Friday, September 2, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Sorrow.

Decan: Saturn in 11 - 20 degrees of Libra
Tree of Life Association: Saturn in Binah (Third Sphere)

Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Sorrow.

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   You and Mr. Mellifluous are suddenly flying through the air, and you encounter a strange sight: A heart with three swords through it floats in the clouds as rain softly falls around it. Oddly, the heart is not bleeding. It seems that you are witnessing a symbol from some ancient dream.

Justice: Libra

   “Think of the woman with the sword and the scales,” Mr. Mellifluous advises. “Perhaps she can help you understand what we are seeing.”
   Suddenly you are once again in front of the crowned woman on her throne.
   She states, “Suffering has existed from the very beginning because all things within manifestation transform utterly in order to allow further growth and creation, but there is always balance within the cycles of birth, death, and regeneration. All forms change but the spirit progresses on its path. Without sorrow, there could be no dance, no joy, no love.

The World: Saturn

   “The God Saturn on a primal level restricts free-flowing force in form. Whatever tabernacles in form must die. Saturn can therefore be seen as the grim reaper, but without Saturn, there could be no beauty of proportion, no physical or emotional or mental or spiritual evolution. Despite sorrow, despite horror, the heart eventually gains understanding and re-establishes balance.

   "Be careful. The unbalanced energies of Saturn manifest as the Hinderers. Remember, these fiends might often seem like friends, but all they do is hamper, delay, and frustrate. They love to obstruct, interfere, and thwart. They live to inhibit and fetter and stymie, and they will block and burden and cripple you so that you can no longer continue on your path."

The Hinderers

   Meanwhile, Claire notices a boy on an orange dragon close to the seashore. She thinks that maybe talking with someone closer to her age for a change might be fun, so she spirals down to meet him.
   "Hi!" Claire blurts out when she flutters near him.
   "Hello, bug! Nice wings!" he responds enthusiastically.
   "How did you learn to fly on a dragon?" Claire inquires.
   "I hang out with all the right people. They have shown me many things. I could show you too," he smiles.
   "I'd really like that. But may I ask what kinds of things?" 
   "Of course! If you listen to me you can be rich and famous and stay forever young, like me! Would you like that?"
   "Oh, yes, please! What would you like me to do?"
   "First, you need to listen only to me and do everything I say. Can you do that?"
   "I think so, yes."
   "Good, 'cause it's your fault if you can't!"
   "I'll try not to let you down." Claire frowned.
   "You need to stop listening to all those weirdos out there. They just fill your head with nonsense."
   "Okay," Claire mumbled.
   "And you must never question me. Whatever I say goes. You got that?"
   "But what if I can't do it."
   "Then you'll be sorry! Why do you think I hold a snake and ride a dragon? Do you think, tiny bug, that you can escape from a dragon?"
   "Oh, my. No," Claire muttered.
   "Don't worry. I'll pay you what you need to survive, or almost enough. You can just go into debt if you need more than I give you and pay me back later when you're rich and famous."
   "But when do I get to be rich and famous?"
   "You need to prove yourself first, little bug! Not everyone can prove themselves worthy. Really, what are you thinking? You don't really know much of anything, do you?"
   Claire stared at the flame-like dragon squirming in the water. "Do I really have to do this?" she asked. "I'm fine the way I am. I like my journey."
   The boy roared with laughter, "You won't last long without me!"
   "Why are you doing this?" Claire whined.
   "I want to help you. Can't you see? You might end up a slave to the money till you die, but you never know, you might be able to prove yourself worthy! You might be thinking of escaping, but you'll never get away from me!"
   "You just want me to remain powerless!" Claire hissed. Suddenly, she launched into the sky and flew as fast as she could away from the boy and the dragon. Far below, the dragon seemed stuck in the water and the rocks, but she kept flying away as quickly as she could, nevertheless.


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