All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.
The Queen of Pentacles, with Claire
and Mr. Mellifluous
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As Claire reaches out her hand to touch the golden pentacle, The Queen of Pentacles speaks: "Dear child, radical evil spreads its many branches over the land. Tyranny, greed, bigotry, hypocrisy, cruelty, pride, and deceit, rise ever higher. The dark forces continue to destroy the planet and many lives. Radical evil is attempting to kill our beloved Mother Earth."
Claire bowed her head and replied, "What can I do, your majesty, to help end this horrible evil?"
"Evil must be dealt with on the spiritual level. Most of the people in our kingdom believe either that radical evil does not exist or that we can deal with it on a political or economic or intellectual level, which only eventually leads to strife. In order to deal effectively with evil, you must transmute negativity into harmony to neutralize the dark forces. Since you have wonderful music in your heart, dear child, I know that you can also create harmony in our world. On your path now, you will meet monsters who manifest horribly unbalanced forces. You will also meet allies who will help you master the spiritual energies that neutralize the negative forces. Will you join us, child?"
"Yes, your majesty," Claire responds.
"You are one of many who are joining us in this time of crisis to bring spiritual forces into balance once again. You have already met many demons and monsters who manifest unbalanced forces, but you will meet them again, this time though with greater knowledge. You will work with Archangels and other shining ones who will heal and cleanse and bless these unbalanced forces. With them you will neutralize their evil. Do you wish to work with us, child?"
"Yes, I do, your majesty, or at least I would like to try," Claire responds.
"So be it! Mr. Mellifluous and others will guide you along your path. Good luck, dear child!"
"Thank you, your majesty!" Claire curtsies. Suddenly she is on a beach with Mr. Mellifluous. In front of them now is the obnoxious boy straddling an intimidating dragon who tried to intimidate her when they first met.
The Hinderers
"This boy and his dragon manifest the unbalanced forces of Saturn," Mr. Mellifluous mutters. "You might remember that they will do everything in their power to scare you and control you and hinder your progress."
"Of course I remember them. I don't like that boy. He seemed nice at first but turned out to be quite unpleasant."
"Yes, unfortunately that is how they act. We must first meet your allies before we deal with them."
Saturn in Sagittarius
Claire and Mr. Mellifluous continue their journey and find a man carrying ten wands toward a house. Even as he strains to carry his burden and maintain his balance, the man speaks: "If you carry a heavy burden, Saturn helps you to discipline your mind so that you can focus on your goal. With the Fire of spiritual will and the influence of Saturn, you can attain heights that you never imagined possible. Discipline and focus your mind, and the great Archangel Auriel will work with you to transmute negativity into harmony. Auriel blesses even the most negative forces with divine love and harmony and light and wholeness and forgiveness and peace and abundance and joy. With you, she will neutralize them to create and maintain balance in our world."
Claire and Mr. Mellifluous watch silently as the man carries his burden to the house in the distance.
Saturn in Leo
Mr. Mellifluous and Claire continue on their journey and find some boys fighting each other with wands. "Oh, my, they are going to hurt each other with those wands!" Claire exclaims.
"They will, no doubt, to some extent, but in the process they will also learn the discipline of Saturn," Mr. Mellifluous.
"Why are you fighting each other so fiercely?" Claire shouts at the boys.
The boy in red replies between gasps for breath, "I am the youngest and the smallest, but I have the spirit of the lion within me, and I manifest the discipline of Saturn, so I can take on older and stronger boys and win. I know that if you fight for the highest good with a strong spirit, you might win despite all the odds, especially if you manifest the spirit of the lion!" The boy in red suddenly focuses again on the battle.
Saturn in Taurus
Claire and Mr. Mellifluous continue on their way and soon encounter a young farmer who stands next to a plant heavy with golden pentacles. He looks tired and a little dreamy.
Claire approaches carefully so as not to startle him. "Hello," she says politely. "I love your crop of pentacles."
"Why, thank you. I have worked the earth and nurtured it. I have planted the seeds and watered them and pulled the weeds and protected the roots and stem and vines and leaves. Now the pentacles are almost ripe. The five-pointed star of each pentacle reveals unity and harmony, both within each living pentacle and also throughout the cosmos, and each pentacle also contains the seeds of harmony. I have imagined these pentacles and done the work to make sure that their harmony will manifest on the earth, not only for myself but also for others."
Claire replied, "I have also experienced the harmony of the elemental and cosmic energies within the golden pentacles. Thank you, kind sir. You have such a wonderful connection with the earth, and you have done such a great job making sure that the pentacles grow!"
"Thank you, I appreciate that," the young farmer replies. As Claire and Mr. Mellifluous continue on their way, the farmer continues to gaze dreamily at his pentacles.
Suddenly a large heart with three swords thrust through it appears before Claire and Mr. Mellifluous. Rain pours around the heart, but an unexpected sense of harmony reigns in the atmosphere. No blood is dripping from the wounded heart.
The heart speaks to them: "Where there is life, there is also death and sorrow and suffering, but there is also an underlying unity of consciousness, which is the root of harmony. Where negativity or lack of balance exists, time can eventually heal the heart, but you can also create harmony and balance for yourself and others. You can cleanse the heart and mind just as the rain cleanses and brings forth new life. By exercising the discipline of Saturn and knowing the underlying unity of consciousness, you can create balance and harmony even out of the harshest experiences."
Suddenly the heart vanishes in the clouds, and Claire and Mr. Mellifluous continue on their way.
Saturn in Pisces
Claire and Mr. Mellifluous wander to the seashore and find a person heading up a steep slope next to the water.
The person speaks: "To create harmony, you need to exercise discipline and use your heart and your spiritual will, but you also need to use your imagination, which is why the moon is crucial in the process of creating harmony.
"First, you feel inspiration and then create in your imagination the form that you wish harmony to take in the world. Mercury, who is associated with the intellect, helps you to create harmonious forms in the mind. On one level, Mercury is Saturn operating in the sphere of the human mind. The human mind that creates harmony is like the Source in the act of creation. The human mind contains this god-like power, and sometimes a person, after creating harmony in the world, imagines attaining greater heights to create greater harmony. That is why I am climbing the hill: I have imagined a greater good."
"Do you see what I see?" Mr. Mellifluous suddenly asks Claire.
“I see a lady floating in the clouds surrounded by a wreath. Red ribbons in the shape of the infinity symbol at top and bottom seem to be holding the wreath together. I see the symbols of the four elements. The oval where she floats is clear, as though cleansed of all worries and concerns.”
Mr. Mellifluous responds, “The woman floats in a clear oval shape resembling a mirror. The oval is the ‘sphere of sensation,’ also known as the aura, the subtle energy field that surrounds the physical body. The sphere of sensation contains the ‘world’ that you create through your experiences on this plane as a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being.
His voice deepens, “Gazing into the mirror of ‘The World,’ you are faced with a choice: Cling to the lower self or rise up and experience regeneration. The symbols of the elements, the bull, the eagle, the man, and the lion, which represent the four ‘elements of the wise’ and four dimensions of the self, reveal that this process is about the regeneration of all levels of your being so that you experience and manifest harmony."
Suddenly the woman speaks: "I am Auriel, the Archangel of the element of Earth. If you are ever facing evil, child, you can call on me to bless and neutralize the dark force with divine love and harmony and light and wholeness and peace and abundance and joy. Do not fear the dark forces. Do not yell or curse or fight them, for they feed on fear and conflict, which makes them stronger. You must neutralize them with love and harmony. I will support you whenever you need me, dear child."
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