All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
The most common questions in Tarot divinations concern love, money, success, and happiness. The Tarot can provide great insights about the state of your soul at the moment of your inquiry about any of these issues and more--even with only one card.
For instance, I used to play in a band. We would rehearse for an hour before the performance, then take a break for about twenty minutes before the performance began. Sometimes we would get bored, and I would whip out my deck of Tarot cards and give a reading. Once, I encouraged a droll member of the band to ask a question and then draw a card. He pulled the Ten of Swords from the Tarot deck without saying a word. I told him that the card reveals an orchestrated attack on the victim, but the storm is lifting, the water is calm, and the light of the sun is breaking through. I emphasized that no blood is on the ground around the victim and that his fingers are curled in a sign of blessing. Finally, I told him that the card represents The Sun in Gemini and that The Sun is associated with the higher self. He squinted at me for a moment, and just as I was starting to become afraid that the reading was a flop, he admitted that he was a Gemini and that he had recently lost his job and that the attack on him by his coworkers had been orchestrated. We both stared at the card for a moment, and then we heard the call to head out to the stage.
The Lovers: Gemini
We didn't talk any more about the reading. A couple of weeks later during the break he was strolling by, and I encouraged him to draw another card for fun. He drew The Lovers. A brilliant sun shines above the head of Archangel Raphael, "Healer of God," who hovers above Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The two original lovers are experiencing paradise regained. I told him that everything in the card suggests personal integration and healing, a regained sense of harmony and balance and enlightenment. Then I said, "It looks like things are a lot brighter for you." He smiled and nodded. "And guess what?" I chuckled. "This card here, The Lovers, represents Gemini...."
An Angel presides over the Tarot. According to the Golden Dawn, the Angel's name is H.R.U. The more you work with the Tarot, the more you contact the Angel--and the more you experience deep insights and "coincidences." As with any Angel or friend, you must spend some time to establish a relationship--with an Angel you might often be surprised by the amount of spiritual support that you experience. The way I connect with the Angel of the Tarot before a divination is by envisioning six or seven Tarot cards in my mind while I shuffle the deck. Once you develop a connection with the Angel of the Tarot, you will often find that the answers in your divinations are surprisingly clear and straightforward.
Before my readings with the droll member of the band, I had never performed a one-card divination, but I have since realized that reading one card is an excellent way to begin the magical process of creating a living image: the card tends to have deep significance because it answers an important question in the querent's mind. If the querant doesn't like the answer, you can show him or her how to change the circumstances by creating a living image with an elemental triangle. If the card is good, you can show how to make the positive energies even stronger.
Five of Pentacles: Mercury in Taurus, Mars in Geburah
For instance, let's say that a person asks a question about money and you deal the Five of Pentacles, a card that would alarm just about any querent. You can calm the person down a bit by forming an elemental triangle to reveal the positive energies associated with the card. The decan association of the Five of Pentacles is Mercury in Taurus, and the Tree of Life correspondence is Mars in Geburah. As you can see in the elemental triangle above, the Five of Pentacles is in the center of the downward-pointing triangle, which references the Earth Element. Revealing the decan association, The Magician, representing the planet Mercury, is at the top across from The Hierophant, representing the zodiac sign Taurus. The Tower, at the bottom of the triangle, represents the Tree of Life correspondence: Mars.
For many people, The Tower is a disturbing card. If the card upsets you, remember that Mars brings unbalanced energies back into harmony in ways that might at first seem disruptive; instead of reasoning with you, Mars hits you with a thunderbolt. Mars brings disorder back into balance through a martial discipline that involves the appropriate use of skill and power. Mars is akin to a doctor who cuts out a tumor, or a law enforcement officer who arrests a violent criminal. Though The Tower reveals the dynamic, disconcerting power of Mars, the energies of Mars primarily maintain order and harmony.
The Magician and the Hierophant represent high spiritual forces, positioned as they are near the top of the Tree of Life. The Magician brings extremely powerful forces of beneficial change down the planes, from spirit to matter; like The High Priestess, The Hierophant too can provide profound spiritual counsel because he is in touch with the higher dimensions of Universal Consciousness. Not coincidentally, the fingers on the right hand of the Hierophant are curled into the same blessing that we see in the Ten of Swords. Together, these three energies in the elemental triangle can help to alter the adverse situation shown in the Five of Pentacles.
Five of Pentacles covered by the King of Pentacles
After absorbing and experiencing the energies in those three cards, you can place the King of Pentacles, the epitome of wisdom and power and abundance, over the Five of Pentacles, then create a living image of the King of Pentacles that includes the potent energies of the other three cards. In other words, become the King of Pentacles and embody all the energies in the elemental triangle as a way to begin manifesting those positive energies in the world.
Five of Pentacles with Foundation Cards
Just a reminder: you can also use the pentagram, which fits seamlessly into the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, to create a living image (something we will be focusing on more in future posts).
Active and Passive Invoking Pentagrams
The pentagram is especially important in the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram because it enables you to invoke the appropriate elemental energies by using the active pentagram for Air and Fire and the passive pentagram for Water and Earth as you work with the Archangels of the Elements, four of the greatest Powers of Harmony in the cosmos.
Five of Pentacles with Modifiers
Using the pentagram, you can add power and clarity to your ritual by including cards with decan associations, which I call modifiers.
Five of Pentacles covered by the King of Pentacles
There are other ways of dealing with "material trouble." If you prefer greater complexity, you can, for instance, use a Pentagram Invoking Spread that includes the Three of Cups, the Four of Wands, and the Nine of Pentacles to manifest abundance.
Abundance Pentagram Spread
For instance, you can place the Three of Cups, also known as "Lord of Abundance," in the center of the pentagram, then place the modifying cards associated with the Three of Cups on the Water Foundation Card at the pentagram's upper right point. Then you can include the Four of Wands and the modifying cards on the Fire Foundation Card at the lower right point of the pentagram. Then you can place the Nine of Pentacles and the modifying cards on the Earth Foundation Card at the lower left point of the pentagram. Venus in this spread is positioned between the Earth and Fire elements because Venus is present in the decans of both the Nine of Pentacles and the Four of Wands. Let all of the energies in the cards come through to you if possible. If not, focus on the energies in the cards that you are most attracted to.
Regarding coincidences and synchronicities: All is Consciousness, which is why the external world can eventually reflect your inner world and manifest positive changes. The goal is to change your mind and change your life, in other words, to activate the energies in yourself that will enable you to make beneficial changes in your world. You can modify the programming of the Universal Mind, but often you first need to experience powerful archetypal energies before you can take effective action to make beneficial changes as a co-creator with God.