy. The Ten of Swords, The Sun in Gemini, now crosses Jupiter, represented by The Wheel of Fortune. Your hero's journey is not completely successful, in other words. Do not despair: you can still take steps to make your journey a complete success....
Stage Six: Apotheosis
When the hero dies to the lower self, or "personality," to live in the higher self, he or she moves beyond the sense of duality to a state of oneness, divine knowledge, love, compassion and bliss. The road of trials serves to purify the hero for this stage of the journey, and in many myths the boon is something transcendent like the elixir of life itself, or a plant that supplies immortality, or the holy grail. The ultimate boon is the achievement of the goal of the quest.
If an adversary, such as the Ten of Swords, which in the example above crosses Jupiter, has stopped you in your tracks, you can create another living image. You can make Jupiter (The Wheel of Fortune) a living image to help you attain the ultimate boon if possible.
The most helpful zodiac cards associated with Jupiter are as follows:
The Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter) with Zodiac Cards
The Lovers (Gemini): associated with Jupiter in Gemini (Eight of Swords)
Justice (Libra): associated with Jupiter in Libra (Four of Swords)
The Moon (Pisces): associated with Jupiter in Pisces (Nine of Cups))
Strength (Leo): associated with Jupiter in Leo (Six of Wands)
(Note: Gemini and Libra are both Air Signs. You can also include "The Devil," which represents Capricorn, on the Ace of Pentacles since the decan for the Two of Pentacles is Jupiter in Capricorn. However, since many are not familiar with the complex symbolism associated with Capricorn and find the figure of The Devil too negative, even frightening, I have provided an alternate for the living image spread: you can, if you want, include the Two of Pentacles, a Number Card, instead.)
Does anything jump out at you? The Lovers, which represents Gemini, perhaps? Remember that the decan correspondence of the Ten of Swords is The Sun in Gemini. Your ally card in this living image of Jupiter, in other words, can neutralize the adversary and even keep the situation from happening again.
Stage Seven: Integrating the Inner and Outer Worlds:
The hero strives to retain the knowledge gained on the quest and to integrate that wisdom into his or her life. In myth, this step is usually represented by a master of the two worlds. For the average human individual, it may mean achieving a balance between the material and spiritual. The hero becomes comfortable and competent in both the inner and outer worlds.
The example that I have provided below is from a personal hero's journey and reveals exactly what has happened to me over the years! I hope your hero's journey is just as successful as mine.
Example of A Hero's Journey
This example of the hero's journey accurately summarizes my life so far. First I dealt out the allies, one through six:
Then I dealt out the adversaries, partially covering the allies:
Determining the influences of the subtle forces is where the fun come in:
The Five of Swords, "Lord of Defeat," my adversary in position 1, represents Venus in Aquarius. The Star, one of the four zodiac cards around the avatar, represents Aquarius. I therefore neutralized the negative energies of the Five of Swords by placing it under The Star.
The Eight of Cups, "Lord of Abandoned Success," my adversary in position 2, represents Saturn in Pisces. I found a helper in position 3: The World, which represents Saturn. I therefore neutralized the Eight of Cups by placing it under The World.
The Ten of Wands, "Lord of Oppression," my adversary in position 3, represents Saturn in Sagittarius. My helper once again can be found in position 3: The World, which represents Saturn. I therefore neutralized the Ten of Wands by placing it under The World.
The Nine of Wands, my adversary in position 4, represents The Moon in Sagittarius. Temperance, one of the four zodiac cards around the avatar, represents Sagittarius. I therefore captured and neutralized the Nine of Wands by placing it under Temperance.
The Ten of Swords, "Lord of Ruin," my adversary in position 5, represents The Sun in Gemini. The Wheel of Fortune represents Jupiter. I could not find an ally in the spread to assist me with this one. Unfortunately, this situation has occurred more than twice in my life, which is why I decided to create a living image of Jupiter. (See above.)
The Five of Pentacles, "Lord of Material Trouble," my adversary in position 6, represents Mercury in Taurus. The Hierophant in position 1 represents Taurus, so I had a choice: I could place the Five of Pentacles under my avatar, The Magician, which represents Mercury, or under The Hierophant. I placed the Five of Pentacles under The Hierophant to emphasize the decan correspondence and also of course to neutralize The Five of Pentacles' negative energies.
Position 5: Ten of Swords Crossing the Wheel of Fortune
The Reveal:
Saturn and Aquarius are both strong influences. I was born under the sign of Aquarius, and Saturn rules Aquarius. Virgo and Sagittarius have influenced situations that I have experienced in my life as well, which I did not know before but now understand.
Actually I have experienced all of the positive and negative energies revealed in this hero's journey. Fortunately, the positive influences have neutralized the negative influences in all but one situation, represented by The Ten of Swords, which crosses The World in position number 5.
Conclusion: I need to create a powerful living image of Jupiter (The Wheel of Fortune) to neutralize the influences of the Ten of Swords.
Before you shuffle the cards, pretend that you are the hero on an adventure, and the living image is your avatar. As you shuffle the deck, visualize some of the Tarot cards in your imagination. (It doesn't matter which ones.) You may shuffle them in any way that you like, but as you shuffle continue imagining some of the Tarot cards as clearly as possible while you repeat in your mind several times, "Show me the adventure." This connects you to the Tarot archetypes. Keep shuffling until you feel a strong intuition to stop, then lay out the cards as directed above, checking the symbolic correspondences of each card.
Before shuffling, the cards should be arranged faced-down, with the Major Arcana Trumps, cards 0 through 21, at the top of the deck, with 0 on top, and the Minor Arcana cards arranged suit by suit in this order from top to bottom: Wands (Fire), Cups (Water), Swords (Air), Pentacles (Earth), with Wands directly below the Trumps and Pentacles on the bottom of the deck. In each suit, the King should be at the top followed, faced-down, by Queen, Knight and Page, followed by Ace through Ten. In other words, when you have finished arranging the deck, The Fool, Trump 0, should be faced down on the top of the deck, followed by the Trump Cards I through XXI, then followed by the Suit of Wands, then Cups, then Swords, then Pentacles (each suit arranged faced down King through Ten)--with the Ten of Pentacles faced down at the bottom of the deck.
With the Tarot, you benefit most by looking beyond appearances to the symbolic associations that reveal underlying subtle influences. As the hero of this journey, therefore, one of the main challenges that you face is understanding how the spiritual powers are influencing you and your "range" in the world. The key to understanding the forces lies in understanding the relationship of the Tarot to the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life maps out the forces and the Tarot personifies them symbolically, revealing the relationships of the forces in your life.
On the Tree, each Emanation (in the shape of a sphere) and each link between the Emanations is considered a "path," so there are thirty-two paths total--ten Emanations and twenty-two connecting paths. Each Tarot Trump card of the Major Arcana represents a connecting path, and each Number Card and Court Card represents an aspect of an Emanation on the Tree. The symbolic associations of each card reveal the eternal cosmic forces--the "powers" that endure through the aeons. Each Emanation and connecting path on the Tree contains specific characteristics associated with these cosmic powers, revealed through astrological and elemental symbolism.
In the system of Golden Dawn correspondences, each number card from the Twos to the Tens is assigned ten degrees of the zodiac, called a decan, or decanate, each of which is ruled by a planet. The Number Cards are also associated with the ten Sephiroth (Emanations) on the Tree of Life. For instance, the Aces, described as the roots of the powers of the elements, are all assigned to Kether, the first Emanation on the Tree, the Twos to Chokmah, the second Emanation, the Threes to Binah, the third Emanation, and so on, following the "Path of Lightning," down to the Tens in Malkuth, the tenth Emanation.
The meaning of each number card is derived from its element, the combined planet and sign of its decan, and its location within an Emanation, seven of which are associated with a planet.
In astrology the twelve zodiac signs are grouped into four elemental triplicities. In other words, three of the signs are associated with the element of Fire, three with Water, three with Air, and three with Earth. For instance, The Emperor, Strength and Temperance (representing Ares, Leo, and Sagittarius respectively) are associated with Fire. The Chariot, Death, and The Moon (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are associated with Water. The Lovers, Justice, and The Star (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are associated with the Air element. Finally, The Hierophant, The Hermit, and The Devil (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are associated with Earth.
The Tree of Life over the years has evolved to include a complex array of symbolism, from various pantheons of Gods and Angels, to Hebrew letters, to astrological symbolism. Astrology, whatever you may think of it, symbolically reveals the forces of the cosmos, which are also reflected in the different mythologies that have surfaced in various cultures throughout history. On the modern Tree of Life, the symbolism of different spiritual traditions correspond to the symbolism of astrology in a way that avoids religious biases and conflicts.
Astrology and mythology symbolically reveal unseen archetypal forces, and the Tarot reveals how the forces are influencing an individual's reality. In other words, the cards reflect the spiritual influences affecting the invidivual mind at the subtle levels. As the Tarot and the Tree of Life show, a logic in the universe transcends limited human rationality. This trancendant logic flows from the spiritual realm and depends on intuition, a "higher" knowing not connected to the five senses, for understanding. All is Consciousness, which is how the coincidences and synchronicities in the Tarot can occur. The more you visualize the Tarot archetypes, the more you connect with the archetypal realm and understand the energies behind external phenomena.
As I mentioned above, you can take this a step further by bringing forward into consciousness the forces influencing you and strengthening the areas of the psyche that are weak or immature by invoking the appropriate energies through the "living image" of the corresponding Tarot archetype. The divination will help you to recognize the forces influencing you on the subtle planes so that you can manifest them with the Tarot Pentagram Spread to establish a more abundant and harmonious life.
Invoking the subtle energies personified by the Tarot archetypes requires a level of sophistication acquired only through study and practice, but manifesting the subtle forces by creating a living image is the ultimate goal. Reading the cards requires knowledge and patience, and deciding what energies to invoke requires you to be completely honest with yourself. The cards will often surprise you and sometimes reveal weaknesses, whether you like it or not, but you will only benefit from the reading if you bring the positive forces into manifestation and strengthen your weak points, instead of remaining in a state of denial.
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