Sunday, September 11, 2022

 All Text, Music, and Illustrations, including Paintings, Photographs, and 3D models, Copyright © 2022 by Jim Robbins.


Meet the Lord of Perfected Success.

Decan: Mars in 21 - 30 degrees of Pisces
Tree of Life Association: The Four Elements in Malkuth (Tenth Sphere)

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Mr. Mellifluous and the Lord of Perfected Success

   You are wandering through the countryside with Mr. Mellifluous and come upon a joyful family. The parents embrace affectionately and gesture toward a rainbow with ten golden cups while their children dance. Oddly, the rainbow contains only the three primary colors. Their home, within its natural setting, appears modest. Their success seems less related to wealth and more related to happiness.
   Before Mr. Mellifluous even asks the question, you know the answer. The influences are not at all what you expected. You feel a great sense of purity as well as harmony with the natural world. An overpowering freshness emanates from the stream and the forest and the family itself.

The Moon: Pisces

   Suddenly you are next to the stream. A crayfish is crawling onto the land. A dog and a jackal are howling at the moon, which is partially eclipsing the sun. Suddenly the Moon speaks, “The lightning bolt of Mars has totally cleansed the couple who fell from of the tower. The Fire of Mars has burned away all negative thoughts and emotions to establish good health again on all levels. No illnesses remain, either psychologically or physically.

The Tower: Mars

   “This cleansing leaves a freshness on all levels of the psyche, the spirit, the intellect, the emotions, and the body. Fire penetrates deep into the subconscious mind to purify even the instincts, for you are related through evolution with all creatures, no matter how strange, plants and reptiles and animals.
   “When your psyche is purified, you are pulled to me, the Moon, because I reflect the light of the Source, and through me, you can know that light, both in yourself and in the world.”

Queen of Swords
with Claire


   Claire is flying above a stream when she sees someone familiar far below, so she decides to find out who it might be. When she lands next to the Queen of Swords, she remembers why the Queen looks so familiar. Claire curtseys. "How do you do, your majesty?"
   "Quite well, thank you! How are you, dear child?"
   "Very well, thank you, your highness. I know this might sound a little strange, your majesty, but I once imagined that I was a queen just like you!"
   The Queen chuckles, "Did you now? How did that go for you?"
   "It was kind of fun for awhile, but then I realized I wasn't really ready to be a queen."
   "Why is that?" the Queen inquired.
   "I decided it was probably a bit too much of a responsibility for someone my age...."
   The Queen laughed. "Very wise, my child."
   "What do you need to know to be a good queen?" Claire asked politely.
   "A great question for any child who wishes to be queen someday! Balance is the key, my dear."
   "What does that mean for you as a queen, your majesty?" 
   "You must purify your heart and mind so that your instincts and desires do not control you. So many leaders are really like children, selfish, greedy, ravenous for power, prideful, unable to care about anything but satisfying their own desires. You must understand that as the queen of your own domain, you have awesome power, which can result in great harm for you and your entire kingdom if you make choices based on unbalanced desires or uncontrolled instincts. 
   "If you purify your heart and mind, releasing all negativity from past suffering, you can rise above negative influences and have intuitive insights about the true intentions of others. You will find very few people are genuinely working for the highest good of others, my child, which can make your role as queen quite challenging.
   "As a queen, you must know your connection to the community of all life so that you can use your power for the highest good of your kingdom. When you purify your heart and mind and know how to neutralize negative influences, you eventually create balance within yourself. When you create harmony in yourself, you desire to create harmony in the world around you. Almost magically, you feel the harmony and divinity of all life and the underlying unity of all consciousness, which naturally motivates you to strive for harmony and abundance for your kingdom, not just for yourself, for everything is connected.
   "Harmony within yourself leads to acceptance and compassion for all life. Only when you know the harmony of creation and establish balance within yourself can you maintain balance within your kingdom, my child. Now, please, go enjoy the festivities and have some fun!"
   Claire bowed. "Yes, your majesty. Thank you, your majesty. I will!" she replied. Then she flew off to join the dance below.

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