Sunday, June 11, 2023

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.

Ten of Pentacles:
Mercury in Virgo


APT. 37

   In Apt. 37, you find a book of magic on a dusty shelf. Since you have nothing better to do, you perform one of the rituals in the book. Suddenly innumerable points of light swirl around you, and you find yourself in a thought-bubble of astounding complexity. A profound sense of eternity erases your personality, leaving only your soul. You realize as you read the book of magic that you have invoked an Archangel, a great power of harmony. That night as you are falling asleep, a powerful invisible being shakes you so hard that you think it is going to kill you. Then, hours later, as you are falling asleep, the being pokes your ribs so hard that it wakes you up again. You turn on the light but cannot see anyone else in the room. The next day, the invisible being paralyzes you somehow and chokes you, and you suspect that it is feeding off of your fear. Later that day, the invisible being makes a rude noise right behind you. No one else is in the house. You realize that the ritual has opened up a wide spectrum of energy that most people are not even aware of, with powerful beings of harmony at one end of the spectrum and powerful beings of disruption at the other. After you have opened up this wider spectrum of energy, you realize that there is no way that you can ignore it or escape it. The powerful beings of disruption and negation will not let you forget about them. You become keenly aware that evil exists in the world in a dimension that you cannot see, and you feel that you have no choice but to perform a ritual that banishes the negative forces as you to continue to invoke awesome powers of harmony.

(You realize that you are still on the right path because you find a story by Justin C. in a box on the bookshelf....)

The Fool



   I hope this is a common experience. From the time I was eleven through my mid-twenties, I experienced unexpected moments of superconscious bliss. I felt my consciousness “ballooning” far beyond what I had believed was normal. I also felt, deep in my soul, that every moment of life is unconditionally and absolutely blessed, no matter what kinds of misery we manage to create for ourselves or others. These moments of bliss expanded my consciousness and laid the foundation for a spiritual awakening during which I experienced “The Vision of Harmony” and “The Mysteries of Sacrifice.”
   In other words, I experienced the cosmos as one vast unified field containing fields upon fields of interconnected divine energy. Despite so much time eaten up by the mundane and the inane and just plain hard work, I had no choice but to honor the holiness of every moment. After connecting with the Source through love for flowers and birds and trees and the planet and great music and art and literature, I experienced a fierce compassion for life as well. I also eventually developed a passion for serving the Divine Will, which brings one closer to God. In the process I attempted to create and maintain balance and harmony in my sphere of influence when and wherever possible, no matter the sacrifice. Since that includes speaking truth to power, many might consider my passion sheer insanity. I, however, prefer the term “divine madness,” which is represented by the Tarot card "The Fool."
   In addition to recognizing the holiness of all energy, I have discovered that the righteousness of beauty and the beauty of righteousness go hand in hand and both inevitably manifest when we maintain a dedication to harmony and balance. In my experience, great sacrifices must often be made nowadays to protect and maintain balance and harmony in nature and in human society, but I have discovered that the energy expended in sacrifice often has an almost magical effect. Often when all seems lost during a struggle for harmony, something unexpected happens that turns it all around—if people make sacrifices. I’ve noticed, generally speaking, that the greater the sacrifice of time and energy, of sweat and blood, the greater the resulting harmony and balance. I have experienced this mystery often after people have lost a job or been blackballed or financially ruined or threatened or undermined or attacked in some way because of their social or environmental or spiritual activism. Sacrifice, I believe, is often transmuted through grace into balance and harmony.
   So now I just say, “Bring it on.”
   Pulitzer Prize winning author and activist Chris Hedges claims that American society will be remembered as the most sadistic and brutal in history. Whether or not you agree, I’m sure that most of you are becoming keenly aware of social injustices and inequalities and the crises of capitalism and the destruction of vast ecosystems and the potential for the destruction of the entire planet. There is almost no end to the sacrifices that we can choose to make now in order to maintain a semblance of organized human existence, and we have hardly any time left to turn it around: we must lift up and carry the cross or perish.
   On the other hand, I have a friend who had often reminded me that we live in a unique time in human history, a time with so many opportunities to expand and grow spiritually as human beings. Like her, I sense that the higher self is awakening in more and more people during these times of crisis. Compelled by the higher self, many people are elevating their own spiritual frequency, due in part to the mysteries of sacrifice.
   Given our dire circumstances, the Shining Ones have given me permission to provide you now with the secrets to the powers of The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (SIRP) and how they relate to the Tree of Life--a symbol system that is at the heart of the Western Mystery Tradition. To my knowledge, this information has never before been provided to the general public. I only offer it now because humanity must experience a great shift in consciousness. Those who are skeptical will not understand, but those who are ready will resonate with it. I am sure that more than a few will consider it crazy. So be it. This is not for them.
   In my current ritual, I concentrate on transforming the negativity in the collective consciousness of humanity into harmony and light in order to create balance for the highest possible good of this planet and humanity. I am focusing on this because the world soul is an intrinsic connection between all living things, and the brutality of humanity has not only devastated the planet and its ecosystems on a physical level--the negativity of humanity has adversely affected the soul of the world as well. I have had visions of horrific efforts to end life on earth, of powerful people intentionally trying to kill the Earth on the spiritual level--in addition to the unthinkable physical destruction that humanity is inching toward through nuclear annihilation and climate disruption. In league with dark forces, some strive for total negation.
   Because I have performed the SIRP thousands of times over the past twenty years (often twice a day), I am aware of the relationships of the powers of the paths on the Tree of Life and how they correspond to the four great Archangels of the Elements: Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel. The Tree of Life is the central glyph in the Western Mystery Tradition that shows how the energies of Universal Consciousness are embedded within individual consciousness and also reveals how "local" personal consciousness, seemingly trapped in finite conditions of physical reality, can connect with "nonlocal" dimensions of Universal Consciousness.
   Each of the Archangels of the Elements are assigned different "paths" on the Tree of Life. As you recall, thirty-two paths exist within the matrix of the Tree of Life, ten of which are Emanations (Sephiroth in Hebrew)--states of being created during the course of cosmic evolution--and twenty-two of which are paths that connect the Emanations. Each Emanation is a "throne," a power or aspect of the Source. For example, Jehovah, Elohim, El, and Adonai are all aspects or powers of God; there are ten such powers in all, one throne of God within each Emanation. God works through intermediaries. In terms of the dimensions of the cosmic hierarchy, Ehyeh, the Source, has dominion over the powers of the Emanations, who in turn rule the Archangels, each of whom in turn rule orders of angels and elementals. In this way, by working with the Archangels of the Elements, a mystic or "magician" brings energy from the Source "down the planes," and the energies eventually manifest in the Kingdom, the physical dimension. Not only do these holy powers heal and create harmony and neutralize evil--they also unlock the aspect of individual consciousness within each of us that can transcend space and time and tap into other dimensions, in other words, "nonlocal consciousness."

The Lovers: Gemini
Raphael: Associated with Beauty (Tiphareth) 
and Path 17 (The Lovers)

   On the Tree of Life, each Archangel of the Elements, Raphael, Michael, Gabriel, and Auriel, is associated with both an Emanation and a connecting path. For instance, Archangel Raphael, "Healer of God," is associated with the Emanation known as "Beauty" (the Christ center) and also with the connecting path from "Beauty" to "Understanding" (Binah in Hebrew). "Understanding" is the Emanation associated with the celestial Mother who rules on her throne in one of the three Emanations that exist above the Abyss--a kind of symbolic veil that separates the Supernal Emanations from the planes of manifestation below. In other words, the Mother of the Christ remains virgin because symbolically she is the celestial Mother who exists in a state of being above or "beyond" manifestation. In the Tarot card known as The Lovers, we see paradise regained because the path connects Understanding with Beauty; the great Healer Raphael links our beloved celestial Mother with the healing and harmonizing force of the cosmic Christ. In spiritual ecology, with Archangel Raphael in the eastern quadrant of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, a spiritual "activist" can work with the Christ force and the celestial Mother to heal the planet on a spiritual level.

Temperance: Sagittarius
Michael: Associated with Splendor (Hod) 
and Path 25 (Temperance)

   Archangel Michael, "Like unto God," is associated with the Emanation known as "Splendor" ("Hod" in Hebrew) and also with the connecting path from "The Foundation" (Yesod in Hebrew) to "Splendor," the Emanation represented also by Mercury, the clever messenger of God associated with the human intellect. Associated with the same Emanation, Archangel Michael rules the Element of Fire representing the power and passion and spiritual will. He also represents the mean of the primordial--power in equilibrium. In other words, he is the "equilibrator of the unbalanced," a powerful Archangel most known for casting out the dragon, the old serpent known as Satan, from heaven--in other words, for neutralizing evil to create balance. Archangel Michael, moreover, resembles in many ways "The Emperor" on the connecting path between "Beauty" and "Wisdom" (Chokmah in Hebrew)--the Supernal Emanation associated with the Heavenly Father. If you know The Emperor, you will understand other characteristics of Archangel Michael as well. The Emperor, associated with Ares, represents beginnings: the beginning of the world, the freshness of the beginning of spring, the power to cleanse with fire and begin again. The Emperor sits in stability in a molten world of change, holding a golden orb with an equal-armed cross on top that symbolizes the harmony of the Elements and the integration of the psyche. In his right hand, The Emperor holds an ankh, symbol of fertility and abundance and eternal life. The path of the Emperor links Beauty, the Emanation of the Sun and the Christ-force, with the Emanation of Wisdom and the dynamic forces of the Heavenly Father--while the opposite path, associated with Raphael, links Beauty with the Supernal Emanation of the Heavenly Mother. In our spiritual ecology, with Archangel Michael and Elohim in the southern quadrant of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, a spiritual "activist" can work with the Christ force and the Heavenly Father to neutralize evil and heal the planet.

Judgement: Gabriel
     Associated with The Foundation (Yesod) 
and Path 31

   Archangel Gabriel, "Hero of God" or "God is my Strength," is associated with the Emanation known as "The Foundation" ("Yesod" in Hebrew) and also with the connecting path between "The Kingdom" (Malkuth in Hebrew) to "Splendor" on the bottom lower left side of the Tree of Life. "The Foundation" is the Emanation represented by The Moon and associated with the Element of Water. The God name of the Emanation is "Shaddai El Chai," Almighty Living God, suggesting the great strength of the energetic foundation of the physical dimension; the water symbolism suggests the great strength and power of the sea even within constant flux. Archangel Gabriel rules the Element of Water, which is also associated with the imagination and the subconscious mind. Gabriel is a herald, who announces what will occur in the future, and who is also a celestial messenger sent to Mary, Daniel and Zechariah. Gabriel, in other words, carries spiritual messages from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Experiencing nonlocal consciousness, one can hear from Gabriel "announcements" or predictions of the future. Archangel Gabriel, moreover, resembles "The High Priestess" on the connecting path between "Beauty" and "The Crown" (Kether in Hebrew)--the Supernal Emanation associated with the Source of all Creation. If you know the characteristics of The High Priestess, you will understand other aspects of Archangel Gabriel. The High Priestess, associated with the Moon and Water, represents a deep understanding of the unity within diversity and flux, of the One within the Many. She wears a white equal-armed cross because she knows the underlying unity of all creation, and she represents the central path on the Middle Pillar that leads to union with God. The path of the High Priestess links Beauty, the Emanation of the Sun and the Christ-force, with the Emanation of The Crown, the Source of all Creation. In our spiritual ecology, with Archangel Gabriel and El in the western quadrant of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, a spiritual "activist" can work with the Element of Water and the Source to cleanse the collective consciousness of humanity and heal the foundational energies of the planet.

The World: Saturn 
Auriel: Associated with Path 32, The World, and the Emanation known as Understanding  
   Archangel Auriel, "God is my Light," is associated with the path connecting "The Kingdom" ("Malkuth" in Hebrew) with "The Foundation" and also symbolically corresponds with the third Supernal Emanation known as "Understanding" through the association of the God Saturn with both the connecting path, number 32, "The World," and the third Emanation. In other words, our beloved celestial Mother is symbolically associated in this way with our beloved Mother Earth. Auriel, sometimes pronounced Uriel even though the name begins with the Hebrew letter "aleph," is associated with the Element of Earth. The God name of the Emanation known as the Kingdom is "Adon Ha Aretz," Lord of the World, or "Adonai Melekh," King (of the physical world). In the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, Auriel and Adonai both represent the northern quadrant, associated with the Element of Earth. The path known as The World connects the physical world with the lower astral plane and is often associated with both dreams and death since according to legend the soul travels this path when the body sleeps and also when the body dies, but just as importantly, the path of The World allows the influx of the spiritual energies of the Heavenly Mother into the physical world. In our spiritual ecology, with Archangel Auriel and Adonai in the northern quadrant of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, a spiritual "activist" can work with the powerful forces of both the celestial Mother and Mother Earth to bless and heal both the collective consciousness of humanity and the Earth itself.           
   The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, if performed effectively and with the highest intentions, enables the magician or spiritual activist to connect with powerful forces of harmony on the Tree of Life, which connects the self with the cosmos. In the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, the Archangels are awesome powers of harmony, emissaries who bring the highest spiritual energies down the planes into The Kingdom--the physical realm. With the cooperation of the Archangels through the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, we can be "co-workers with God" to heal, create harmony and balance, and neutralize evil.

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             A ll Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2023 by Jim Robbins. f     GO...